What did Alex Jones mean by this?

What did Alex Jones mean by this?

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He must feel betrayed, the neocon vampires have assimilated the Trump

He weaponized fake news

Probably just clickbait. Alex Jones is controlled by the CIA tho.

clickbait title

It was only a matter of time. You could tell on the Joe Rogan show that Alex was getting nervous about Trump betraying us. Now that Trump has gone full blown neocon Israeli agenda warmonger, of course Alex won't support that.

He's a #cruzmissile now

>What did Alex Jones mean by this?

It means he's trying to get higher ratings.

its clickbait watch


alex knows his listeners hate blumpf now , so he is clickbating to sell his snake oil

He means he's done fucking around.

Time to impeach drumpf. Get this traitor out of the white house.

He has reached The Trump Dimension

Sup alex.

Nice viral

have you bought one of his products? He sends a pamphlet full of anti-communism and a bunch of bible verses with the constitution, bill of rights, etc.

he told about Wikileaks before they happened.

If he's controlled by the CIA, then they're doing good for the American people and idc.

Click bait

He's now #centrist
Not desawoing Trump but not supporting either
Said people need to wait for Trump's further actions to determine if he sold out or notactions

Alex, you need to calm down and develop a sense of humor. Trump is just yanking your chain.

Why do you think he came out against Pizzagate?

It's pretty explicit, I'm not sure what's not to understand.

He came out against Pizzagate because he had a Come To Jesus meeting with a bunch of based lawyers. They told him exactly what the consequences were going to be for defaming a private pizza shop owner for running a pedophile ring.

The lawyers probably took a long,good look at the autistic connect-the-dots evidence supporting this particular conspiracy theory, and told him to settle. Or go to court and get his clock cleaned.

I feel left out all I got when I ordered my flag was a few bumper stickers

i ordered a mug for 4 dollars and got 2 bumper stickers and all those pamphlets

SEO 101

>If you don't support neocon wars you're a centerist
Well done

Basically what most of us feel

2/10 too obvious shill

The Alex Jones Method
>drop 90% redpilled truth bombs
>10% psychic vampire boogymen
>everybody associates the truth with the bullshit
>collect your check for being paid opposition

Well now that he's against the Trump cult, he's not our guy anymore.
