Existance of zyklon B alone proves the holocaust true!

If Fuhrer wasn't gassing jews, then why was hundreds of zyklon B cannisters found at the camps? What was their purpose?

If you're thinking delousing and disinfecting, then you're wrong, it was recently scientifically proven that you don't need so many canisters to delouse and disinfect the size of the rooms at the camps. There had to have been other uses and we know there is only one. GASSING OF INNOCENTS by the SS.

Holocaust deniers have to look at the evidence and accept the truth. Don't let antisemitism distort a reality and truth that is right infront of you.

Other urls found in this thread:


Lice. Jews are covered in vermin

Also read this...


Zyklon was originally used by the nazis as a method of rat extermination. When hitler came to power he aggressively pushed improving industry standards in factories. Pest extermination was a big part of that.

On 4 Oct 1943, during a secret meeting with top SS officials in the city of Poznań (Posen), Himmler referred explicitly to "extermination" of Jews. A translated excerpt:

> I also want to refer here very frankly to a very difficult matter. We can now very openly talk about this among ourselves, and yet we will never discuss this publicly. Just as we did not hesitate on 30 June 1934, to perform our duty as ordered and put comrades who had failed up against the wall and execute them, we also never spoke about it, nor will we ever speak about it. Let us thank God that we had within us enough self-evident fortitude never to discuss it among us, and we never talked about it. Every one of us was horrified, yet every one clearly understood that we would do it next time, when the order is given, when it becomes necessary.

> I am now referring to the evacuation of Jews, to the extermination of the Jewish People. This is something that is easily said: 'The Jewish People will be exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it is in our program—elimination of the Jews, extermination, a small matter.' And then they turn up, the upstanding 80 million Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say the others are all swines, but this particular one is a splendid Jew. But none has observed it, endured it. Most of you here know what it means when 100 corpses lie next to each other, when there are 500 or when there are 1,000. To have endured this and at the same time to have remained a decent person—with exceptions due to human weaknesses—has made us tough, and is a glorious chapter that has not and will not be spoken of. Because we know how difficult it would be for us if we still had Jews as secret saboteurs, agitators and rabble-rousers in every city, what with the bombings, with the burden and with the hardships of the war. If the Jews were still part of the German nation, we would most likely arrive now at the state we were at in 1916 and '17 ...

I'd like to hear holocaust sceptics work with this article and provide counterarguments.

- Hitler's motivation for authorising Himmler's speeches was to ensure that all party leaders were made aware of these plans and actions.

- Thus, it would be impossible for them to later deny knowledge of the killings.

- Because the Allies had indicated that they were going to pursue criminal charges for German war crimes, Hitler tried to gain the loyalty and silence of his subordinates by making them all parties to the planned genocide.

Hitler knew exactly what he was doing, yet people keep denying it like morons.

They'll say it's a Jew lie. There nothing bad with being skeptic about the Holocaust, I am when it comes to the amount of people killed, but it did happen

>everybody knew Hitler wanted to kill the Jews. It was, like, common knowledge
>here, just look at this speech from a secret meeting

denying the holocaust = slandering hitler as a faggot

(WTF captcha wants me to click on gas stations)


What about everyone else that died. Why do they not matter as much as Jews?

>look at the evidence

Seems legit.

They'd put clothing in a room and drop the zyklon B in to get rid of insects that spread disease. These rooms were later claimed to have been used for murdering people not helping them. You see jews in photos emaciated and diseased because allied bombing destroyed the supply lines to these camps causing food shortages and all kinds of hell. I don't believe the germans are heinous murderers and while jews may have been used as some kind of scapegoat I don't necessarily believe there was explicit plans to eradicate or exterminate them in Europe. What seems more truthful is that Hitler would have sent them to Israel after the war was over. It's time consuming, resource intensive and sadistic to genocide millions of people. Confessions to such an agenda during torture are not valid. If your balls were being crushed and forced to eat your own excrement you'd probably admit to something that isn't true either. Much of WW2 is a huge lie and I feel sorry Germans have their reputation and value dragged through the mud. How can one even go about gassing and burning the bodies of millions of people during a war on two fronts? Germans didn't even have the resources like fuel to protect cities like Dresden from cruel British bombings. Yet they had fuel to burn bodies to ash?

