It's Holy Friday my dudes!
But is no excuse for our politicians and MSM to respectively work on their defense and talk about Fachin's List, Odebrech directors plea bargains and other stuff.
Our republic is going to hell, if it falls, what new system you think could replace it and work better? And if you still republican, how can we reform it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Explain me why did you got rid of Based Emperor?

International News about the recent scandals:
Local News:

There is no Integralism without Nacionalism! ANAUÊ!

Just an edgy phase, dad. Please take us back ;_;

You still have gold?

We spent everything on traps and imported junk.


Was a very interesting story;
Ruy Barbosa, Deodoro and other high rank officials from the army and local oligarchies wanted more power and D.Pedro was trying to curtail them.
The republicans, before the creation of the Republican Party gathered around the Liberal Party, that had many local inflammatory newspapers.
They tried to do a coup in the early days before the end of Paraguay War, but they failed. Was a ridiculous cause: A fucking statue that Pedro found too expensive to be build.
But since the end of Paraguay war the plotting intensified and culminated in the siege of the parliament and senate in 1889. They didn't intended to take down the monarchy, just to force a change in the appointed cabinet.
Deodoro, who did the siege, wanted to be Minister of War and Defense but without much communication they lied to him and told that a guy who had an affair with one of his lovers was going to be appointed.
In resume: Deodoro formation in the army was financed by the Emperor and they almost made him talk to the Emperor but he refused: He was going to cry because he liked Pedro II a lot and the plot would the fucked up.
So they sent another guy and that's it.

“A falta de justiça, Srs. Senadores, é o grande mal da nossa terra, o mal dos males, a origem de todas as nossas infelicidades, a fonte de todo nosso descrédito, é a miséria suprema desta pobre nação. De tanto ver triunfar as nulidades, de tanto ver prosperar a desonra, de tanto ver crescer a injustiça, de tanto ver agigantarem-se os poderes nas mãos dos maus, o homem chega a desanimar da virtude, a rir-se da honra, a ter vergonha de ser honesto. Essa foi a obra da República nos últimos anos. No outro regime [a Monarquia], o homem que tinha certa nódoa[desonra] em sua vida era um homem perdido para todo o sempre: as carreiras políticas lhe estavam fechadas. Havia uma sentinela vigilante [Pedro II], de cuja severidade todos se temiam e que, acesa no alto, guardava a redondeza, como um farol que não se apaga, em proveito da honra, da justiça e da moralidade.”

But seriously guys: who are you voting for next year?

this was the guy that did most part of the plotting against the Based Emperor

Seriously? No idea
If I vote Bolsonaro, we end with a populist betraying everyone and killing the right-wing wave because "we elected someone n shiet now let's sit on the sofa again"
If I vote Ciro, we have a nationalist who is corrupt, has good knowledge of internal pollies and can do something.
+ The right-wing wave would skyrocket because "FUCK, ANOTHER SOCIE"


well, we just spent R$ 246.612.801,00 in corruption we can buy it at least

Vote for NOVO, you faggets

It's fucking obvious

I think I will vote for NOVO, they have some nice ideas and will shrink the state
and I can also open my architecture office faster with their proposed regulations



I hate delivery relinquish power to jews but Bolsonaro is the only oposition to this middleleft stablishment. All I ask is Enéas back.

But Ciro is not a jewish pawn, is an usual northeast center-east oligarchies pawn.
And has almost the same ideas, plus voting on a right-wing candidate will kill the libertarian and other right-wing movements
we cannot let this glorious movement die

i just voted

Not jew but mason

Probably Bolsonaro or Levy, but only because of a lack of decent options.

The thing about presidential elections is that the president doesn't govern by himself, you can elect a nationalist but if the lower and upper houses are filled with globalist traitors it won't matter that much.

Literally who? I'd rather get to know them first.
Will they sell our strategic companies or something? I don't really like the idea of selling them to foreigners.
>inb4 petista americanofóbico
The USA doesn't like having Russia meddling with their companies either.

Livres, Novo, Doria (as long as this fag doesnt turn out to be a fabian socialist) and to a lesser extent Bolsonaro are all valid options.

w/e about freemasonry
I was tempted to be one, actually know all the ones in Curitiba because of my dad connections.
Is very common for us in this republic to elect freemasons and people connected to local Orients and the Brazilian Orient

What's Fachin's List? I don't know shit about brazilian politics.

