Why arent houses made like warehouses? for 1% the cost?

house should be 1$ per sq foot

factory parts interchangible

etc etc

ban unions and housing codes even by states

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You would want separators, but... fuck this is a good question.

What's the cost for apartment buildings?

And aren't there some apartments in 2nd world countries that are kind of like this?

Commies did this

Part of the reason houses were spread out so much was a conspiracy to push automobiles and take out electric street cars.

This is literally what China does. Research what happens.

And, for what it is, that's not a bad place to live if you're a Soviet peasant. Beats the hell out of a shack. Solid 2nd world standard of living.

Heating and cooling it would be difficult wouldn't it?

That plus people still need a place to shit and shave.

>ban unions
>wages deteriorate across the board
>working class can no longer afford housing
>mass shortage of trade jobs due to shit pay and shit conditions
>employers left with only bottom of the barrel types willing to work for shit wages
>shit warehouse homes fall apart almost as soon as they're built due to shitty craftsmanship and no building codes
>no one is hurt because no one can afford housing anyway
good plan, OP

why not just live in a cuck shed?

I just wonder what the middle area of that complex is like. It looks like a greenspace, but I just have to wonder the nefarious shit that goes down in there.

imagining heating that sucker, lol

I actually wouldnt mind living in a warehouse like this if I could keep it warm/cool.

Im a simple man.

it's usually well kept for relaxing and coffee etc

Some people do build generic metal shop-buildings and then finish out the inside so it's like a house.

Back in grade school I had a friend who's parents built one. Half the building was partitioned off into rooms, with a house-like facade. Just as nice as any other house once you go inside.

I cannot refute this argument.

This is similar in a way to how people build houses out of storage containers. Pretty cool actually.

Pretty easy actually.

Warhouses have no insulation or windows. Or internal walls. This is what makes them so cheap. It also what makes them shit for living.

Also warehouses don't have flooring, Piping, Electricity, wiring, floors, etc.

I'm looking at doing something like this when I leave California.

I've seen either this house or one like this while I was roaming around Moscow one day last summer.
Inside there were trees, parked cars, children playing in the playground.
You may find it hard to believe, but Russians are human too.

I'd just box off a corner to live in and turn the rest into an indoor shooting range. I'm a simple man

I would like to buy a timeshare.

It is hard for a lot of burgers to believe Ivan, because where there are places like that here..because usually inside its all black people, drug dealers, people slumming around, getting beat up.

Most of the jobs out there deserve shit wages. Eventually even Surgery will be a matter of loading the right rom into your docbot. Most of the six figure jobs I have seen are not inherently difficult.

seems like a pretty comfy except no windows and kinda creepy

honestly i would rather just live in the warehouse without the partitioning

like a giant apartment with maybe an open 2nd story loft

warehouses are cool

I know a guy with a place like that in the county. He keeps his corvette and equipment in the open part and the house part is totally normal

What does he use for heat? Does he have a wood burner or does he use electric heating just for the living area?

Well you could put windows in, that's just the first image I pulled off google as an example.

There was no conspiracy. Street cars and trains let Rich people escape the urban center and poor people. Then when poor people could now afford to ride the trains, cars came around and the rich people moved out even further. Now the rich people use helicopters.

Friend has one of these. A house built inside a large warehouse. Things that give away that it was a warehouse is the fact that they have three garages and the ceilings are high (in both floors).

Always was jelly of it.

Because the CIA sells drugs. That turned the Negroes into niggers.

Well, there are shitty areas here too, but I live not in the best area of Moscow, and I've never been mugged or attacked. But then, it's Moscow, smaller industrial cities or villages may be much worse. And, thanks to the state-run shitskin importation program it's getting worse in Moscow too.

Because women need to spend money.

>hanks to the state-run shitskin importation program it's getting worse in Moscow too.

jews are everywhere, huh


Opening a shooting range is a lucrative business right now, FYI.

>le current year
>pocket size super computer free with phone contract
>box made out of nails, particle board, and gypsum $500,000

Because it sucks fucking balls trying to heat and cool that big ass room without partitions.

>le leaf having no conceptualization of machining and tooling

Houses will always require by law that you need to borrow (((money))) to buy one. They need you in debt and staying in debt.

>internal walls, LX, flooring, plumbing

Office buildings have all this but are way way way cheaper than housing per sq ft.

the reason its expensive is because your dad has a job where he signs off on letting you tie in to the water system where he makes 140,000 per year plus benefits and his friend is a negotiator for the union and they are both complete fucking parasites.


