This board isn't going to last another eight years. It probably won't even last one

This board isn't going to last another eight years. It probably won't even last one.

It was initially popular because the weird political style of trolling it used was new and interesting, and it entertained and encouraged people to join in. Now it's just shill versus shill. You can't find a serious or genuine reply in any thread anymore, it's just a bunch of robots.

Welcome to Sup Forums with Trump.

reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

thats why im on Major League POL now

fuck Trump and fuck white people

I used to be a trump supporter but then trump did that unacceptable thing and now I'm hernie for bernie. We can't let trump develop warp drive.

That give is a metaphor for how life came on OP's face.

its also proof that whites will never get along and get off on each others suffering while everyone is getting replaced in their own populations

ww1/2 broke white people collectively

But seriously, we can't let him get his hands on the mod position.


.tldr niggerlips

Try /mlpol/'s website.

Fuck you fucking faggot Reeeee


If it dies, it'll rise again on another image board. You can't kill the meme, that collective idea will go on no matter what.


who tf even wants to be on this board in 8 years anyway. By then we should hopefully be educated and strong enough to go out of the basement and start our own families and drive society in a direction we learned is virtuous and true

No thanks

>too many niggers are larping on this board these days and niggers can't debate anything beyond their skin color and start chimping out when their head starts hurting.

fuck you


This board is going to last for a very long time, if everything goes right.

Sup Forums sacked rome
Sup Forums loaded trade ships with plague rats
Sup Forums burned london to the ground

Everytime a civilisation reaches the pinnacle of its libtardation, we return to restore the shitposting

I pledge no allegiance to this board. Only to the truth it used to rpresent.

looks like someone is overcompensating.


fuck off

>This board isn't going to last another year
This meme used to be popular back in 2009 and 2012, every time there was an election or just after.

>Now it's just shill versus shill.
So, how is your first time on Sup Forums...

fuck you nigger

Fuck you ya cunt df9aw8yhdeiewahdiuawu


Real aussie hours haha

Jesus christ m8


haha fuck you, it's morning here.

To be brutally honest I just want a legit anonymous politics board on Sup Forums. It's kind of wasted solely on 'politically incorrect' but because I'm bored as F and just want to hear discussion I lurk anyway. Alt right is a fucking joke and anons who aren't thick as shit know it... anons also know liberals can be full of shit too. in b4 Wah wah boo woo your a SJW. Sup Forums just put up a parody antifa board for some balance