First round in 8 days!

Welcome to the thread about the French elections.

If you have any question, me or a fellow Frenchmen will inform you.

Pic related are the latest (((polls)))

Reminder of the 4 relevant candidates:
>Melenchon is a watered-down communist (think Bernie with cocaine) ; he is also anti-EU
>Macron is a power-globalist (and shilled by the MSM/establishment)
>Fillon is a cuckservative (he has no real values but steal some lines from LePen to get votes)
>Le Pen is pretty socialist on worker/social issues but very on the right otherwise ; anti-EU

Other urls found in this thread:

Here are the two dates of the elections.

The first one is 8 days away.

Here are the predictions for the most likely second round (according to (((polls)))).

Here is the latest racial data for France.

I re-did the translation recently, if you have questions or remarks, I'm all ears in order to improve it.

And here are the latest polls with numbers, for those who can't read graphs.



>39% black and brown babies
Bogus and homosexual

Don't worry, that faggot won't win the first round.

>Bogus and homosexual
Nice argument you've got there.
Do you have a source? Because I do, I even put them in the picture.

Hi there Iceland, I was in Reykjavik a while ag, I'd pay good money for another soup-bread thing with pretty Icelandic girls keeping me company.

Cherish your country and do not let any invader on your island.

I heard that some of these numbers are inflated because some hospitals checked all babies, regardless of origin. Also, there only roughly 23% children with at least one non-European parent and 1st gen non-whites are not as whitespread as second-gen ones.

>I heard that some of these numbers are inflated because some hospitals checked all babies
Yes, and those hospitals are those in our DOMTOM (our islands and the territory in south America), and they are not counted in the map which does only mainland France.

If they know the elections are compromised. They need to cancel existing ballots and re-issue new ones. Seems perfectly achievable.

Gee, I wonder (((who's))) in charge of this process.

>They need to cancel existing ballots and re-issue new ones.
There is "technical issues" at EVERY elections man. We're used to it.

>Gee, I wonder (((who's))) in charge of this process.
Honestly, the French administration is so shitty I wouldn't be surprised if it was an honest mistake because of incompetency.

The "official version" is that the software used by some local administrations was different from some others and there was an incompatibility of synchronicity.

Who's in charge?

The Don is in charge.


I mean hospitals on mainland France.
According to
74,3% of all parents where born in France or in the EU (with the other 25,7% coming from the US, Magreb etc etc.). And the generation of shitskin parents born in France shouldn't be big enough to be big enough to outperform by such a big factor, which leads me to the conclusion that the sickle-cell screening study is inflated.

I'mma keep memeing for Le Pen.

>I mean hospitals on mainland France.
They can't, it costs money.
A politician tried to make it mandatory to everyone it got denied.

>74,3% of all parents where born in France or in the EU (with the other 25,7% coming from the US, Magreb etc etc.). And the generation of shitskin parents born in France shouldn't be big enough to be big enough to outperform by such a big factor, which leads me to the conclusion that the sickle-cell screening study is inflated.
I am not sure I understood exactly what you said but we're having shitskins since the 60's and the Algerian war and the liberation of other colonies.
So they're here for at least two generations now. And lots of them already had the Franco-Algerian nationality to begin with. They're not "foreigners".

>Ile de France

Je ne pense pas

I'm starting to like you, autistic swiss.

If your candidate wasn't such a meme, I would believe you're a shill, but you're too entertaining for that.

J'aime le personnage, il a l'air sympathique et s'exprime avec une rare éloquence et semble empathique.
J'aime certaines idées sociétales de Mélenchon comme la dépénalisation du cannabis, sa défense des animaux ou ses positions sur l'écologie.
Je ne l'aime pas sur ses visions économiques, keynésiennes et étatistes.
J'aime pas beaucoup le personnage qui me semble arrogant et méprisant.
J'aime ses positions libérales sur l'économie.
J'aime pas le fait qu'il nous ferait du hollandisme.
Je déteste le personnage. C'est un personnage qui est faux et menteur et pourtant je suis issu d'une famille (qui était) pro-UMP. Je pense qu'il croit à ses conviction, mais par opportunisme les laisse de côté et n'en a que faire de ses électeurs.
J'aime sa politique économique et son point de vue quant à l'immigration, cependant je le crois pas car il fut PM de Sarkozy et a toujours acquiescé.
J'aime pas sa vision rétrograde de la société quant aux moeurs.
>Le Pen
La personne me semble pas désagréable. C'est une femme forte qui a prie plein de coups dans sa vie. C'est une femme qui aime ses électeurs et se laisse pas marcher sur les pieds, mais elle a pas les qualité d'orateur de Mélenchon.
J'aime sa politique quant à l'immigration.
J'aime pas sa politique économique qui est keynésienne et étatiste (dommage), ainsi que ses visions jacobine, pour une bretonne, elle devrait arrêter de vouloir être plus française que les français.

