We got cucked

Does anyone else think it's obvious that we were just useful pawns to the alt right AND neocons?!

We played ourselves. Whats Sup Forums's rule? We aren't your personal army! Well we thought we were Trump's and we got conned, we wont get anything we want out of this administration

Farage, Trump, Le Pen? All the same, were just useful idiots to them

Who cares? What matters is that *we* did it.

Fuck off shariablue

Do not joke with the war, fuck. There are other guys here. This is not Iraq, it is not Afghanistan. Donald, your soldiers will be torn to pieces. This is 1 million selective soldiers of North Korea whore! They'll blow it all! They will pass the entire Atlantic in one hour! They will blow up all your destroyers, all your journalists, diplomats. Donald, you are a cowboy. Stop, fuck, you're done, you need to put the cartridges away in the warehouse. And forget about your woman. We had one asshole, consulted with his woman, she brought what the devil into the house, whore - and the great Russian empire collapsed. And another eccentric was, obeyed his woman - and the Soviet Union collapsed. And you will repeat the same mistake. You forget the woman, your woman has worked her, fuck. Think about the future of America: it is dying! Your young people are fleeing from your country. There nobody wants to live, in America, no one! You have a flea market, fuck! Dollar, dollar, dollar! It's ... a dirty green piece of paper, whore! No soul, no fucking, no music with you, no writers from you! The whole world listens to Tchaikovsky, Dostoevsky, whore. Festivals, sports - only Russia, whore. And Russia is here - Syria and North Korea! Here they love the president, and they despise you, fuck, despise! Your predecessor, whore - Clinton, whore, - he opened his pants right in his office! It's absolutely necessary to fuck off, damn it, so that some whore, in the office of the head of state, sucked him! Is this America ?! You fucked long ago, fuck! What are you doing, damn ?! Monica, fuck! What the fuck is the president ?! What war ?! What Middle East, whore ?! The blowjobs are fucking fucking! Onanists, pidaras, whores!

the tears were worth it to be honest


Hahah get fucked, The Establishment and deep state is called so for a reason.


>we get welfare for life in the form of a liberal tears IV drip

Trump a good boy! He din' do nuffin! Also, we gonn' need your money fo dem wall and military programs!

nice try shareblue

This meme war shit is so so so fucking cringey

Oy vey goy. learn to play or lurk more.

Cucks got cucked
why am I not astonished?


You seem to misunderstand the situation.
They are our useful idiots, not the other way around.

>1 million soldiers
Yeah, no. They aren't getting anywhere. Doesn't matter how well trained they are, we outnumber them about 19:1.


>being pro deep state
You don't deserve those trips.

You deserve it, sensible people warned you that Trump was a Zionist neocon when he spoke at AIPAC and you always defended it with 42D chess reddit memes.

Fuck everyone that voted for Trump, millions will die in WW3

>Sup Forums brainlets only realising this now

Oh you silly people :)

>die in WWIII
That would have been Hillary. Trump is a lot, and I mean a lot of small scale proxy wars crippling potential super powers instead of Hillarys Niggers approach starting Armageddon and have a Battle Royal over the whole planet.

I agree it was all a deal with the devil, but at least the devil pays.

>tfw liberals are on the wrong side of history.