I always liked PV propouses but since I started to get redpilled about general brazilian politics, during the Mensalão Scandal, I started to shitvote on PCO and null vole or just pay the fee

Is this another libertarian/an-cap circlejerk that will never go anywhere?

The list of politicians involved in the Odebrech Scandal and general involvement in Lava Jato investigated crimes

Nah I think that the ancaps are just mad right-wing liberals
as soon as we elect a right wing politician the population will shrink to >1% of ancaps

Spotted the commie faggot

Doria 2018 desu

2 0 2 2



I'm just being pragmatic. Libertarianism is never going to be viable unless we balkanize, especially in a country where you have so many people literally swimming in rivers of trash and dying of hunger.

bumperino memerino

Sociodemocrat. Lobo em pele de carneiro. Mason. Every shit i hate but there is no where to go.

As I said, almost everyone with a bit of power is eaten by the spoils of being a freemason
eloquent people
small bizz owners
It's our deep state. There's no way out

It's the opposite m8, libertarianism works best in big countries exactly because a random nordestino doing shit wouldn't have an effect in the country as a whole like we have now with all states going bankrupt, by giving power to the smart and productive individuals you can become a successful country even if the majority of the population is retarded.
This is also why gay shit like fascism and socialism will never work here.

>le masonry is ebil didn't you see those dan brown books dude!

You misspelled jews you faggot

Just hug me. Im scared.

Novo is quite a pragmatic libertarian party, m8.

You should read more about them.

They are almost the same thing but work in the local level.
I'm going to be initiated next year, just to keep my father and grandfather tradition.
When I say that "X is part of our deep state" I don't misspell, jews are just a small part of it

>For the Empire!

Sounds better than "for the republic", tbqh.

Bolsonaro, if doria gives it a go Ill vote for him, but I think if he and Bolsonaro try at the same time a lot of the votes will be split and another commie might take it.
please god give us a break

the hymn is better than the "muh nature hymn"

Then why did you fuck everything up, you fucking faggot!

I love just how simplistic you think a nation's economic problems are.

We are an underdeveloped secondary economy, we don't have what it takes to just say fuck and let the free market run wild. That's not how it works and any libertarian economist will tell you that.

Brazil has to be eased into libertarian policies, and that could take 20 or 30 years. You can't just decide one day that DUDE FREE MARKET LMAO is best for Brazil.

hte positivismus will work!
eternaly revise history so we are right
our republic is like a short-life communism
30 to 30 years we do a coup and then start it over again!

Brazilian Empire > Republic

Redpill me on Flávio Rocha, fellas.

Rumour has it that he's gonna run for presidency for Partido Novo

>liberdades individuais com responsabilidade
>com responsabilidade

liberty isn't free n shiet

But then our retarded system collapses but since it wasn't a real republic we try again but our retarded system collapses but since it wasn't a real republic we try again but then our retarded system collapses.





Why do you think that our economy is underdeveloped?
It's exactly because Brazil has one of the most unfree economies in the world, it's impossible to modernize here because the government has an iron grip in the economy and you will get swamped by regulations and bureaucracy every fucking where.

The staples of Brazilian economy are nothing but simple commodities because that's what the government specialized in and they have no incentive to change that, this country is designed to perpetuate its monopoly and it will stay like that for centuries unless someone decides to change it.

Of course libertarianism doesn't come with its own share of problems but pretty much any rich country today got where they are now thanks to it, even countries like Sweden for example which are often erroneously called socialist.

In the real world state control simply doesn't work and this country is proof of that.

PL became PR
PR is a 15+/3- grade party

Therefore he is bretty good.

I wish saying ORDEM E PROGRESSO wasnt so fucking ironic, its a good guide desu


Literally a meme party with meme people that follow a meme ideology that never was and will never be implemented or work.

>a meme ideology that never was and will never be implemented
Oh how ignorant you are.
Read up on Laissez-Faire and European libertarianism is general, all rich countries are rich today thanks to this "meme ideology".

b-but hte meme magic n shiet

NOVO's proposals are actually pretty much standard fare in any first world country, you are probably unaware of just just utterly oppressive our government is when it comes to economy, it's literally (literally) one of the worst places in the world to run a business.

No Pedro, there isn't a single country on Earth that follows that bullshit.
Granted the economical policies are great but that's as far as most will go.

And keep in mind that there is no muh freedom or muh peace with niggers around.

Follows what bullshit exactly?
Free market? Yep.
Low bureaucracy? Yep.
Individual rights? Yep.
Low state control? Yep, all of these are typical in any decent country.