How can you survive inhaling cyanide gas six times?

In the second world war enemies of the state were rounded up based on ethnicity. Their property sold by the government. They were then loaded on trains and sent to work camps. This is exactly what Canada and Americans did to the Japanese. Its not proof of organized attempted European genocide of Jews.

>A translated excerpt:
yeah, sure, buddy. Post the original, you poogger

It's was used to make coffee.

Also: It was invented by a Jew.

There's a bad holocaust joke here. Can't seem to recall it at the moment.

...Ah hell, I'll steal /k/'s joke
>Should I lubricate my gas chamber
"Uf course you should lubricate the gas chamber. It makes it so much easier to remove the filth that gets deposited there."
>Can somebody besides Fucking Hitler answer my question?


These holocaust conspiracy theorists would have us believe that a vast secret conspiracy ran what amounts to slaugterhouses where Jews were methodically killed and cremated assembly line style.

Of course for all this effort and efficiency, we have over a million survivors, many of whom by their own accounts survived multiple years, multiple camps, and in some cases even multiple gassings.

Add to that the outrageous testimony of the "survivor's" victim porn fantasy, then throw anybody in jail who calls bullshit.

Honestly, if you can't see through this fairy tale there is no fucking hope for you.

Canadian government also called for Japanese genocide in speeches. It wasn't attempt at genocide even after two nukes

I'd say the chances are very slim. There have been cases of people poisoning others with intention to kill them and they don't die. Most likely not lethal doses of cyanide gas, 6 times, though.

It's unbelievable, but it happened.

I have a better question.

Why would you waste so much money systematically gassing them when you could just deny them water for a few days.

You become immune.

Repeated exposure can create resistance. Granted, this means you've got to survive cyanide poisoning first.

I.. I can't answer that

>There have been cases of people poisoning others with intention to kill them and they don't die.

Of course the narrative here is that people who poison jews round the clock don't have enough experience to get it right.

Why bother with the expense of housing them for a few days. Line them up at the edge of a mass grave, shoot them in the head and move on. It's how every other genocide has occurred.

The one thing that gets me is that Hitler didn't even particularly kill that many people. Stalin killed far more people, in far worse conditions. Mao starved 100m of his people on purpose. African tribes have genocided each other for centuries. Etc, etc. That Hitler is the almost cartoonish face of absolute evil is absurd.

They do matter but not as much because its not considered genocide. For instance, SS killed about 15000 Soviet POWs in captivity. Would really classify them as Genocide? No, you wouldn't it.

The holocaust is GENOCIDE because they were specifically targetted. That's why it matters more than other victims.

When the US dropped atomic bombs on the Japs, there were few Chinese and Koreans who were present in nippon who died too, due to radiation. Your question is basically like asking why those deaths didn't matter as much as Jap victims. The answer is simple, the japs were targetted therefore it matters more.

Ideally it would not be difficult. Cyanide gas is incredibly lethal which makes the narrative very suspicious. Lead, cadmium, mercury, tungsten poisoning etc. no where near as deadly and more believable. Cyanide gas, though? Death in moments.

unbelievable, but it happened


Zyklon B was a common cyanide pesticide. During WW2, Germans used it to delouse fabrics at concentration camps, because of the typhus epidemic that raged across Eastern Europe from 1941.

Typhus was the primary cause of death in German WW2 concentration camps, the vast majority near the end of the war as German society collapsed.

For example, Anne Frank and her sister, Margot, died from typhus in the camp hospital at Bergen-Belsen. 15,000 of the 50,000 Jews who died in Bergen-Belsen died AFTER it had been liberated and put under quarantine by British troops.

>Nearly 14,000 prisoners would die after liberation.

Americans used Zyklon B to fumigate the clothes of Mexican immigrants at the border.

>Zyklon B arrived in El Paso in the 1920s courtesy of the US government. In 1929, for example, a Public Health Service officer, J.R. Hurley, ordered $25 worth of the material–hydrocyanic acid in pellet form–as a fumigating agent for use at the El Paso delousing station, where Mexicans crossed the border from Juárez.

Zyklon B was also used for a variety of purposes by the British Empire, including fumigating passenger ships and food granaries, as discussed in these journals.

