Can we have a Sup Forums recommended reading thread?

Can we have a Sup Forums recommended reading thread?

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No one should be allowed to post here without reading it. I'm sick of all you blue pilled retards calling yourselves redpilled because you voted for trump or some other normie bullshit. Read the goddamn fucking book.

lol wrong book. I meant this one

"To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy."

-Sun Tzu

Got this on Audible right now.

Quick rundown? From a very quick search, it looks like this is Sup Forums mainlined into book form?

This. I've been reading quite a bit of Marx lately. Soon I'm going to move on to the French post-structuralists. I'm going to engage the left on their own turf, and I will destroy them.

Reading this right now. So far my favourite is the essay on slavery. Really revealing that not only were white, western countries, not the worst offenders, they were also the sole culture fighting to end slavery worldwide. Britain in particular spent so many resources and effort stifling the Atlantic slave-trade. Not to mention, they spent a significant portion of their GDP purchasing slaves to set free.

Truly enlightening, especially in the context of today's American blacks crying about white privilege.


Have fun, user.


>Quick rundown? From a very quick search, it looks like this is Sup Forums mainlined into book form?
It's a scholarly book by kevin macdonald a retired professor of clinical psychology and current alt right intellectual. It's about Judaism as a group evolutionary strategy. Basically, jews fear white ethnocentrism because white ethnocentrism has never worked out well for the jews, so they do what they can to prevent it from happening through intellectual movements and lobbying for immigration reform. It has chapters on Franz Boas, Stephen Gould, Freud, immigration, the frankfurt school, and jewish involvement in leftist movements. All well researched and heavily cited. Cultural marxism and all the misinformation out there about race all have jewish origins. You'll never look at the world the same way again after reading it. It's literally the redpill.

>clinical psychology
*evolutionary psychology

my nigga, me too. I also just downloaded this one from audible, as soon as I'm done with what I'm listening to I'll get started on it.

Next on the list I think will be the book by Taleeb Starkes, Un-Civil war, blacks vs niggers.

There isn't much to Marx unless you honestly want to philosophize with marxists on their terms. Honestly though, Marxism should have died with the industrial revolution. I'm learning about conflict theory in sociology and they are literally brainwashed into the rhetoric "Oppressed vs oppressors". Bourgeois vs Proletariat.

What you should do is read up on systems that are better than marxism, in a debate you aren't trying to convince the other side, but rather the listeners who haven't decided.

Watch the Stefan Molyneux video on the history of slavery, you'll be really shocked at some of the stats. Especially with the middle eastern slave trade.

Except psychology was created by the jews, so no thanks.

forgot to add image

It's good but takes some evidence beyond reasonable extent. Like that some of the more self destructive theories' destructiveness was intentional.
I've studied a good amount of the subjects and he stretches certain things way beyond their actual significance.
e.g. the authoritarian mind. It was significant in the development of social science but Jesus Christmas the malevolence projected on the badly reasoned theory sort of feeds power to the authoritarian mind.
My take away was that there are some serious discussions that are not being had as a result of the Holocaust.
But it's a far stretch from some of the notions that Sup Forums unironically proposes.
Everyone should read this, but you are a follower if reading this book and combining it with some jpegs with nazi and zionist quotes forms the entirety of your opinion on this matter.
Which everyone here does.

Anyways, read Leftism Revisited if you want a similar genealogy of leftist thought.


Anything and everything that Marquis de sade has wrote.

"Up from Liberalism" - William F. Buckley

r/ing any books about natural law and deism

Natural law as in social darwinism? If so, then I recommend Survival Of the Fittest

Buckley is god-tier, thanks. I love watching his old shows on youtube.

Ill look into that.

Heard great things about it, will buy.

Read a book, nigga

Religious deism is the final redpill

This book is absolute shit, but a must read.

I'm going through Socialism by John Stuart Mill now. Much better so far, though I'm only a third of the way through.


>Honestly though, Marxism should have died with the industrial revolution.

This. His predictions didn't come true and don't make sense anymore.

If the west ends up socialist it will be a slide, not a revolution. Marx is irrelevant.


