He's an atheist

>he's an atheist
>he's a pagan


Paganism is dumber than atheism to be honest

Nice user

Christcucks will soon find their religion merged with Islam.

I'm Atheist.
I will however defend the right's of Christians within Europe, especially in my homeland as out entire culture has been built on it.

I don't need to believe in God to see the fact that Christianity is the bedrock of European civilisation. We use it to build upon to become the best and worst of what we are.

Any Atheist who thinks that an entirely godless state would be paradise is wrong. That being said, a state run by religion would be equally horrific.

I thought Atheism was shrinking in the West. Which is it?

It was Christianity that allowed the virtue signaling poz to spread take over the West. This is an undeniable fact. It is also a fact that Christian tradition is old and weak. It has no energy left in it What is needed is a vigorous new religion.

religiousity was declining, but atheism is self defeating because atheists don't have any kids. so it's projected to rebalance to an extent

A revival can be equally powerful as a new religion. The only reason it has grown so weak is because the world wars traunatized the west. That trauma was ((capitalized)) upon to pound the virtue signaling mental illness into the masses. But we're waking up now.

Godless or not, I really don't care. The only time I would care is if somebody is shoving it down my throat, and they're not using it to rape children or whatever.

It might be self defeating for some people, but not everybody. I know a billion more people who identify as "spiritual" or religious in someway than there are atheists. It's literally nothing.

I have 3 kids.
Also Atheist.
Kids can decide later in life if they need or want god. That's their choice to make.

Not all Atheists want to see religion die out, I do however hate to see it used by people to commit atrocities. No-one has gone on a killing spree, or committed genocide because of an atheist view point. That's atheism's biggest advantage beyond the fact it follows the evidence.


You seem good though my friend. Pic only applies if it's systematic and culture wide. I really have no problem with individuals choosing to believe what they will

They were atheists. They didn't kill in the name of atheism.

The days of religion dominating Western society has ended. Even if a numerical majority of people still adhere to a religion, religion as a whole has been questioned too much to enforce a blind and utter adherence to it. It's become a personal experience and authority has been replaced with compassion. I don't want to see any religion die out, but I have no interest in deluding myself, and I certainly won't force it on my children.

They were also cis-het-non-disabled-males of European heritage. Really makes you think. Surely religious genderfluid SJWs from Africa with a billion diseases are the best people.

>my roots are dumb but these foreign middle-eastern jewish roots are totes awesome
Oh wait Christianity is not jewish, because muh infograph done in MS Paint

> christianity is a culture of europe
Ofc it is if it cleansed every other european culture. Every european nation use to have their personal identity, now it's just a same medivial cathedrals worshipping a kike all over the continent.

Racial egalitarianism was explicitly a christian movement. Educate yourself about the "Enlightenment"

>I kill you in the name of no God because God(s) don't exist

This we should go back to the old ways or find a new path Christianity is dead.

>European refers to the ethnicity AND religion of Europe
And opinion immediately discarded.

>Christianity was outlawed in the USSR (And other commie states) because thry put their faith in God rather their athiest commie regime
>They didnt kill in the name of atheism

>religion of europe
Why would the religion of white Europeans center on worshiping a nonwhite nonEuropean?
Jesus seems to get a pass on Sup Forums because a lot of Christians here can pretend that the Levant was whiter back in the day, but what if it wasn't?
Would you still support Christianity if Jesus was proven to look like pic related?

they do realize that the red hand of ulster flag of the province of ulster dated back to ancient Gaelic Ireland.

I would. Pol has been invaded by stormfags. The real threat isn't skin colour but liberal degeneracy supported by the irrational philosophy of atheism. Empower conservatism, fix the west and ghettos won't even exist anymore. You won't have black hood rats talking in slang or white chavs, instead you'd have educated conservatives all working together talking in a unified English language without any slang.

Jesus could have been black and that wouldn't change anything. Jesus wasn't a nigger because he was clearly very educated. There's a difference between being black and being a nigger who thinks "the man" is out to get you.


>the real threat isn't skin colour
The impending destruction of the white race IS a threat. Nonwhites simply existing on the earth is one thing, but when you raise them to your level and even worship one of them as a God, you invite future generations of white people to race mix.

>he participates in pagan rituals like drinking a virgin's first period blood

Maybe you can realize that what makes the west so great was Christianity + enlightenment philosophy

What made the West so great was and is Europeans!
That's the reasons why other parts of the world are not so great ... no Europeans