SA huffpost more racist than pol?

this is hilarious according to these niggers white men should be excluded from the political discourse.

a comment video from the banana atheist:

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm waiting on the day for these people to say the same about Jews.

White men will stop working for cash and create the first working communism just to spite these fuckers

Actually that's probably what they're trying to get us to do. Cowardly kikes.

daz rite white boi

This is a "woman", isn't it?

Also how is it even possible to be a White SJW in South Africa, the cultural enrichment central?
I expect everyone to be red-pilled there.

sure looks like it reminds me of that stupid cunt who left his family to be a 6 year old girl

>Is clickbait racist

well... yes

Cape town faggots are liberals.Most Anglos are also liberals

gated communities and hardcore brainwashing

>only one article written
>no other records of her found
Shelley Garland looks like an elaborate troll that managed to find their way into a Huffpost blogging account (which I doubt is that hard).

to be fair, his kids are all adults

you're clever Argentinafag. have I been trolled?

>philosophy student
I never get this. A ton of philosophers are based as fuck, yet people that 'study' them NEVER are. Do they just ignore people like Plato and Heidegger and feed these people Frankfurt School and a apologetic worldview until they choke on it?

My thoughts exactly.
>In the United States ten percent of the population (nearly all white) own 90 percent of all assets
Most likely the majority of those 10% are jews.

I actually lived in Cape town when I was a child. Even back then I was fully aware of the dangers which is why I don't understand how people can be progressive while living in SA.

Probably that.

Maybe. But judging by the my google search so did thousands of others.
The fact that so many people find it believable shows how insane public discourse has gotten either way.
If its really a troll I would love to know.

>Do they just ignore people like Plato and Heidegger

they don't see them as the final product. they study philosophy as a long argument.

they move on over Nietzsche to Humanism and to modern progressiveness.

I've never met a rightwing philosopher who got respected by his (((peers))).

No one views Plato as an end, he's always the start and has an incomplete, and incorrect, world view.
Heidegger is just trash.

What the fuck is "the franchise"?

>rightwing philosopher

Any examples? I'm interested

>The deep roots of "black trash" in America

Given that the only constant in western civilization is the leftwards ratcheting, white men most likely will be denied the franchise in our lifetime. Most likely directly in America, and indirectly through the suspension of democracy in Europe.

Julius Evola?

I'm actually not really interested in philosphy aside from evaluating arguments.

That's a man baby

Remember when people facing a mid-life crisis would just buy expensive cars and shit like that?

voting rights, I think

As an Anglo in Cape Town I can confirm, but most afrikaaners here are also Liberal faggot hippies.

Typical progressives, trying to solve a problem by creating bigger problems. For a start, the status quo is is already on their side, and by even considering what they are saying reflects that. White men are already prevented from equality. They contradict themselves by claiming they are liberal but are in actual fact Authoritarian Fascists. These are probably the same people that attended the 'Occupy' movement because they dont like the banks, and then vote for Hillary despite being majorly backed by a white man (George Soros). They are short sited and cant identify the real problem because they are caught up in identity politics and hypocrisy.

Radical redistribution of wealth. Its communism under a different name. If they do this Zuma gets richer and SA becomes another Zimbabwe.

Just like the "cultural revolution" in China. It will be a disaster.

White Men MADE liberal LiBeRaL

They haven't learned anything from anti-colonialism? They already took the assets away from whites once and it didn't lead to more equal distribution of power and wealth.

Besides you can't achieve just society by unjust means.

i dunno. i am a faggot and would gladly kill every last shitskin personally with a baseball bat.

Americans in 1990"
>we defeated communism"
Americans in 2017
>let's reinstate soft communism!


Redistribution of wealth alone does nothing. Most lottery winners either kill themselves or burn through their money in spectecular fashion and eventually end up living their bum lives again. Not to say that the average poor person was rich all of the sudden people probably would just raise the products of their prizes. If they sell at all because why bother, it gets taken away anyhow.

>It is no surprise that liberalism – and its ideological offshoots of conservatism and libertarianism – are the most popular ideologies among white males. These ideologies with their focus on individuals and individual responsibility, rather than group affiliation, allow white men to ignore the debt that they owe society, and from acknowledging that most of their assets, wealth, and privilege are the result of theft and violence.

I agree that it's a major problem that white men do not focus enough on group affiliation and the interests of our group.

Stay safe in any case.

You know most media is biased and rigged, yet you constantly scour it and repost it as a distraction to real shit happening. No one, but low IQ jesters care.

>What the fuck is "the franchise"?
It's McDonalds. Can't you see, they have already won.

Nice to see that mr. Banana stopped larping as an militant atheist.

So how exactly are a bunch of powerless internet warriors going to restrict the rights of gun owning, land owning, white men?

>White men will stop working for cash and create the first working communism just to spite these fuckers

>(((white man)))
good goy

why are you asking me? I'm a land owning white man myself

It's just LARPing at its best, most likely they'd get the government to steal the property owned by whites I'd imagine.


Oy vey! Delete this