>Low state control?
You got fucking memed. The only thing they don't control too much is the economy and even something as economically lax as the EU requires a ton of control.
Hell, they even have thought policing over there, just like how we have it here.

>Ciro Gomes
Are you fucking kidding me!? that red bastard changes his speech more than he changes his socks, he's a socialist that wants to look good
If you want another corrupt piece of shit that will steal a lot and spend your money with assistentialism and africans government, while praising a giant state that pushes immortal values down our throats, go ahead!

I'm obviously talking about economic control specifically, their crime policing is far superior to ours too even though some euro countries go a bit too far with the social control.

If we elect a right-wingy
will you keep educating yourself? Will you be militant/conscious like you are today?

Based Novo bro

We will inherit this country one day

Then like I said, it's a meme ideology that is not applied anywhere in the world. Good economical policies but that is it, nobody goes beyond this.

Doesn't matter if you don't like the guy, the acceptable answer is Bolsonaro. The others are literally cancer.
Oh, that if Doria does not run for presidency, otherwise the only acceptable option is Bolsonaro.

What political and economic system you propose then, m80 m8?

What do you mean? NOVO doesn't advocate for less cops or anything.
You are confusing libertarianism with anarcho-capitalism, they are completely different beasts and you have a pretty distorted view of what NOVO is about, actually reading up about stuff before spouting ignorant opinions is generally a good idea.

WTF are you talking about??
I'm not a militant, I don't trust any politician right now, I kinda like Farage in the UK but that's it, even Trump I never trusted him.

A adaptable state that doesn't follow ideologies and only focus on the situation.
When it needs to grow, it grows. When it need to shrink it shrinks.
You can do it via regulations to the state, easy to be fair but here we need blood to be spilled first.

I'm not proposing anything. Brazil is too far gone genetically, socially, historically and culturally.
Take the blackpill and just live your life in peace.

Take your own advice before pulling a strawman like that.

basically politically active, no need to be a partisan but just to know and be interested in polly/ticks/, in a international or national level
without the years of socialism in Brazil the right would never woke

A purely pragmatic government?

Bro thats more utopic than communism or ancap

>Ancaps and libertarians falling for Doria meme

O brasileiro tem mais é que se foder mesmo.

been expecting this thread the whole day.

Brasiliafag here

would thee kindly redpill me on Doria? why is he a meme? he seems pretty good, although I never gave a fuck to research anything about him

Oh, you are one of the blackpill retards thinking he's being "outside the box" while having absolutely zero knowledge of politics, isentão chucklefucks like you are actually the majority of the people in this country, nothing but dead weight.

Might as well just kill yourself, it would be an improvement.

Meant to

japones tem cinco filhos,o primeiro é retardado.
não confie nas forças armadas,eles destruiram o nosso império.

fuck off,liberal countries like "europe" are now filled with SJW,rape immigrants and terrorism thanks to this shit.
we already have enough inner problems,don't add another one.

Something close to fascism/national-socialism but adapted to our reality,
It did work out economically, praised nationalism and good values.
Of course it has it's downsides but there's no perfect ideology

Oh don't mind me, I'll just enjoy my like while you idiots try to fix the unfixable. No need to get so mad bruh.

>confusing economic libertarianism with social liberals

This thread is about politics, not your personal nihilism blog, now fuck off idiotic weeb.

Some people say he's a fabian socialist.

Not sure tho, just the future can tell.

>Bro thats more utopic than communism or ancap
Are saying that not focusing on nap stories for tards is a utopia?
This is what we need, a post-ideological government. Why would it be a utopia? May I ask

I wonder if every Novofag is as dense as you.
What do you know about the website that you're posting in? Hmm?

Tome cuidado, o cara tem feito uma boa gestão, mas ainda assim apoia medidas de manter o Estado brasileiro gordo e ineficiente, o que impede o povo brasileiros de prosperar.

O cara é do PSDB, um partido de centro-esquerda, não caia no meme de "o partido não diz nada" e não esqueça que são socialistas fabianos e chupadores de pau de comunista. Todos ali são admiradores de Fidel Castro e outros demônios.

How the fuck is he a fabian socialist? He is just doing his job and the only "ideological" thing he is doing is pushing hard against the Worker's Party

How do you know where he lands ideologically? He mostly does shit and doesn't really talk much.

>Doesn't fall for the "party doesn't mean shit" meme

Every fucking party has a ideology, if he wasn't ok with that he wouldn't have joined that party. PLZ user

I like you, bro.

Where are you from?