Are Most Geneticists Secretly Redpilled?

It seems like geneticists have to secretly know what's up with human races. They're generally intelligent people who study minute differences that qualify one animal as a different species with different behavior than another almost identical one, but they can't see the same thing in humans? It's not surprising that they'd keep their mouths shut for fear of exile by other (((intellectuals))) just like Watson, the guy who fucking discovered DNA and then got shunned for making common-sense remarks about race.

I have an uncle who's a fairly prominent accomplished geneticist but I've never really had the chance to talk to him since getting redpilled and he's always come off as kind of a beta cuck. But he has to at least suspect this shit, right?

I just don't see how they could they could be totally ignorant of what's right in front of their eyes every day.

Other urls found in this thread: et al 2010.pdf

some shit you don't say or you'll lose your funding

>Without mixed breeding the European bee population will not survive.

I have heard a lot of podcasts on this topic. I will summarize for you
>Geneticists research racial differences
>Find genetic evidence to support that whites have higher IQ than blacks, which drives blacks to cause far more crime on average
>Can't publish the research openly because the (((department heads))) will cut their funding if they find your research to be racist
>Geneticists forced to keep the knowledge to themselves

designated ameribumb thread

>I just don't see how they could they could be totally ignorant of what's right in front of their eyes every day.
because it's real in their head

>One race: the Human race
they wish

they actually think making other people repeat this makes it true.

Yea that's basically my conclusion too. But the good news is that as the Overton Window continues to shift this will become more acceptable to publicly discuss, and if a rogue geneticist were ever to publish a study about this it would lend a huge amount of legitimacy to WS. That would be a huge step.

Environmental scientists are the most redpilled. They know life on earth is pretty much fucked yet they show up to work everyday and collect even more evidence that life on earth is fucked. That takes the kind of dedication that makes nations strong.

Some of it is quietly published in a way that won't summon a (((media))) shitstorm. Everyone involved in this shit knows IQ differences between the races and knows not to talk about it. Some of them do the science anyway.
Source: dad is a doctor and medical researcher at a prominent US university. He's redpilled on racial IQ differences and sex IQ differences.

There are several races but for ethical reasons we forced people to believe there is an only one race of human.

Though, human (homo sapiens) is the only one specie since homo Florensiesis died 12,000 years ago and Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Congoid, Capoid, Australoid, the races.

Brazil, what an excellent example of the shit result of this degeneracy.

>we forced people to believe there is an only one race of human.
For 40-50 years in the West*

at least I have a degree in bilogy so different than you I am an authority in the subject, so I have the right to call you a retarded piece of lard.

And my dad works at Nintendo

Some Asian geneticists still publish this (racist) stuff.

Would laugh my ass off if the subhuman mixed breeds that were the outcome of this failed social experiment ended up chimping out and nigging against their "intellectual elite" perpetrators.

Interesting how most scientists who study racial differences become redpilled. I have not heard anyone who does this research in a serious manner and becomes more bluepilled.

Indeed, shifting the overton window would also cause people like Jared Taylor become taken much more seriously, and rogue scientists gain more platform. There are quite many currently as we speak, I am sure, who are just waiting for the right moment to speak out.

Eugenics is the killing word for people who work in the industry, OP.

>Calling americans dumb
>Live in a country which people flee from because of high crime
That's some advanced faggotry there, son

Pic related.

They are socially forced to simply be sort of detached from the implications of their knowledge.
Most would definitely confirm that humans are "diverse" but won't go further.

There are differences between races. They're also largely irrelevant, because society affects them signifiantly more.

Blacks turn into dindus because of "black culture" and the (yes, it exists) systematic racism.

You can solve systematic racism. It's then up the media to stop glorifying thuggery. It's both self perpetuated by blacks themselves, and also by writers that create nigger-esque characters.

LOL B.S. from a Brazilian school? My AP Bio class gives me more authority than you. GTFO you mulatto faggot.

How many of you guys actually study biology to be making such claims?


Bilogy is tasty work

I study biology, and there are multiple races.

>IQ differences that don't disappear when all of wealth, class, home environment, parents jobs, etc. are controlled for
>Irrelevant differences between races

Sure (((user)))

You beleive in climate change don't you?

