Statism is a mental disorder

The saddest thing about statism is that the vast majority of statist zombies don't even realise how ridiculous the concept is because they're so well-indoctrinated like the little sheep they are.

good post toothpaste i hope more people realised that

Voluntary bump.

The only thing ridiculous here is Ancap.

And the answer to all four questions isn't consent. It's consensus.

>not wanting free stuff

if you dont like taxes go live somewhere without taxes

Except if you refused to pay taxes they would deport you or throw you in prison, refuse to give you loans and shut down your bank accounts.

Taxation is the price we pay for civilization.

The phone lines that were put in that give you access to the world wide web, built by taxation. The road you drive on, the police, fire fighters and ambulances.

>b-but it's more effective!
slavery was also extremely effective, but it was also immoral, just like taxation. that's why we abolished slavery.

9/10 participants approve of gang rape.



Exactly. In medieval times. taking a wife as a spoils of war is an ordinary practice.

In our times, having a drunk sex is a rape.

if you don't like freedom, go live in north korea.

its pretty simple really

>do you want to live here? we have a fee that keeps us alive so if you live here you will pay.
simple as that


If all libertarians would settle for a 5 year vacation in Somalia, I'd basically rush to DPRK.

Two words for ya:

Social Contract.

We need the taxes to help Israel goy.
Remember the 6 gorilion

if it's okay to be raped, you should also accept to get on your knees if someone wants to buttfuck you. how consistent are you in your reasoning, little boy?

>we abolished slavery.
we didn´t, we just stopped calling it slavery

It's not a fee when it's at the end of a gun, and how can you frame it as a choice? We were born here, with no opinion in the matter. But we do get an opinion on whether or not someone taking money from you at the end of a gun is moral or not.

Anyways. ancap is as much of a meme as ansoc.
Because without an organized society with obligatory social participation you have no money with which to conduct trade and thus no means beyond barter with which to conduct trade.

And barter is such an efficient way of conducting trade you can kiss McDonalds and recreational nukes goodbye.

Anprim ftw faggots.

What a joke, somalia's state is massively corrupt and their IQ is in the 70. NK has a higher IQ than Russia, it should be much better, right?


no one's talking to you maple syrup!

but also - most of the taxes not used for roads...hmmmm. what are they being used for again?

What do we call it now and where does it happen?


The saddest thing about antistatism is that the vast majority of antistatist zombies don't even realise how ridiculous the concept is because they're so well-indoctrinated like the little sheep they are. Everyone else recognises that the benefits of having a state greatly outweigh the costs, and if you don't like it you're free to leave the state.

And if you're asking What makes taxation not theft, why not ask What makes property not theft? After all, you're depriving others of the right to use it.

BTW robbery is a very specific crime, and most non consensual transactions don't fit the definition of robbery.

So leaf's are so dumb they literally cannot conceive of non fiat currency. That is what this post tells me.

To conduct even more violence of course.

But anyway. As much of a meme ancap is. OP is right you faggots. Government is violence by it's very nature. Just because you've been a good little goy your whole life and never experienced it doesn't mean it's not there.

Start disobeying some traffic signs. Start showing a little individuality (the real kind. not the kind that involves buying a different coloured yamaca) and you'll find it pretty fucking fast.


>muh gold standard meme
>looks at flag

Not all violence is bad you faggot leaf.

Well my step dad says it's an agreement by society that we will pay taxes for the betterment of overall society, as it benefits all.

Then also says it should show what %we pay to our defense budget on our taxes and if that % goes up then people should be able to decide if they want to pay for that increase or not.

I noted how that's fine, but then we should do the same for every government sponsored program, so we can see where our money is going exactly and decide collectively if we want to spend money on it

He said that's not necessary since defense spending is such a large part of the budget.

Needless to say he's a libcuck.

Under medieval law that would depend on my nobility.

It is not my reasoning. This is how a real world works (and worked in medieval times respectively)

Military service

Work is not voluntary you fucking capitalist pig.

Go drink milk from a bag. Also pay for the bag of milk with gold, like a freeman, not with plantation bucks.

