Why are millennials going the ''spirituality'' route instead of following traditional religion?

Why are millennials going the ''spirituality'' route instead of following traditional religion?

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why aren't you wasting your sundays as it says in the Bible? oh yeah. because it's retarded

Because institutionalized religion has successful lost all of it's credibility through corruption.

They think they're too cool

And god said that even if the Jews are persecuting you be sure to go to the church on Sunday. Our ancestors will remember us as Christians if it's important for them to.

>why do millenials do X?
>picture of same girl every time

what le fuck is with these threads

There's no evidence for religion

religions have clergy (cucks)

As apposed to going to some gay yoga class, or sitting cross legged in that meme lotus position

because religion isnt cool, and their parents are christians

tfw got a nice pic with her last year.

Because their new religion is self worship and despair, the church is rotting and they have no real alternatives or guides to explore what route they should take

People are finding their own way because every institution in the whole world has been shown to be just a mask on the same face

Lack of military service my friend.

Animism is the oldest and most venerable religion, all others are false new age garbage.


Because being in organized religion is one of the most cucked things you can do.
Yes good got give these pedophiles money while they teach you fairy tales and about our greatest ally. Christians and Catholics are the biggest Jew cucks in the world.

Islam beckons


Because modern religion (Christianity) in the West has failed to fill the traditional roles what is understood generally by religion.

For example: in contrast to Islam that offers certain codes of behavior, strict rules and unbroken tradition we are offered a version of Christianity where you visit church once a month where some Lesbian transexual priestess tells that there is nothing wrong with Gay marriage.

By "traditional" you mean organized religion?
It's cucked to hell.

Spirituality = cocks and weed
Religion = closing your legs and living a wholesome life raising good children

Of course bitches choose cock

Not to sound like an edgelord but the idea that a carpenter in Israel 2000 years ago was the son of an all powerful entity is fucking retarded so it's no wonder people are rejecting it.

I'd prefer people be spiritual than a Richard "Fedora" Dawkins type though. There's no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater as many do when they realise at the age of about 12 that God probably isn't gonna get pissed off at you for fapping.

Organised religion means responsibility and morals. Spirituality is just a cover for doing whatever the fuck your body wants and not getting judged by your fellow humans.

as opposed to going to church praying to a dude that died 2000 years ago?

Because it is yet another oppurtunity to go against the "norm" in yet another case of luxury autism

Religion was always established upon religion.

Because traditional religion is for cucks. Just loke at the pope,.

It's a bit hard to follow the Church of England as it's full of socialists, atheists and women who don't even believe in its teachings.

The Catholic church is full of pedos and the Pope worships muslims.

What do?

Religion is welfare for the poor.

>religion was always established upon corruption.

As opposed to spending every Sunday listening to ancient Jewish fan fiction.

Who is this woman.

Isn't welfare the welfare of the poor?

Warfare is the welfare of the poor

This woman is fucking the most beautiful creature ever. I want it.

This. Religion cucks on here are hilarious, their fan fiction books tell them if they want Jesus to return the Jews have to own and occupy Israel and they say it's redpilled.

No one wants to be an edgy fedora tipping atheist.

No one wants to be a blind sheep following the word of the church
So they came up with that middle ground.

I must have this woman


absolutely degenerate

if you're going to be a fedora at least stick with it instead of crawling back to some new-age gyppo bullshit

Warfare is for the welfare of gore...

Because they see themselves as their own 'god'. Arrogance in the highest.

Just like the "I'm not a robot" captcha's that we fill out to post. Many of these posts are AI generated. They have enough input from actual human conversations and human threads that they are able to maintain thread posts to train a social AI similar to how our captcha's went from training at first OCR to transcribe text and language and now we're training algorithms to identify street signs, mountains, grass and plates of food.

Just like the captcha is used to build a large database the computer can reference when making decisions this site, among others, is learning anonymous social behavior and identifying the pre-viral nature of content.

He got better

They despise religion and the west but still crave the unity of a religion and some mystical truth beyond their reach

They really are vermin

There is nothing wrong with being spiritual instead of religious. Being spiritual simply means that you acknowledge that their could be more between heaven and earth.

But also that mainstream religion's interpretation might not be it.