>During the past three years various products such as Zyklon B have been used in Colombo in the fumigation of vessels, lighters, granaries, rat burrows

>A Report on the Disposal of Zyklon-B Residue following the Fumigation of the Holds of Vessels

As discussed in the journal above, Zyklon B leaves behind a distinctive Prussian blue residue on exposure. As you can see in pic related, the Prussian blue residue is clearly present in the Majdanek fumigation chambers, but not in the Auschwitz main homicidal gas chamber.

>Zyklon B was used to fumigate the clothes of Mexican immigrants at the border

I hope Trump brings this back.

You could literally buy cyanide at every drug store in the US at that time. They used it to kill ants and other rodents. Why wouldn't Germany & Europe be filled with poison during this era?

In pic related, you can see American soldiers inspecting clothes that had been disinfected by Zyklon B at Dachau. As confirmed by the USHMM,

>There is no credible evidence that the gas chamber in Barrack X was used to murder human beings.

It was always a poison designated to kill vermin.
Hitler just slighly altered the definition of vermin.

>Prussian blue

That test was deemed unreliable and the guy who did that test, leucther was a fraud...

> In February 1990, Professor Jan Markiewicz, Director of the Forensic Institute of Cracow, redid the analysis. Markiewicz decided that the Prussian blue test was unreliable because it depended on the acidity of the environment, which was low in the gas chambers. Markiewicz and his team used microdiffusion techniques to test for cyanide in samples from the gas chambers, from delousing chambers, and from living areas elsewhere within Auschwitz. The living quarter samples (negative controls) tested negative, while cyanide residue was found in both the delousing chambers and the gas chambers. The amount of cyanide found had a great variability, possibly due to 50 years of exposure to the elements to varying degrees, but even so, the categorical results were that cyanide was found where expected in both the gas chambers and the delousing facilities, and not found in the living quarters, supporting the hypothesis that the gas chambers were exposed to high levels of cyanide like the delousing facilities, and not low levels for routine fumigation, like the living quarters.

The camps in the Western Allies occupied zones were inspected comprehensively. No evidence of genocide was ever found, despite claims for decades of gassings and other atrocities in those camps.

Dr Charles P Larson was the head of the forensic coroner group that investigated the camps in Western Allied occupied zones. He described this experience in his book.

>Crime Doctor: Dr. Charles P. Larson, world's foremost medical-detective, reports from his crime file

As part of the US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. He was later questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors on his findings.

In an interview with the Wichita Eagle, 1 April 1980, he called the holocaust a hoax.

>Larson has talked little publicly about the war experience. One reason for his silence has been that his autopsy findings conflicted with the widely held belief that most Jews in Nazi camps were exterminated by gassing, shooting or poisoning.

>"What we’ve heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax," Larson said...

>...most died as a result of the conditions to which they were subjected rather than mass exterminations...

>...autopsies showed that "death by gassing and shooting were rare. Never was a case of poisoning uncovered."


The holohoax is a myth and even the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it. Only baby boomers buy a giant lie built on widely disparate and contradicting stories (many proven false) and the idea that all physical evidence and the lack thereof should be excluded from the conversation on penalty of prison.

I still prefer to argue that internment was more than justified. I bring up the 1918 German communist revolution where 90% of the leadership was Jewish, kike Lenin and his kike NKVD murdering any halfway intelligent ethnic Russian after the civil war, Jew NKVD head Yagoda and his merry band of kikes famining 6,000,000 European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's, etc. etc. etc.

> In 1988, Leuchter traveled to several sites of structures identified as gas chambers, where, although he did not have permission to do so, he collected samples from walls, ceilings and floors, using a chisel and hammer to chip and scrape off pieces of the masonry. He took copious notes about the floor plans and layout, and all of his actions were videotaped by a cameraman. (Leuchter, who had been married for about one month before the trip, told his wife that the trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau was their honeymoon. Leuchter then brought the samples back to Boston, where he presented them to Alpha Analytical Laboratories, a chemical laboratory, for testing. Leuchter told Alpha only that he would use the samples as evidence in a court case about an industrial accident. The lab tested them for exposure to cyanide and found trace amounts in the crematoria, which Leuchter dismissed in his report:

> It is notable that almost all the samples were negative and that the few that were positive were very close to the detection level (1mg/kg); 6.7 mg/kg at Krema III; 7.9 mg/kg at Krema I. The absence of any consequential readings at any of the tested locations as compared to the control sample reading 1050 mg/kg supports the evidence that these facilities were not execution gas chambers. The small quantities detected would indicate that at some point these buildings were deloused with Zyklon B—as were all the buildings at all these facilities.

