Spend 598 billion dollars on military

>spend 598 billion dollars on military
>top 1% get 40 billion in tax breaks

Tell me why we wouldn't be able to afford free college or healthcare, at the very least?

>muh gommunism!

Its not a matter of stopping the free market to hand out money, its a matter of people putting in some money to get something that protects and educates them

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That's mandatory spending, now look at discretionary spending

I mean, like, flip that

>Tell me why we wouldn't be able to afford free college or healthcare, at the very least?
That military spending includes the free college and healthcare provided to soldiers.

image what could be done if they just halved the military budget

What percentage?

Just factchecked, yeah, you're correct.

But my point still stands; why do we spend so much on military when we could be spending money on education or a single-payer healthcare system

I don't like to use the word US interest. That's why I wish some other critics, friends of ours, would stop saying "we go into this country, we go into that country, we do this and we do that" SH SHHH we dont do a thing, they do it to us. We are part of the victims, we are not part of the victimizers


free education and healthcare are always shit.

Ask me how I know.

Why is free college so Important?

Unless you need specialized training in a medical or engineering field, there's nothing college can teach you that you can learn on the job.

Why should the tax payer pay for somone to get a degree in business administration so you can work in a call center. We have POOs for rhat.

>Tell me why we wouldn't be able to afford free college or healthcare, at the very least?

>why dont we go singlepayer
Because that would triple the heathcare costs. We cannot effectively or logically bridge that gap even WITH a 100% military cut

I don't understand how we spend 23% of our federal budget on healthcare (Medicare and Medicaid) and we get shit to show for it, and France gets to spend 11% of its budget on healthcare and all of them get coverage. It's bull shit. We pay twice as much and receive a paltry amount

>discretionary spending

Why can't you faggots ever into government spending properly. Military is not the largest chunk of spending.

$40 billion in tax breaks for the rich? Try trillions.

>why don't we get a single-payer system
Because there are 150 million shitskins in this country that we'd have to take care of.
Corporate welfare + nonwhite parasites. Especially niggers and spics. At least the niggers kill each other off, the spics just breed like locusts.

>posts discretionary spending
>classic "muh 1%"

Don't vote or breed retard.

I don't wanna sound aggressive but no. Even ignoring niggers. France (as an example) spends half as much as we do and they get so much more. I genuinely think Americans are just taken to the cleaners. If we completely adopted Frances model, we could theoretically get "free" health care AND cut taxes

We're also a much larger country. As I said, it would technically be 'cheaper,' but look at Africa right now to see what keeping those subhumans alive gets you. I'd be all for a single-payer system in a white ethnostate, but we don't have that.
My main point is that while we should definitely stop this madness of getting raped by corporate interests (like pharmaceuticals), it is in no way desirable to further leech off the resources of whites in the country. You and I both know that the shitskin population will explode even faster if we do that. Pic related of what happens when you don't allow the untermenschen to die off.
>I don't wanna sound aggressive
Relax, friend, it's board culture to be aggressive.

>there are brown people and I don't like those so lets kills whites as well

Except we could pay for it with taxes. Other countries do it, why can't we?

We pay twice as much because our healthcare system has always been shit.

So we agree gas the kikes race war now and post war we single payer? Also saying we're a larger country is irrelevant. I used %, not raw numbers. Percentage is supreme for comparing different things

because basic economics, thats why. government subsidization is the reason college is so overpriced in the first place. obamacare is the reason premums have skyrocketed.

only in a free market will costs lower, and quality rise, because people can spend their money better than washington can.

private insurers competing for your business will always offer better service than a government program that forces you to pay. If a single-payer system really was superior to the free market it wouldn't be mandatory.

Twice the expenditure on debt repayment as education. You think this is somehow better? Love watching people like you get fucked in every hole by the entirely predictable late stage capitalism. Suck shit.

>So we agree gas the kikes race war now and post war we single payer?'
Yes, absolutely.

I just mentioned the larger size as it would increase relative costs quite a bit to adequately provide for a lot of our rural areas. Don't get me wrong, I'd still like it.

No. Kill yourself.

>Tell me why we wouldn't be able to afford free college or healthcare, at the very least?

Because that would not make rich Americans richer.

The 1% owns the government and therefore owns our asses.

Everybody bend over and take it like a good wage slave,

>government subsidization is the reason college is so overpriced in the first place. obamacare is the reason premums have skyrocketed.
Government subsidization is esentially a glorified loan system. It only pays off some of the education, but in return the student has a fuckton of debt. Incorperating college into the public education system wouldn't create any debt on the person whatsoever.

>obamacare is the reason premums have skyrocketed.
Obamacare is a shitty attempt to mix single-payer and free market healthcare. Free healthcare would just get rid of the premiums in general after being by being paid off by a progressive tax

>only in a free market will costs lower, and quality rise, because people can spend their money better than washington can.
The free market wouldn't be able to fix how expensive medical and professional education is.

There isn't anything wrong with capitalism.

The issue is that we're spending money on shit we literally don't need to be spending money on

Government subsidization of "private" corporations/entities is the problem. Why would they lower the asking prices if the government pays everything anyway?
Government undoubtedly suffers from bloat, but part of that is our particular system that hires legions of useless, barely literate niggers for jobs, and then it's basically impossible to fire them. And even if we did, it's instantly RAYCISS. Totally free markets are always going to place profit over the nation, which is unacceptable, hence why I believe certain sectors should take the hit in efficiency (not that bad in homogeneous, motivated countries, like Scandinavia pre-insanity) in favor of security.

state funded education is leftist brainwashing
military spending is literally the reason you're not being sentenced to death in a sharia court right now
>graph excludes over 50% of federal spending because gibs for useless old people and niggers isn't considered discretionary but preventing conquest by foreign powers somehow is
ok shlomo

>there isn't anything wrong with capitalism
Usury. There you go. That meme of continual growth somehow being necessary is solely because of the entire global economy being one massive Ponzi scheme. That's why shitskins are brought when birthrates sag to artificially boost the production of little consumers.

Holy shit $229 billion dollars just pissed into the wind.

honestly, any brainwashed righties that are against free education and health are quite literally the biggest goyem. Rich people, despite being rich, literally pay less percentage of their income to the government. By all metrics, the U.S. is completely backwards.

Top 1% also pays the most, sooo what now about your well thought out argument?

>military spending is literally the reason you're not being sentenced to death in a sharia court right now
>but preventing conquest by foreign powers somehow is

lmao this guy actually thinks we will be conqured by third worlders with cold-war technology if we don't spend billions on drones and nukes

>Top 1% also pays the most

Real reason is that the Military indirectly pumps money into the USA economy without people realizing it. Military subsides everything to point that you don't need to pump into any other field.

You can cut NASA funding because Military does all of the R&D. You cut medical research for Military sudsidze most of it's research. Hell Military indirectly helps the economy because employs a shit ton of people.

It's a Beast, user. You can't kill it.

you seem legitimately interested but extremely lazy to actually know anything worthwhile, thats kind of annoying. You should probably stop posting for a few months and lurk more.

The government is not responsible for taking care of its citizens. Read the consitution FFS.

>free school and healthcare
>but only if you risk your life doing zog wars

The constitution doesn't really mention anything about healthcare or free college

I'm a liberal, but I worry about just doing free college or free healthcare. If the government writes a blank check to a university or hospital, it seems to me like they would spend a lot on unnecessary shit, administrative bloat, etc. and it will start costing taxpayers an arm and a leg.