Actually read this cover to cover and you'll see how ill informed and retarded Sup Forums almost always is.



deep state = real

jfk = martyr



This book is amazing

>retired professor
>of a field irrelevant to his current publications
>no qualifications in political science
>very poorly researched with minimal understanding of the material cited
>literally the worst long undergraduate essay ever written
>current guru of the butthurt autistic right who seek scapegoats.

Please get it right, user.

Thanks m8


oh look it's this thread...

What do you think about the jews? Is there really a conspiracy?


>Taleeb Starkes
U wot m8?

I didn't know chimps could read let alone write books kek

Read this. I don't even agree with all of it but its one of the more intelligent books on North Korea.

>Taleeb Starkes
>There isn't much to Marx unless you honestly want to philosophize with marxists on their terms
>I'm learning about conflict theory in sociology
>Watch the Stefan Molyneux video on the history of slavery

I can tell by the way you write and the fact that you study sociology that you have a darker complexion. Literally every single black person I've ever met who studied at university did sociology

>experts are just a conspiracy made up by the Chinese
>the earth is flat and you can't stop me
>jet fuel can't melt school massacres
>Elvis lives in Argentina
>I'm a raging homosexual
>I have never shown any signs of autism ever
>Only one of the above statements can be true.

Anyone know who this perfect human specimen is? His works are literally GOAT

>wall street and the rise of hitler
wat, gimme a quick rundown on that. i think im thunking of it in a retarded way

>Schopenhauer - The World as Will and Representation

The Army pays me to go school, sociology is somehow mandatory for my computer science degree. I didn't pick it, but I enjoy shitting on the professor and his love for Marxism constantly.

I'm of Mayan origin, born in Texas, and I was raised around the south. I currently live in Los Angeles, and don't assume things about me just because the color of my skin. I'm lightskinned, but that's irrelevant. Just last week for my communications presentation mid-term I gave a speech I wrote titled "Why the civil war wasn't about slavery and thoughts on the war of northern aggression". I simply want to understand what is behind cultures that are broken, and the apologists who accompany them.

>don't assume things about me just because the color of my skin

You came to the wrong board, paco.

>light skinned

gotta start this one soon



Highly recommended. Ought to be mandatory reading for American high schoolers. It'd put Stalinist apologism right to bed.

The People's history of the United States by Howard Zinn. It's just life's work.

Reccing pic related, it has some serious issues, but it is a good debate nonetheless.
>not Das Capital
Enjoy not understanding shit due to bad translations and only having a rudimentary understanding their basic economic and political positions I guess.

It's not so much a book as it is a prototypical political pamphlet that shows the condition of society in modernity

The image is in shitty quality for me. May you please make an imgur really quick?

As a Normie, I'd have to recommend Steinbeck, B.Traven, Dostojevski and Tom Wolfe. Avoid Julius Evola as if it were the plague.

>He says in a board filled with neo-nazis

Conspiracy in the way it is often portrayed on Sup Forums? Definitely not.
Could there be a kabal of bilderberg level elite tier jews doing shifty long game geopolitical moves that effect us all? Certainly possible- but there are probably a number of white males in the same tier that aren't being persecuted by the Juden in the way that many on Sup Forums victimize themselves.

Is there some level of collusion and consensus that isn't conspiracy amongst socially elite (not the same type of elite as above) related to MacDonald's evolutionary in-group behavior regarding philosophical outlook that leans so far left that their influence pulls the US and western Europe into a semi/pseudo 'cultural Marxist' direction?

However, the idea that whitey is unwittingly being jewed by the jews into seeking these policies is irresponsible and pathetic. Whitey is buying into it for the same reasons jew dudes are.

Why is this the case? Because look at right leaning socially acceptable politicians in the last century. Look who surrounded them. Just as many clever jews who weren't pushing for the 'marxist' policies that selection bias portrays in tCoC.

So, conspiracy? No and unlikely or misrepresented to the extent that it can be yes.
Collusion and consensus on an unorganized social level. Absolutely- but similar behavior exists on the right, to a lesser degree and moreso in the recent past than today.

>in a book recommendation thread
Not sure what you're getting at here.

* Norhern progression. Other than that it's pretty tight. We are the apologists still.

I don't think anyone reading about atrocities is going to stop Stalinist apologetics considering the Hitler apologetics despite knowing about the holocaust.

wtf is this degeneracy???


The foundation for exploration

T. Not Sean



Rabid anti Semite frog great stuff.