Some of the first pics are the same species, just different genders

Grackles for instance have makes with all black feathers and females with dark brown feathers.

Just saiyan

races yes, species no

Thomas Sowell did a lot of good work on the issue.

Blacks would be closer to normal without black culture, but they would never produce high IQ individuals like Whites.

Climate change is a red herring. Even without climate change the planet is still fucked. It's almost like you can't pollute and decimate natural ecosystems without disrupting food supplies and agriculture.

You don't have to believe me.

If we were any other animal, biologists would classify us as separate species.

Interbreeding does not equal same species. Never has.

Jesus Christ you autist, I don't give a shit about the technical definition. Sure, races. The point is observable and reliant genetic differences.

That's implying those are the only possible input influences.

It takes zero neurons firing to possibly come up with more influences.

Do you think an Asian American living in suburbia experiences the exact same thing as a white American also living in suburbia? No, they don't.

Internet. Television/media. Peers. Et cetera.

>, I don't give a shit about the technical definition
you should because there is a BIG differente between species and race
back to school, cleetus

Geneticist here. Humans are all the same species and subspecies (homo sapiens sapiens), and we have plenty of fossils of other exinct subspecies (eg. homo sapiens idalty) but you can very clearly demarcate people at lower levels than that. You can broadly divide humans into sub-saharan african and non-sub-saharan african first off, I guess you could call that infraspecies (sub-saharan africans being h. s. sapiens africanus and non-sub-saharan africans being h. s. sapiens neanderthalensis), based on the fact that people outside sub-saharan africa have neanderthal DNA, but those africans do not.

After that level, sub-saharan africans are broadly diverse, I would say you can divide them broadly into 2 different races, congoid and capoid, which can probably be divided into 9 subraces overall. There's a lot more genetic diversity in africa than most people realize.

Outside of sub-saharan africa, there is less diversity overall; if you divide sub-saharan-africans into 9 sub-races, you can divide non-sub-saharan africans into about 3 sub-races: caucasoid, mongoloid, and australoid.

So to summarize:
genus species subspecies infraspecies race subrace
homo sapiens sapiens africanus [capoid] [bantu] for example of a sub-saharan-african
homo sapiens sapiens neanderthalensis [neanderthalensis] [mongol] for example of an asian or native american person.

Anything below that level of differentiation is not worth it, since you could broadly define people by their language and it would be more useful

How does a bee become africanized? Does africanized literally mean BLACKED? Like half nog bees are more prone to senseless violence than their European counterparts? Kek mother nature is beautiful

In your opinion, what do these differences mean?

Fact: Ravens (and Crows in general) are smarter then niggers and abbos

Koko the gorilla is smarter than all Abbos and most africans

remember jews have high language iq so they have a knack for sophism
the issue with 'genetics' or race realism or w/e you want to call it, when talking to anyone about it is they just want to have a fucking debate based on what terms mean. its just like talking to the left about politics, differences in humans is just identity politics in their heads. no amount of continual factual evidence matters.

>1, 2, 3, 4
>one race, the number race

logic level: flawless


It's just science.

Dont even get me started fat boy, the niggers is only on the north and Rio(cancer), to São Paulo(the only city that really matters here) and below people are white and conservative af

Revive fascism for us, jungle monkey.

do you have idea how many genes there are in a species, 1 or 2 isn't enough to call it a "different species", people aren't clones if you didn't realize until today mate

We share 99% of our DNA with chimps. The DNA argument isn't very strong.

Sionist midia just show Rio and Northwest degeneracy and nigger heaven, come to the South and see that Brazil got a lot of places better than Europe. ANAUÊ!

European bees were interbred with subspecies from outside the Northern hemisphere and turned hyper aggressive.

They are now considered a pest. (Known as Killer bees.)

Of course it is in German

For fucks sake what is wrong with us?

1% is a whole lot
don't we also share 40% of our dna with bananas or something

>Are Most Geneticists Secretly Redpilled?

How could they not be?

Likewise, forensic pathologists.


