What was the purpose of this movie?

What was the purpose of this movie?

To waste my time and money. It sucked donkey dick

ikr, WAY too slow of a movie

I loved it. Good movie.


Give me some good movies to download please. Anything will do. I like war movies, alien movies, good psychological thrillers, sci-fi, almost anything really. I don't really care for romance or comedy. Oh, and I guess some political movies haha. Movies please.

to make money by ripping off the day the earth stood still.

although i will say i liked the whole "non linear perception of time" idea.

Gay Niggers from Outspace should be right up your allie.

To prepare the normies

Going to download it now. I'm trusting you that this is a good movie, user.

To make Americans like China.

You want anime instead.

Thanks man!! Can't wait to check it out!!


I think the Canadian version stars Trudaeu. You should really enjoy it.

I don't know but that looks like a BBC so it's probably about the immigrant crisis

globalist propaganda

Tora Tora Tora

To shit on Alex Jones.
To push the (((global))) community.
To make China look good/equal to America.
To waste time and money.

Really? Idk if I can get into anime. Why should I watch anime?

To bore the living shit out of anyone who watched it.

The Rioom and TGSNT

Thanks man

It's not a bad movie, but if you are expecting some mindblowing sci-fi shit, you're about to be disappointed. It's a chick flick, a movie made with ladies in mind. It's not a chick flick in the sense of "Sex and the City", but more like in "feefees over science" kind of sense.

no good scholar will ever waste their time in matting in a romantic way.

this movie teaches the way of the peasant.

>girl with obscure skill set
>ignores all protocol
>solves problem
>saves world

The whole fucking solution was just handed to her while the men in the movie just wanted to blow shit up.