I'll bite though. I want to believe but it's so hard.

>Where did the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash go?
>Why on all of the aerial photos of the war are there no massive coal piles at the camps, massive coal trains, or massive coal mines that are surely required to torch 3k bodies per camp per day?
>How did IG Farben produce hundreds of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their remaining chemical plant and why didn't they just use a simple ammonia/bleach combo which is far more deadly than hydrogen cyanide but notably doesn't kill lice?
>Why did Germans use the most inefficient and costly methods available with the Jew when they had hundreds of state of the art industrial slaughterhouses and were low on fertilizer? Why didn't they make a nice Jewish paste to spread on the fields next spring?

Again I want to believe but it's so fucking hard sometimes.

(part 2)
> Leuchter compares the low amounts in the Krema to the higher readings in his positive control sample.

>Lab manager James Roth testified under oath to the results at the trial. It was only after he got off the stand that Roth learned what the trial was about. In an interview for Morris' film, Roth states that cyanide would have formed an extremely fine layer on the walls, to the depth of one-tenth of a human hair. Leuchter had taken samples of indeterminate thickness (he is seen in Morris' film hammering at the bricks with a rock hammer). Not informed of this, Roth had pulverized the entire samples, thus severely diluting the cyanide-containing layer of each sample with an indeterminate amount of brick, varying for each sample. Roth offers the analogy that the tests were like "analyzing paint on a wall by analyzing the timber that's behind it."

> Leuchter did not examine the walls of the gas chambers until 50 years after they had been used; his critics note that it would have been virtually impossible to discover any cyanide at all using his method. In fact, tests conducted on ventilation grates immediately after the end of the war showed substantial amounts of cyanide. The chambers were demolished by the Nazis when they abandoned Auschwitz, and the facilities Leuchter examined were, in fact, partially reconstructed. Leuchter was unaware that part of the camp and chambers were reconstructed, so he had no way of knowing if the bricks he was scraping were actually part of the original gas chamber.

A bunch of shills talking to each other. Hi guize.

(part 3)

> Many of Leuchter's conclusions are based on the assumption that it would take 20 to 30 hours to air a room disinfected with Zyklon-B; since far lower concentrations are required when gassing people than for delousing, it would take only 20 to 30 minutes to air out the room. Therefore, the forced ventilation systems used would be more than adequate to allow the gas chambers to be operated without endangering the executioners. When questioned in court, Leuchter admitted he had not seen a document by the Waffen SS Commandant for construction issued when the gas chambers were constructed, which estimated they had a 24-hour capacity of 4756 people, more than 30 times Leuchter's estimate of 156.

>Leuchter's opposition to the possibility of gas chambers rests on the relatively low concentration of cyanide residue measured in his sample of the remains of the gas chambers in Auschwitz, compared to his sample of the "delousing chambers" in which clothes were deloused using the same gas, hydrogen cyanide. However, his report contains the assumption that lower concentrations are required for delousing than to kill humans and other warm blooded creatures; in fact, with their simpler structures and slower metabolisms, insects are more resistant to such gross metabolic poisons than mammals. Both toxicological study and practical experience demonstrate that it takes a much higher concentration of cyanide (16,000 parts per million) to kill insects than to kill humans (300 PPM), as well as an exposure time of many hours rather than only minutes. Leuchter also fails to explain his belief that Zyklon-B was used for delousing, in view of his belief that the product would present technical difficulties in ventilating and decontaminating such as to make it impractical for use in a gas chamber. Nor has he ever explained why such large chambers would be needed for delousing clothes.