Our nacionalist party started in the South, niggers cry af and some gringo jews interrupted our fiesta

Yeah and we share 60% DNA with a banana. And 87% with trees. Doesn't say much, though. You can read more about it here:

Ow my sides. That was clever, well done.

All the shitty countries (even my country) claims to have whiter zones than others. Thats really sad man.

Agronomist here, can confirm. All the old timers in the agriculture industry are glad they are going to die soon and feel bad for the rest of us. The not quite so old guys are scared shitless of the mega famine that is poised to happen.

Climate change is real and happening but that isn't the real issue. Go back to the 1980's eco movement and all the shit they talked about with pollution and deforestation and fucking up land and sea environments and you will get the real story. Earth will be fine but a lot of the human population is done for.

Yep. African bees are much more aggressive, so interbreeding ends up making hybrid hives more aggressive as well.

read this. its not about operating under the definition for species. tbfh that doesnt matter, it could be any term, and often is when talking colloquially about species, we call it race.

no body gives a fuck about rebranding a term. it does seem like the only people who debate this shit in an open manner are those who can only debate about what it means to be the same or different species/race and completely ignore the continuance of fucking differences between different racial groups in america. what we want is for all fucking authorities in modern america, including the collective populous to not be fooled into thinking we are the fucking same when it comes to practice.

it's a bit of a matter of opinion, of course. I'll compare dogs as an example:

Dogs are Canis (genus) lupus (species) familiaris (subspecies). Dogs are then divided into 3 subgroups of that, I guess infraspecies: asian dogs, middle eastern dogs, and northern dogs. Then, you can divide them into 10 "races" (eg. spanials, retrievers, etc.) and those are then divided into 85 "breeds", which I guess would be equivalent to how I used the word sub-race in my post.

(you can read one of the studies here et al 2010.pdf )

About 65.1% of genetic variance is within breeds/subrace (between individuals), 31.1% between subrace, and 3.8% between race. This gives us an average fst ( fst goes from 0 to 1; 0 means complete mixing and interbreeding, 1 means the two populations share no genetic diveristy) difference of 0.33 for dogs as a subspecies.

Compared to humans? 85% between individuals, 5% between subraces, and 10% between races. This gives us an average fst of 0.15. So humans are about half as diverse as dogs are, but the differences ARE there. For a specific example, the fst between an average Japanese and Chinese person is 0.007, but between a japanese and sub-saharan (yoruba), it's 0.190

Is that why Brazil is so violent?

They have to be aware of it all, but only the outwardly blue pilled get hired in that field. I'm sure they weed out as many people as they can who don't agree with the general narrative.

There are tons of people out there in all sorts of fields who know were right, but because they hate us they make their entire lives and carees a lie so they don't have to deal with the cognitive dissonance. Eventually they just buy their own fiction like anyone else would.

>Muh Southern Brazil

Not "Geneticists", EVERYONE with a doctorate in anything that relate to animal biology is redpilled, you just can't avoid it. Some choose to consciously ignore it because "it's bad", the vast majority just don't mention it in public because it's an immediate cut to your founding.


Really activates my almonds, user.

Mostly anyone who studies biology or genetics will be forced to swallow that pill eventually.

Especially if you become a doctor and your experiences shape you first hand. Certain patients have higher predispositions to certain conditions and diseases.

You do have to believe him.


>Certain patients have higher predispositions to certain conditions and diseases.
I don't get it
you guys want everyone to be 100% the same? this isn't fucking matrix what the fuck

fugging reposter

According to this survey, experts rate genetics as the second most important factor in test-score variability between nations. They rate education as #1, more important than wealth, health and culture, and far more important than 'test bias' (which is often claimed by humanities and soft-science scholars, but was practically rejected by the geneticists).

Considering that (in my country at least) suggesting that genetics is a factor at all in national differences in academic performance is totally taboo, rating it as 2nd most important is pretty 'red-pilled'.

good post

this many freckles make her face look like a worm infested fruit

tl;dr yes, read A Troublesome Inheritance

What about health, are there any major variations? Do some sub-species have higher rates of certain diseases?

