Korea kind of serious (muh habbening)

so lets say nothing happens, what then, will they leave him alone? he wont give up the nukes as its the only thing stopping him from being SADDAM'D.

and lets say he gets to keep them, what happens then? he will look like a fucking pussy to his generals.

he's really backed into a corner here desu

check'd good sir

>captcha: select the wok

Instead of testing a nuke he might fire more missiles into the sea or some shit. That way he can save face and Trump can say he made Kim back down while the media hides the fact Kim fired missiles.

And nothing will happen.

He also looks moderately drunk there at the podium swaying back and forth. There must have been a lot of sideways glances pregnant with meaning exchanged between realist generals.


also is there anyone out there who knows Korean and can give a quick but continuous rundown of what is being said here at the parade?

Both Kim and Trump have to do somthing to save face if theres no new nuke test and/or missile strike. Either look like peacemakers and somehow get results from each other, or go full hog into war since I cant see any more sanctions even being available let alone viable.

World is too small to tolerate these types of rogue states

NK is in a perpetual state of paranoia, it needs to be nuked.

trump will go down in history as the greatest as the man who brought stability to the world

We should get some dude to infiltrate the military and become a super high ranking general. Then just have him orchestrate a military coup.

Im not a trump supporter by any means but I think he did a great job. finally someone called these pussies fucking bluff

His generals will probably blow his brains out if he told them to launch a nuke. He was raised thinking he is a God, his generals are the dew people in NK who know he's not

There will never be stability when the US is 50% non-white and Europe is forced to convert to Islam.

allegedly thats why his brother was killed, its hard to stage a coup in 1984 the state. especially when all your family will get killed if they even catch a glimpse of that shit

>His generals will probably blow his brains out
I don't know why people keep saying this. If anything that would just start a civil war at best, at worst the killer would be executed and things would go on just as unstable as before.

A civil war between who? His people hate him, his solders abandon their post all the time and try to make it to south Korea. No one likes him and his generals sure as fuck ain't gonna get nuked for his ass. Like I said. His generals know he's just a spoiled cry baby with a temper. They won't die for him

I think people like to think they'd do the "right" thing.

we are all cowards when failure means seeing your 5 year old daughter mauled by starving dogs

Wow, you guys think his people love him so much that they would start fighting the military to revenge their leader who starves them? YouTube the videos with the north Koreans crying when his dad died. You can literally tell that they had guns pointed at them and told them to cry

i dont know man, theyre indoctrinated to hate the imperialists since birth, the coolaid drinkers keep the rational ones in check, I liken it to radical islamists

>fire nuke
>bc muh face

>World is too small
>NK needs to be nuked.
you sound like a globalist

>His people hate him
No, actually they all love him. You should stop listening to jews. Koreans as a whole hate Americans. And in fact the South Koreans hate Americans more than they hate the North, and the average Korean thinks America is their #1 enemy, not NK.