>jews posting jew things
sage urself pajeeet



why do you even care about any of this pajeet? your nation is full of poo and poo colored people. You are poor, you smell, you cannot into civilizaion and the majority of your population is functionally retarded.

yet you post your opinion on Sup Forums as if we care. you should instead be thinking about how to fix the putrid abortion of a country you live in. No one care what you think is real or not here, just let that sink in for a second. No one cares, just like no one cares about you or your subhuman people. If your entire nation were to disappear tomorrow the world would be better off.

most kikes fly foreign goy flags on here it seems

>That test was deemed unreliable and the guy who did that test, leucther was a fraud...
No it wasn't and no he isn't. Fred Leuchter was THE leading American expert on gas chamber technology at the time and the results of his testing gave been replicated by Auschwitz museum authorities and other independent researchers. Try arguing any time. Ad hominens are nit arguments.



it was for delousing
lice were spreading typhus and shit like crazy
have you ever seen people suffering from typhus, OP?
i'll wait for your response while you go shit in the street

You don't need that much Zyklon B to delouse the rooms once.
You do need that much Zyklon B to delouse the rooms several times. Typhoid always comes back for round two, three, four, etc.

Wartime disease 101.

>RECENTLY scientifically proven

He had too much! He's definitely a murderer!

Even Nazis understood logistics better than you.

Not everything is produced at the same time it's needed.

You're wasting your time. The results of the Leuchter reports have since been replicated by both the Auschwitz museum


and Germar Rudolf, an Australian chemistry professor who gained his doctorate from the Max Planck Institute


Your ad hominem attacks are not relevant.

Why weren't they using it against invaders if they were that inhumane?

Surely they would've just dumped tons of it into their occupied territory when it was clear they weren't holding on to it.

Stalin didn't use masturbation machines to kill boys though. Only someone truly evil would imagine such devices.

I love how this kike just said the chief American gas chamber technologist, the most qualified person in the world, was a fraud. Apparently wooden doors with 1 inch gaps can stop the ridiculous concentration of hydrogen cyanide that is required to kill a human.

The holohoax is a giant distraction.


See something in common? What about with the three people held chiefly responsible for this?


(((Gengrikh Yagoda))), (((Lazar Kaganovich))), and Vyacheslav Molotov, yeah that molotov, which wasn't Jewish but sure enough was married to a very prominent kike. I can thank the ukes out west for making our teachers teach us this shit.

> Below you can find several excerpts from the testimonies of the Topf engineers Karl Schultze, Fritz Sander and Kurt Pruefer, who were interrogated in the Soviet captivity. The legitimate question arises: were they tortured or otherwise coerced by SMERSH to give the testimonies about gas chambers? The answer is obvious to logical people who have read these fragments. Engineers argue that the ovens they installed at Auschwitz were less efficient than civilian ones. Pruefer says that in Auschwitz 1 corpse was cremated in 1 muffle in 1 hour. Obviously, if SMERSH would coerce them, they would testify about the super-ovens, in which 5 corpses could be burned in one muffle in 15 minutes. It follows, then, that they were not coerced. Their testimonies prove that there were gas chambers in Kremas I, II and III.

Translation was done by Roberto Muehlenkamp.

Pruefer, 5 Mar., 1946:


Extensive testing has been done on the Auschwitz gas chamber walls. They were found to contain only trace amounts of cyanide, as much as one would expect to find in a room that had been fumigated.

In America in the late 80s, Fred Leuchter was “The nation’s leading adviser on capital punishment," according to the New York Times (October 13, 1990). In 1988, he tested the walls of the Auschwitz gas chamber at the behest of Ernst Zundel and found only trace amounts of cyanide. It was this scientific proof of a gas chamber hoax that brought holocaust revisionism into the mainstream (1:23).



The results of the Leuchter reports have since been replicated by both the Auschwitz museum


and Germar Rudolf, an Australian chemistry professor who gained his doctorate from the Max Planck Institute


Did the Nazis gas thousands of Jews at a time for years on end using only trace amounts of cyanide gas from a common pesticide? No. Nevertheless, it is sold as a gas chamber by the Auschwitz museum to millions of tourists every single year.

We know that it is a Soviet reconstruction of an air raid shelter made to look like a homicidal gas chamber, including holes in the roof and a fake chimney that isn't even connected to anything (pic related). We know all this because Dr. Franciszek Piper, the head curator of the Auschwitz museum, is on camera describing this in an interview with the Jewish American historian David Cole in 1992 (23:49).