(((building codes)))


Yeah. They share a kitchen with the whole floor though. But the Russkies did build to last, for the most part, unlike the Chinese.

Stupid goy, do you even realise that if you could buy a house in your early 20s, have a wife and children without having to take a 50-year loan at Shekelberg Finance, it would literally be another Shoah!!!

>tiny houses are a joke

People don't want small homes they want affordable homes.


If people had strong sense of family and self they'd probably fucking revolt for the third time in here.


I could live with that on my own, if I had more of a developed outdoor space...like a large deck area.

But the whole (((banking system))) depends on high house prices, because they fucked up when they made the loans. So high house prices are what you're going to get until the whole system collapses in on itself.

Delete this.

>literally explain how giving shit wages leads to shit workers and nobody buying the product
>this is immediately after implying that without unions, companies have no incentive to pay good wages

you aren't very bright, are you?

I'd love to live in an old warehouse or industrial building.
You could make diy floors or dry walls and not cry if you fuck something up.

Then why don't you make six figures, retard?

>Ban housing codes by states
Florida! Hurricanes! BAD!

ya but one can collapse on you

the guy from forgotten weapons built one didnt he?

You got me, i hate how houses are built and was complaining about it just yesterday to my family.

Prefab housing has been a thing for a hundred years retard.

>They share a kitchen with the whole floor though

heating those things costs a fortune

What kind of fucking hack builds interior walls and doesn't use metal studs?


I don't care how shitty it is , I would take any house on any land right now. I have no where to live and can't get anyone to hire me for a job, I have no skills and smell like shit. If I just had a house, some food, water, heating then I could make my way back into society. Right now I've just got my FreedomPop phone and the library.

For anyone interested in this stuff...Tuffshed actually makes home plans now. They will come build them for you, and you finish them. They are pretty inexpensive. I am looking into various options like this and I bought land, but I don't want to move into a cuckshed. I figure get something inexpensive like this while I work on my land, and then eventually build my real house.

I'd be tempted to use that roof as a running track.

The zoning law and safety govt shit prolly, and envirolaws/insulation etc etc


>Be jew banker
>banking system runs on mortgage ponzi scheme
>boomers going to die soon
>less demand for (((their))) houses if population drops
>less demand lowers pricing but kills (((economy)))
>realize you need mass immigration to keep your ponzi scheme alive
>trick goyim into loving diversity
>not enough shitskins coming in
>get scared by 2008 (((housing))) crisis
>destabilize middle east and africa to get the shitskins to come to the west to fill your (((housing)))

Design it with windows on the winter-sun-facing side for passive solar heating.

I think a small house with food and water should be a basic right for all humans but I'm homeless so of course I'd think that. If my life circumstances lead me to be wealthy and intelligent I'd probably blame the homeless and not give a fuck. So maybe no one deserves anything. We are all shit


>In the early 1900s, General Motors' long-time president, Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., began implementing a plan to expand auto sales and maximize profits by eliminating streetcars.
>In 1922, Sloan established a special unit within GM that was charged with, among other things, the task of replacing the United States' electric railways with cars, trucks, and buses. Consumers who no longer had the option of taking the streetcar turned first to the bus lines and, eventually, to owning and driving their own automobiles.

no public transport because car companies bribed government officials in the 40s and 50s to plan cities without public transport oriented towards cars ie us suburbia

public transport was sabotaged to steer the flock towards car/oil





>In 1930 the electric streetcar ruled Chicago

with social engineering and propoganda campaigns, GM successfully wasted billions of public tax dollars.
wasted billions of public $$ to fund their monopoly.

U r not shit!

only prob is that this shit cube costs like 150k

tiny house prices are disgustingly inflated

just tell your local architect what you want and he'll do it for way cheaper

>You may find it hard to believe, but Russians are human too.
No need to convince us. This is Sup Forums, not Reddit. You're safe here, Russian trollarmy bro.

delte this.


cities/towns/suburbs/residential were planned and designed by car companies

developers destroyed much of the nature and scenery in coordination with the car manufacturers to create their ideal suburban car culture

some ruthless guy named Rockefeller started a company called Standard Oil...and everything went to shit.

Its actually amazing how much one man cucked the USA, and in some ways the entire world. He's not Rothschild tier, but he's pretty close.