They are forced into ridiculous doublethink by PC conformity, like for example military personnel in western armies who write papers on how multicultural countries time and time again descend into ethnic and sectarian warfare and then go and praise more diversity in their own state or their own army. Look at Dawkins who wrote The selfish Gene and then went on to preach the most liberal egalitarian crap on social issues. The academia is the beating heart of the current PC religious orthodoxy, like medieval universities for the Church.

Was talking more about the sub-species of Africans for clarification.

>Certain patients have higher predispositions to certain conditions and diseases.

It concerns me that nigger geneticists will weaponize the differences. That niggers will try to harm whites by determining aspects of human physiology that are unique to whites and then use that against us, with a genetically modified virus that specifically targets us, or something.

Niggers enjoy our pain, even in a Wal-Mart. Does anyone think that niggers wouldn't try to harm us if they had the vectors?

>I just don't see how they could they could be totally ignorant of what's right in front of their eyes every day.
they aren't and never were. reading and understanding a proper scientific paper in a proper scientific journal is a pain in the ass for the average person and therefore for literally every single journalist ever. every single person that works in those relevant fields are 'red pilled', even if not all of them would say it publicly, since publicity is not even what they are after. it's the same with IQ differences of the human races. only psychologists who actually work in that field and tried everything for 100 years to control for every feasible variable know of it, the others are women and other social 'scientists' that work in completely different fields and think their virtue signalling is worth a lot.

>forced to keep the knowledge to themselves
no. all of it should be in the scientific papers, but they are read by people who study the same field and know what's up.

pic related, what lefty wouldn't think about racism?

I think they do. A lot of my professors seem to be aware about IQ differences and they recognize that intelligence is highly genetic. I swear some secretly support eugenics

got any links to read?

>being afraid of niggers, who can't even work minimum wage jobs will become geneticists and create weaponized viruses against whites
Niggers can barely feed themselves. They can't even feed their fucking kids.

We got a marcial law period started in 64 and ending on 84, since then masonry boss all the shit up, there is just left partys, the most centered one is the SocioDemocrat party(pro-Hillary(all members are from masonry). They take the personal defense weapons from population, human rights that only defends niggers are all over the place(so with a nigger rob you out he just got free) you need to do something really bad to go to jail here. Schools and colleges are just marxism ideologys(even the private ones) to the kids, tv is too. A lot of children born without a father presents on their life(bastards), so most of will just go to crime life. Police is ridicularized in our country. Shit is serious, and we are REALLY hopeless. Also, we used to be USA zoo, they mixed a lot of people to see what happened and give the back to us.

TLDR: Workers and nice people cant have guns legally, middleleft politicians only, police forces dont get incentive to work, marxist schools. Human rights rule, you cant even beat the guy who robbed you so you will be arrested.

I agree. Overton Window has definately well into the process of shifting. People tend to start off left wing and progress right as they get more grounded in reality.

What does it mean if 47% of french youth support one extremely anti-immigration party (france is european many-party democracy so this means anti-immigration has an overwhelming majority with the youth.)

Once you've been properly redpilled you can't really go back

If you deny race, you are retarded. Pic related. Ignore the berg.

All I see is dat blacks got da GENE.

So if niggers usually have lower IQs than everyone else, do asians really have higher average IQs when living in the same conditions as non-asian, non-black people?

my girlfriend works for Genentech, she's half white and 1/4 + 1/4 somethings else. ( not nigger)
she knows...
most of her colleagues know...

Noone says anything much less publishes it...

the nogs are hopeless, everyone knows, even the nogs....

Oh yeah definitely, for example Steatopygia ( ) is more common among Capoids, aka. Khoisan peoples. Not exactly a disease but you know what I mean.

You can see this in even smaller groups, eg.

>Black culture came before black people
>Being this blue pilled

Das rite, whitey, we wawriors naw nigguh! Ima beatcho ayuss!

Whites are actually the strongest in terms of immune systems iirc. Followed by asians and middle easterns.

It's because in these areas the environment supported and encouraged the development of civilisation which means we would be much further ahead in the immune system evolution tree.

Just look at abos for christ sakes

I believe that races are different!

But believing the IQ meme....

Gee, I wonder how niggers first came to this country.

lets just hope the race specific bio weapons are working- a billion niggers will lay waste to the entire planet...

you may want to read to know what it does