Do you guys even know what Cambridge Analytica does? Do you guys know anything about Robert Mercer, Paul Manafort?

Do you guys even know what Cambridge Analytica does? Do you guys know anything about Robert Mercer, Paul Manafort?


Other urls found in this thread:

No idea. Do you?


do you?

Actual red pills inbound!

Council for National Policy!

I have nothing to do drop a link what we talking about is it pic related

Looks like nothing

> use SPLC as source.
Get the fuck out of here, ShariaBlue

Lol. It's one of the most important policy organizations in the whole country. Look at who is in it.

Don't be a faggot, read the shit. See how many powerful Republicans are on the Mercer payroll.

Bud, the SPLC is a goddamn collection of leftist retards. That label literally anything that isn't to the left of Pol Pot a hate group.

Do you and your little minders think this will actually work? If anything Pol will change YOU.

Yes the black box of financial investing, and the guy playing simulations with all of our data

>Bud, the SPLC is a goddamn collection of leftist retards.

It's a PDF of the membership list, numbnuts. Way to attack the ideology of the host of a primary document.

Read the link next time, so you won't make it so obvious that you have literally no idea what is going on.

>Do you and your little minders think this will actually work?

Oh, poor baby thinks that anyone criticizing Trump is with ShariaBlue. Except he forgot that they always make up bullshit that isn't good evidence against him, instead of talking about the really harmful things like his connections to gay blackmailer Roy Cohn.

You fucking disingenuous shill. You just went from defending them, because I baited you into it, then back off and distance yourself.
You're a fucking left wing shill that can't make an argument. Literally no one gives a shit about your stock talking points list they gave you to disperse online. I mean, did you really sit there and compile that yourself? You're either admitting to being a complete beta cuck, shut in retard that gets off on "muh connect the dots!" or someone handed you a script to dole out.

"Oh, make sure you use their slang, so as to seem one of them"

You can't reframe what you are, it always seeps through when you are inauthentic. You should have read your Heidegger.

Now piss off before I make you really start crying. You won't be getting your two cents today.

Funny how you can't refute my argument.

Cambridge Analytica, or is Earnest Voice shilling against talking about the Council for National Policy now?

Let's drop some more links for the normies, just to show you how much you hurt your cause when you shill:

>Cambridge Analytica
Those fuckers tried their bullshit here, but failed miserably, lol.

You didn't make one. You posted a least, that I BTFO easily.

We warned Suzanne Posel about sending her kike shills in here, and you drop one of her links. Then a SPLC. We all see what you are, and I've distracted you from doing anything else while you bite your wittle lip in impotent rage. Your thread is basically hidden, eh?

Haha. Nothing you can do about it though... Nothing at all.

So Bannon and Conway are globalists like Kushner. Looks like Trump was fucked from the beginning.

Please, tell me more about how it's not the least bit concerning that Trump's mentor is a faggot blackmailer that got his law license taken away because he was so corrupt?

And why is he taking money from literal Rothschild banking people, like Robert Mercer?

And now I'm going to post more damning evidence that Trump is a cuck. Every time you come in here, you make things worse. You will always lose, because you can't tell the truth.

Trump paid an inflated price for CIA arms dealer Adnan Kashoggi's yacht (i.e. bribed him $9 million)

Yes. And Devos. And Prince from Blackwater.

Although it's possible Bannon is showing some backbone, with the reports that he opposed the Syria false flag and attack.

All your links are from literal jews and the lovers of faggots. You yourself are both. I've easily exposed it and you can't stop now that I ownt that ass.

You'll keep going until I tell you to stop, which keeps you from doing your little job.

I own you, boy. Obey.

>All your links are from literal jews and the lovers of faggots.

Mmhmm. And yet you can't seem to deal with the content, for some reason.

> I've easily exposed it and you can't stop now that I ownt that ass.

ownt? Are you a lower class Englishman?

There is no content outside of jews doing typical jewry. It's very simple.

We see the source and can immediately negate it. We have mastered beating your kind long before you, it's why you keep losing. Wasn't that terrible? Watching your candidate lose while we shitposted our way to lulz?

Hahahaha. It's why I can dangle you here right now as long as I want and make you go back on what you've said in previous threads. You simply have no way to deal with it.

We don't allow your kind to set the rules here, we just frustrate and play with them.

Easy, really.

You're a clown, and you're embarassing yourself with this no-content garbage. Because the facts dont change.

Trump is a cuck. He takes Rothschild money. His mentor is a fag blackmailer. He bribes CIA arms dealers.

See? Got you again.
You're a jew and trying to somehow malign Trump by linking him to jews with links SUPPLIED by jews. This is how stupid you are.

> this set of jew written links I am providing says Trump is with the jews!
> my bosses told me this would work wonders...
>why isn't it working!
> I won't get my two cents and tendies meal!

It's sad how I deprive you of the one thing you thought empowered you.

Now reply, bitch. I am not letting you ever leave this place.

>You're a jew and trying to somehow malign Trump by linking him to jews with links SUPPLIED by jews.

Flawless logic. Yes, a Christian conspiracy website that is openly antisemitic is a link supplied by Jews...

>Sue Posel

Try again

Yes, that's the one I was referring to. You failed shill, you. In fact, you sound like a guy I've run into on here a few times. How's Eglin Air Force Base?

You sound like a yid I kicked outside of his Shul.

Is your yarmulke swelled around your head still?