Because "muh personal god" and they don't want to associate with formal religions

Because traditional religions are specious bollocks, but obviously there is a spiritual aspect to existence.
I'd recommend taking lots of LSD or DMT and finding this out for yourself.
Spirituality is inherently personal, and to try and deny this with religious dogma is daft


nice mosque, Abdul

they have to find a way to rebel against their parents


Nice self awareness, Jamal/Jose

religion requires you to follow strict rules and submit to God

millenials go for new age garbage for the spirituality without the rules. they want to keep using tinder while having a feeling of being close to God

which means their kids will be ultra religious

The leftists deconstruct everything and attack anything with greater meaning. This is just an obvious backlash to their own void they've created

Because religion makes it hard to get cummies.


Pot meet kettle. Did you manage to remove all the whites and build your ideal half second mecca, half niggers drinking cough medicine and shooting eachother over Supreme listening to shitty grime music, you fucking Ape?

This. Plus nihilism and some other undesirables.

because muh religion is nothing but a mechanism of societal repression. Fairy tales designed to keep people in ignorance and slavery. Spirituality is the right path. Our ancestor knew it, while they were still free from the nefarious influence of the ((desert)).

The real question is when will the Eastern Orthodox Church take its rightful place as head honcho religion?

You sound like the faggots in this video youtu.be/5D1gJ_GygAI

> Jews have to own and occupy Israel for Jesus to return.
> "May his blood be upon us and our children!"
> ?

>politically incorrect
pick only one cocksucker

millennials tripping balls on mescaline, going on a vision quest, and locating their spiritual animal, is about the only thing they're doing right

normal religion is stupid and boring


they want to experience religion without responsibilities

this is the right answer, right here. Organised religion demotes a person to a mere drone, which is unacceptable for modern, narcissistic humans.

I noticed with my aunt how when she started using facebook and taking endless pictures of herself how her tune regarding the subject of religion/general worldview reverted to this 'spiritual' rubbish (I'm atheist myself based on evidence, but not because I feel threatened by organised religion).

fuck reddit and fuck reddit people

I agree, Islam is the only religion to generally avoid embracing both egalitarianism, and other degeneracy the west has. The Christian church will never return to the church of Jesus, and Islam is the west's both chance to return to the original values which built it great schism

drugs and the fact that being unwashed and going to parties in the forest counts as spirituality these days

because christianity would tell them that they are a degenerate whore probably drug user. SPirituality lets them make up whatever the fuck they want that fits with their whore/drug addled lifestyle

Spirituality is the true red pill and the only way to really get close to God. All the major religions have stuff written in them that is factually or morally wrong, thus you can deduce that they we're written by man - and not a higher being.

Dump the shackles of your religion you know is wrong and find God yourself.

it perfectly aligns with everything else they're doing, burnt through hippies are not productive citizens

built it, pre great schism

everytime i hear that personal god shit i laugh because god is such a fucking loser

islam circumcises all boys and bleeds animals

fuck islam

Because God Is Dead. Now idiots believe whatever they want, and no one is allowed to tell them otherwise because its offence

Through the glorious teachings of Allah the middle easterners have become the most inbred, stupid, fanatical fuckers ever. Let's emulate that!

Because institutionalised atheism has taken the place of institutionalised religion.
You can thank state education for that.

Those things may be true but the reason I think Islam will attract is because it doesnlt require a persons value to be based on how much shit they own or power they can wield.

sorry wasim bin laden al zarkawi bin shaheen jones

Organized religion is for the dumb and/or poor.

God literally never said that.

yes he is dead along with his credibility

But doing the right drugs and chilling in the woods with some bros is fucking awesome.

Wtf I hate god now

a lot of islam is based on status symbols directly tied to property....harem anyone?


A good religion has followers come to it, not forcing them to.

>I've never taken psychedelics but I assume literally 100% of people who consume them are jobless hippies


>literally 100% of millenials are jobless niggers

Who even is that dumb whore? I think she's pretty cute :3

He is a boy.

Because their eyes are fully open and can see that ISLAM is the only way.

Because traditional religions are basically corporations.

Because you're retarded if you seriously think religious text hasn't been manipulated to high hell through thousands of translations and people writing shit down in it. Furthermore, religion is inherently arrogant as believing that you are right about something with zero proof is.

>He is a boy

"personal spirituality" is way worse in this regard since you're accountable to no one. You don't need group acceptance either.

he is a goy

Soe Gschwind-Penski