No, a few people tortured by Jewish NKVD officers does not proof make. What a Jewish post but i'll give you four good ones that come to mind. I want to believe but it's so hard.

>Where did the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash go?
>Why on all of the aerial photos of the war are there no massive coal piles at the camps, massive coal trains, or massive coal mines that are surely required to torch 3k bodies per camp per day?
>How did IG Farben produce hundreds of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their remaining chemical plant and why didn't they just use a simple ammonia/bleach combo which is far more deadly than hydrogen cyanide but notably doesn't kill lice?
>Why did Germans use the most inefficient and costly methods available with the Jew when they had hundreds of state of the art industrial slaughterhouses and were low on fertilizer? Why didn't they make a nice Jewish paste to spread on the fields next spring?

Again I want to believe but it's so fucking hard sometimes.


[...]Question: In what respects do the crematoria for the concentration camps differ from the civilian ones?
> Answer: In the civilian crematoria there was an introduction opening (muffle) for burning of the corpse, in rare cases two. In the crematoria for the concentration camps there were three introduction openings. The size of the introduction openings at the crematoria for concentration camps is smaller - 70 x 70 cm -, the length is two meters, as opposed to two meters and thirty centimeters in civilian crematoria.

> Instead of a rolling car on rails, on which the corpse inside a coffin goes into the introduction opening, in the crematoria for the concentration camps the corpse is inserted on a hand-carried litter without a coffin.

> In the civilian crematoria, heated air is previously introduced by means of a special bellow, which leads the corpse to burn more quickly and without smoke.

> The construction of the crematoria for the concentration camps is different; it does not allow for previously heating the air, for which reason the corpse burns more slowly and generating smoke. In order to reduce the smoke as well as the smell of the burning corpse, a ventilation is used.

Question: What number of corpses could be burned at Auschwitz per hour in one crematorium?

> Answer: In one crematorium, which had five ovens or fifteen muffles, fifteen corpses were burned in one hour.

Question: Since when did you personally receive the task of building crematoria for the concentration camps?[...]



1/10 bait response


>over a million survivors

How can ovens from 1940 burn bodies faster and more efficiently than ovens we have today?

Who made and supplied the zyklon B? thats the question u need to ask yourself

to gas poos

Nobody is going to buy your entire holohoax because a few people that had their nuts crushed by Jewish NKVD officers caved.

The youth of today will not accept testimony we want PROOF. We've known Jews to be lying cheats in our personal lives, and were taught these fucking ridiculous stories as children.

ENOUGH with your filthy ass word games. Start answering our questions, we want to believe.

>Where did the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash go?
>Why on all of the aerial photos of the war are there no massive coal piles at the camps, massive coal trains, or massive coal mines that are surely required to torch 3k bodies per camp per day?
>How did IG Farben produce hundreds of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their remaining chemical plant and why didn't they just use a simple ammonia/bleach combo which is far more deadly than hydrogen cyanide but notably doesn't kill lice?
>Why did Germans use the most inefficient and costly methods available with the Jew when they had hundreds of state of the art industrial slaughterhouses and were low on fertilizer? Why didn't they make a nice Jewish paste to spread on the fields next spring?

There's four. Answer those and i'll give you four more. I want to believe but it's so fucking hard.

a present?

like usual, you retards don't make a good faith effort to accurately depict holocaust "denial."

muh 6 gorillion lampshadess

"One Third of the Holocaust" by Denierbud.

A two-minute excerpt: "If you're going to get off a train, and get gassed within the hour, and then thrown into a pit; what is the point of a haircut? Yet that's part of the story." youtube.com/watch?v=A2sWBu5K2iw

The full film: youtube.com/watch?v=7dxsVSzL4HE

Buchenwald: A Dumb-Dumb Portrayal of Evil youtube.com/watch?v=4cYaonpIGYk&list=PL9214BB79AFF288E1

Auschwitz youtube.com/watch?v=ZvIqT6eCEjM

Gas hindus and jews

A few hundred thousand died at most but I usually let the Jew harp on about his testimonies while I make the case that they deserved full internment and deportation.

