Progesterone given to mothers during pregnancy found to cause homosexuality

This is a major cause of the sudden explosion in homosexuality that is dooming our nations with low birth rates below replacement levels. The leftist political leanings and moral values of an entire generation have been predetermined by a supplement.

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And yet you fuckers will still say it's a choice.

So which is it?

It's an illness with no cure. I'm not retarded, and Sup Forums isn't a single person.


>no cure

so old women cause homos?

Quit being retarded, it's both. Some people fixate themselves on tranny porn and the idea of getting fucked in the ass. For some "men", life seems as if it would be easier as a woman, or they're estranged from the male hierarchy because being an actual man seems too hard. There's a lot of reasons why "men" choose to fuck or get fucked by other men.

The flip side of that is that environment can also greatly influence what one ends up being. Low test genetics from the father, apparently progesterone supplementation for the mother. There's a lot of different factors at play.

I honestly don't think a nation filled with motivated, masculine, alphas would be all that ideal, either. There would be no weaklings to make your greatness stand out, and after having conquered the world or perfected their nation, what the fuck would they preoccupy themselves with? There's no doubt in my mind that they would wage war against themselves, because only they could be a perfect enemy for themselves.

It's a choice, as is all sexual deviancy.
Many people at some point think hmm I'm curious about this.. or ohh that's so taboo it makes me crazy horny!
Normal people just think yeah I don't wan to get addicted to gay/kiddie/cuckold etc porn and thus the fetish never develops. The guy who decides to ignore that weird urge and stays faithful to his wife will 10 times out of 10 not end up fucking a stranger found on craigslist. The person who might wish they were the opposite sex thinks "wow, that might be cool" and moves on with their life instead of getting their dick inverted and making their entire identity about their gender.
It's all about having impulse control and not letting a fetish/curiosity snowball into an addiction/reality.
Just my opinion but I really can't see how it's not at some level a choice.

Not sure on this one. I know little kids who acted gay and turned out gay.You could just tell "that kids gonna be a fruit" and what do you know he was.

Ah fuck, wifes taking progesterone right now for our second son. God damnit... the pharmajew cucked me again.

>guys i was forced by gunpoint to fuck a guys asshole, what was I supposed to do?

if you had any common courtesy you'd have given him a reach-around

i just bought this shirt, thanks user

>rolling rock
i'd make that face too.

Of course you would nigger, you're used to olde 40.

what is it prescribed for?


You're future son on top

Each successive son increases the likelihood of faggotry, so he's prob doomed.


I wish he hadn't turned into such an SJW cuck. I really liked his alt-right robot though.

>what is it prescribed for?

>when women are at risk of miscarriage they are often treated with progesterone.
>The participants ... included 17 men and 17 women whose mothers had been treated with progesterone, all of whom are now in their mid-20s.
>Findings showed that 20.6% of progesterone-treated participants described themselves as bisexual, homosexual or that they didn't know.

miscarriage is better than raising a fag 20% of the time

>they didn't know.

i cant believe white people take drugs during pregnancy thinking their arent going to be side affects. How retarded do you have to be? How many times do stories like this need to come out for you to quit this shit!?!?!?


but homosexuals have been in existence long before progesterone

what explains gay cavemen and other artifacts found indicating homosexual behavior?

Pesticides are pretty good at fucking up kids too, we just don't have long enough studies yet.

Why post in here if our last quite based thread on this was deleted before 404? I will stay on this board and be pro gay in hopes our random tendency to post penises will show up some time. Stay away from Trump and the wing of Shlomo rabbis. The right

Not sure if bait or retarded

It's literally what we've been saying and lefts denying. You can control gayness with hormones, and just like you treat illnesses with drugs, we should treat gays with drugs. That's simply common sense.

Die with dignity.

>Claiming sufficient evidence to conclude a "major causation" with anything from a single study with a relatively small sample size.
Do you even science?

>Relatively small
try extremely small, also the study didn't mention any controls on the mothers so it's totally possible they just took mothers who needed progesterone (older) vs mothers who didn't (younger). I'd guess older moms would be more likely to have gay kids too, based solely upon them being more likely to be career women, less traditional, more likely to be progressives, etc

You idiots should actually go read a medical text book some times before believing these stupid claims.