Also this. You only choose where you work. You don't choose to work or not. It would be illegal for me to forgo participation in society and just wander off into the woods, build a log cabin and live off the land without paying for (((the appropriate permits))).

Wage labour.

Happens everywhere.

Of course. But not all individuality is virtue. Most of individuality is retardation, delinquency and immaturity.


>Everyone else recognises that the benefits of having a state greatly outweigh the costs
I respect your decision to pay for things you deem beneficial to you. However, I do not see the benefit and I would rather spend my money on something more important than refugees, missile strikes and rewarding people for being unemployed.

Would you give me the aame respect as I give you to our own decisions? Or would you use violence against me if I didn't pay for the things you want? If the answer is yes, what's stopping me from doing the opposite? Using violence against you to not pay for things that are destructive to our country.

>and if you don't like it you're free to leave the state.
Where to boss?


>if you don't like it you're free to leave the state
False. There is virtually no land in the world without taxation by a government body. I chose the next best option and lived in a state with no state income tax, but the federal government still gouges me

right now it's voluntary. but the draft, yes i agree

>There's only 2 economic/political systems.
>burger logic.

How do we solve the burger posting problem?

voluntary transaction

You're free to leave the country permanently at anytime. Sounds like consent to me.

Taxation in the US as a federal tax was 1% and was opt in for the first world war (WW1) after that they increased the federal tax a little bit made it mandatory to pay benefits to all the returning solders.

After that people started saying well im sick now I need to be taken care of etc. and now we have stupid tax rates to basically pay for everything.

It was called public service once upon a time ago, because it was doing your part for your country. Now these retards do it for the money and connections. Hence why you dont hear from previous living presidents, they are out of the spotlight, done their dash and couldn't give a fuck.

People need to wake up to politicians making runs at the people and they need to be kept in check.

>Taxation is the price we pay for civilization.
There was no income tax in the past dickhead

While you are at solving posting problems you might wanna include leaf posting? Kill 2 flies with one shot...

Be more like randy

Taxation is slavery

>Taxation is slavery
>But monopolizing all of the world's resources into the hands of a small number of people by utilizing statism to legitimize ownership of said resources by "I got here first so it's all mine" is freedumb

>"What's stopping me from doing the opposite?"
The police and military funded by my taxes. Individualism only goes so far. Collectivism has it's benefits and those include limited protection of the values considered the status quo.

>if the government wouldn't issue currency people would go back to bartering instead of create new currencies
ok m8

>Currency grows on the leeward side of the mountain and you can just harvest it from nowhere.

You literally just described why statism is bad. Only through the centralization of power that happens under the modern nation state do you create an environment where monopoly and exploitation can exist. Without the state to grant certain individuals and companies legislative largesse and tax breaks and market protection from competition, this situation of crony capitalism and kleptocrats could not have arised.

>But monopolizing all of the world's resources into the hands of a small number of people
always funny when people try to explain how a feee society would cause monopolies, but end up describing the government by definition

you can send two extra cleaning ladies over for this post

Goldstandardfags are the biggest retards out there. I don't want your gold. You can starve if you're hungry and I have food. And even if currency does act as a claim ticket for gold, without the backing of a government fiat, why the fuck would I trust your worthless piece of paper?

So you do know that about 100 years ago every bank in USA had isn't own currency right?

Individualism actually takes it to the very end. Votes are important, now when thrown amongst the vast majority then they seem insignificant, but as in Australia, you have Minsters to an electorate of approximately 100,000 People now these people are MEANT to be individual voices to their representative on how they want the country run, in the US they have that saying, ill call on my congressmen, well it seems that isn't done much anymore.

The fact is if politicians ignore the people (Local people) that got them elected and focus on ulterior motives, or motives that aren't aligned with the base, then they have very little chances of re-election, that is why individuals must speak up and make themselves heard.

As for police and military, military can be financed by a federal tax but police is on a state level.

>So now that they have their monopoly, we should just remove all of the rules and maybe they'll turn into altruists.