Anyway, the USA doesn't want to use less oil, because guys like Rockefeller wanted to use the most oil possible. He not only helped kill/restrain our railways, but he also battled Henry Ford over making sure automobiles ran on oil instead of corn grain alcohol (which would have made more sense in every way)

All this shit we have now. The Global oil market, Saudi Arabia controlling the petrol dollar, etc etc. It can all be traced back to Standard Oil (Rockefeller)
E85 burns cleaner, is renewable, and the USA grows the most corn in the world.
It might also help prop farmers up so we dont have to use unhealthy corn syrup in food.

But no, we couldn't have that completely logical timeline. Because greedy men didn't want it.

So we prop up the Middle East while our own infrastructure remains stuck in the past, and we have to prop the corn farmers up somehow so we use corn syrup in all of our food which is making us hilariously fat monstrosities.

Yes... Good goyim! You deserve shit wages, (((bankers))) and (((executives))) deserve more money.

He's got a V8

That's pretty cool.


Metal studs is carpentry here dad.
Must be an uneducated nonunion retard.

This is some Thomas Pynchon levels of absurdity.

We're slowly going in that direction now that information, tools and technology is increasingly more available to the common folk. The mini-house phenomena is just the tip of the iceberg.

>only people who would live in this are poor people or welfare cucks
>welfare cucks will complain that its not dignified or some shit
>good luck putting up one of these in a city for 1$ per foot
>its only 1$ a foot if you are buying over 10,000 feet since the fixed costs are still pretty high
>fixed cost of running plumbling and electrical lines are also still high
maybe its cause people actually like quiet neighborhoods with lots of yard space?

They are being made, but it's honestly a bit cucksheddy at this point.

I believe he is speaking the truth. And eloquently too.

Honestly I'd live in a cuckshed if it were actually cheaper and not just a scam for dumb cucks.

I actually built one of these to live in. I built a little two story tuff shed inside as sort of a residence with walls and doors I can close in the winter when it's -20F and I can't afford to heat the entire place all day. I have 5000 square feet of living space to do with as I please.
I would show you guys pics, but I make a living by doing carpentry projects for rich liberal faggots. Don't need them blackballing me

The CIA was established in 1947. Historical photographs and documents show that niggers existed before then.

the only way to make a personal commie-block worse is with a slick coat of modernism.

the orange paint and pointless "details" really draw the mind away from the reality that you're living in literal trailer trash.

Jaimie, the goy is right. "Professionals" are incompetent corrupt entitled fucks.

There should be a income/wealth limit to screw the welfare leeches in bullshit jobs.

The point is that most jobs aren't even required anymore, industry is largely automated and most office workers do nothing but pointless presentations and phonecalls
So your job is unfullfilling compared to the future where you plowed a field and reaped the rewards of your work
Also most jobs are bullshit part time shit created by politicians so they can say 'HEY LOOK WE BROUGHT UNEMPLOYEMENT DOWN TEE HEE'

When i worked in a shipbroker i did phonecalls all fucking day to get a charter contract and the only contracts we got the client was desperate/decided enough so that he would still book it with us even if i was never there
Im so glad i got out and got in the coastguard, honest work for the goverment and maximum job security , fuck 'job hunting' 'careers' and all that yuppie bullshit
People should get state assigned jobs and all the rest get free basic income ( the ones with jobs are the most talented and get even more money)
Job hunting is the most degrading and disgusting practice in the world

Housing is expensive no matter how you slice it.

Have you gone and priced materials? Don't even get me started on land...

>ignoring the real reason houses are expensive
Building materials are cheap as fuck these days. problem is the over-inflated cost of the land youre building it on due to the yellow plague. Instead of banning unions and housing codes bring back the chinese head tax.

Isn't that what lofts basically are?

>Building materials are cheap as fuck these days.

Cheaper than they were, but sure as hell not cheap.

Every rich liberal faggot I know is in love with the concept of the small house. Expose it and you might even get more clients.

Building and fire codes keep us safe. Warehouses are not for living in. Do you want to die in a fire you filthy arsonist?

>lets all live in sardine cans so the foreign speculators can launder money through our actual houses!

theyre probably around 15% of the cost of a house. fact is cost of materials isnt an issue cost of land is and land costs have been over inflated due to shit like land speculation and chink money laundering

op is probably a filthy fucking ch*nese