If this wasn't justification for deporting every last Jew from Germany watching Jew NKVD head Gengrikh Yagoda, Stalin's right hand (Jew) Lazar Kaganovich, and (Jew-married) Minister Molotov (yes that Molotov) famine 6,000,000 European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's was certainly justification for full internment and deportation. The NKVD which was almost entirely Jewish from the outset had murdered any halfway intelligent gentile in Russia/Ukraine and it's hard to dispute this was the plan for Germany and the rest of Western Europe.

Germans seen this writing on the wall and were the sole force that stopped judeo-communism from completely overrunning and destroying Western Europe.

>mfw you realize the holocaust myth is to distract from the fact that jews tried to genocide the entire world with communism

Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.

6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds. (LOL)

In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.

It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaneously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.

That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total number of jews killed would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.

How can any Jew, Israeli, or Shill ever even argue this story when just simple math is enough to destroy the whole argument? Can any Jews respond to this?


>it was recently scientifically proven that you don't need so many canisters to delouse and disinfect the size of the rooms at the camps

give link plz

Zyklon B was used on clothes. While there are traces of the substance in the clothes storage rooms (and the walls have turned blue - a side effect of exposure to it), there are ZERO traces of it in the supposed gas chambers nor any wall staining.

>mfw 6 gorillion dead jews is meme status but 66 gorillion dead russkies is who status

>It is known from cremations carried out in 1874 that a 47-pound child could be cremated in 25 minutes, a 144-pound woman in 50 minutes and a 227-pound man in 55 minutes.
William Eassie, Cremation of the Dead (London:1875),106-108; See also Scientific American , Vol. 30, May 9, 1874, p. 295 and Vol. 117, 1917, p. 22.

>In 1875 it was reported that a body could be cremated in 50 minutes.
H.R.Haweis, Ashes to Ashes (London:1875), 101

>After about half an hour, whether the furnace has gotten up to a temperature of 1100°C or whether it is 900°C, there is a rapid fall away, and I think the investigations should be concerned with the last twenty minutes or so of the cremation cycle. At that time you have in the cremator a very small quantity of body material...roughly the size of a rugby football, about twenty minutes from the end of the cremation, and this is the thing which is most difficult to remove.
Statement by Mr. L.G.A. Leonard of TABO Cremators at Verbatim Conference of the 1975 Annual Conference organized by The Cremation Society of Great Britain (Eastbourne:1975), 83.

>In Germany of the 1880s it was possible to cremate a body and the coffin which housed it in 60 to 75 minutes.
Transactions of the Cremation Society of England (London: 1885),60


>mfw the real tragedy of the holocaust is that we didn't completely wipe jews off the face of the earth for good, finally bringing about world peace.

Don't take it from me: take it from this faggot Jew who went to Auschwitz:


stupidest thing i've read today

>obscure telegrams
>if they weren't gassed, then where did they go?
>no evidence or methodology outlining the logical feasibility of the claims
Not an argument.

Forgot the damn link.


source this now india or you are lying

Can't wait for somebody to go onto my computer to find that I have amassed a collection of Holocaust denial pics. Thanks, colony.

OP don't even waste your breath trying to explain historical facts to a bunch of white trash losers who think Nazis are cool because of the uniforms. Nazi sympathizers are angry, and because the Nazis are hated, they use their identity and have sympathy for them, and because we hate Nazis, they use the hate we give them to turn around and justify their hate for everyone, They tend to be white and hate all cultures and races. They proclaim to want to protect the white race but then yet, go around and justify the killing of WHITE Jewish people and deny the Halocaust. Nazis sympathizers are fucking retarded and live in a trailer park.

But how long and how much space would be needed to discard all the remains? Ya can't just have a revolving oven door and need not to clean up, remove, and dispose of remains.

Himmler considered using firing squads but it was taking such a heavy psychological toll on the executioners. They still used shootings rather often though, like at Babi Yar. The Croatian fascists used similar methods. But the number of Jews to be killed was much to large for all of them to be killed by shooting.
As for Stalin and Mao, Stalin had about 1.4 million executed (by generous estimates) in his paranoid purge of the mid and late 30s. Adding in the million or two deaths from labor camps (mostly during the war) and the several million dead from the 1932-33 famine, he killed probably 10 million. Mao killed many people but it wasn't 100m.