>mutual agreement
>getting payed
>paying for goods
>paying for upkeep of your nation/region

I don't get it?

Yeah, and it was a fucking disaster.

Tell me one place except ooga booga Africa that had no taxes during history

Thank you for admitting you have to use force for your ideas to work.

Excuse us, but we're working on a civilization here, not barbarism.

>Income tax is the only form of tax


No. I'm describing the society we have now. There never was a free society. And because of those monopolies there will never be a free society; unless the reclamation of resources through force is allowed.

Otherwise people will engage in micro-statism by brainwashing literal retards into defending shit they otherwise wouldn't be able to claim ownership over.

Thus only pure anarchy can work. Aggression becomes the natural balancing force. Whereas ancap uses it's meme NAP to discourage human aggression.

And this government currency is working out just peachy.

Buperino, fellow thinker

What past ? About every civilization has a form of tax.

Every idea needs to use force in some form to manifest in reality. That's reality, you don't build a civilization on dreams.

>tfw I am about to purchase a house and need to give 10% of the final price to the state

I am giving away 12.000€ of my hard working money just because

>Civilisation not founded on the use of force

cyprus. faggot.

>source: blogspot

>meme NAP
sophistry 101: put words like "menacing, "extreme", "meme" etc in front of something you want to discredit to make it sound like you have come to the intellectual conclusion that this thing's property is something objective, not just pure uneducated opinion, Which it is.

PS: Pro-tier: "Muh *something*"

But if there is no governement what stops me from taking my gun and robbing anyone i can ?
A state without a (functionning) governement would look like Mexico where the cartel rules

The units of taxation (ie. currency $/£ etc.) arenot concrete. The value of each one $ or £ changes everyday. Really it goes down everyday, and since the creation of these currencies they have lost 99% of their value which makes taxation (and therefore civilization according to you) unaffordable.

AnCap advocates real money

Are you giving me permission to kill you? It would be good if it was voluntary, but by your logic I don't need your permission and I should just do it.

Oh wait, you thought your logic only applied to your ideas, not to the ideas of others, is that right?

Have you ever seen one?

the states didn't have a federal tax prior 1919 they glory days of western civilization and USA

Keep shilling your ultra-capitalist kike poison.

Okay, i'll kill you then. Thanks for your advice.


May I remind you the race of the Bolsheviks ?


commie detected

>Average annual income in 1900: $438/yr
>Average hours worked per week: 55

>Average personal income today (with high school education): $30,000/yr
>Average hours worked per week: 34.4 hours

So going by your chart there: Each hour of work was worth $796 of purchasing power in 1900.

Today (I'm not sure how 3.64 is the nominalization point, but we'll go with it) each hour of work is worth well over 3000 dollars.

So for the average person things are a hell of a lot better than they were in 1900 these days.

You could have done this math yourself. Instead you decided to be a retard.

>But if there is no governement what stops me from taking my gun and robbing anyone i can ?
Anyone you try to rob anf their surroundings. Remember, you're not the only one with a gun. You won't survive for long if you decide to initiate force against others.

Be leaf. Have no solution. Be superior.

Either we drag them from their homes and shoot them, a task few have the guts or resources to accomplish, or we try to create an environment that promotes competition, cottage industry, entrepreneurship, and open markets.

Or be a leaf and give the people responsible for your oppression more power and think you are doing anything helpful.

What makes you think you are entitled to land and air?
The moment you enter a country, you have to pay for your stay and even more for sucking out its economy.
Anyone who disagrees with taxation is a 15 yo lolbertarian who doesent understand no one owes you shit, you do.

The social contract involves tacit consent.
You consent to living by the rules of the state by using its services.
You're always welcome to leave.

it ranges from 0-100 % it has nothing to do with the percentage but with consent as evidence by your own choice of worlds (involuntarily)

It's only at the end of a gun if you refuse to pay for services rendered.
Refusing to pay taxes is theft.

My solution: It's not broken, other than NEETs and pointless wars, and rapefugees of those pointless wars.
Why throw the baby out with the bathwater?
>checks flag.
Burger. baka