I heard you Bjornson.

Your will is precious. It's your temple.

The triumph of Don Fillon will make his reign even greater.

>Le Pen is a socialist

Then why is Sup Forums shilling her so hard?

You want to tell me that these people, who make up 9% of the population at most (counting grandparents) now make up almost 40% of all births?
Tunisia birth rate: 2.2
Algeria birth rate: 2.9
Morocco birth rate: 2.5
Those are the birth rates of the Maghreb states. Now you want to tell me that with those rather "small" birth rates, they outperform white people by the factor of 4?

Now tell me how harris and elab aren't shilling for Macron, how is it even possible to have 7% difference with Ifop

>dépénalisation du cannabis
kys réddit

reminder to keep up the social media posts to get her elected!

>not a guillotine
Well, it is still a good one


You don't seem to take the black factor into account, between other things.

Most people received two polling cards, I did too. Doesn't mean you can vote twice since you sign the register after you cast your vote.

>how is it even possible to have 7% difference with Ifop
I have no idea mate, you can't trust the (((polls))) at all.

At least the "global first round" polls are somewhat coherent, but when you look at second round polls, there is 10% differences between one pollster and the other.

Even with that, the numbers don't work out. Blacks only make up 2 million people in France and the cost of living makes it hard to have 6 children.

>Blacks only make up 2 million people in France
You seem to know more than I do about French demographics, even though they are illegal, what are your sources?

>the cost of living makes it hard to have 6 children.
You underestimate the Familial Allocation, more children you have, more money you got.

DESU Le Pen is probably not the best candidate for france

She's basically a socialist that doesn't want to reform the French economy from a socialist economy with a dying economy to a free market like Australia's or Canada's. Leaving the EU will help a bit but it won't fix the underlying problem with France.

>DESU Le Pen is probably not the best candidate for france
Agreed, but she's the best we have available.

A National-socialist, burger...

>Agreed, but she's the best we have available.
Are there any candidates that are willing to get rid of all the regulations and get the spending under control?
>Large-scale immigration over the last century and a half has led to a more multicultural society. In 2004, the Institut Montaigne estimated that within Metropolitan France, 51 million people were White (85% of the population), 6 million were North African (10%), 2 million were Black (3.3%), and 1 million were Asian (1.7%).
>You underestimate the Familial Allocation, more children you have, more money you got.
Still not possible to have 6 children like in Africa.

Can anyone recommend I sight to place a bet on Le Pen winning?

I can tell you know that Blacks make up more than 3.3% of France's population. It's at least 5%.

Clearly you've never been in Paris.

Blacks shit up everything so even when they make up only 1% of the population, they make it seem like 5%.

Hans/Mehmet here does have a point. This surrogate data clearly seems flawed. 6 children per Black family? The fertility rate in sub-Saharan Africa is less than that even. Also, 10%, even 15% of the population producing 40% of the kids seems quite counter-intuitive desu

Yeah, i get what you mean by that. Sudanese and other niggers in my city account for about 0.5% of the population but i swear based on news they make up at least 10%.

They make up about 2% in Germany and I'm already more tired of them than of the 7% of muslims here.


Now you three know our pain.

Luckily we only let them in from 2004-2006. We don't let any more niggers in but we still let some Muslims in. It's fucking bullshit.

I don't see how France can be so cucked that they let hordes in, heck they even "rescue the migrants" from the middle of the Mediterranean.

>comme la dépénalisation du cannabis
Ca va être comique sur la route...

I thought she wasn't a nazi?

>since you sign the register after you cast your vote

The thing is, is that we deal with the niggers.

Your country is 13% black, must be horrible. I think I could tolerate that many Mexicans, but fuck niggers I hate em and their shitty behaviour.
France is incredibly cucked and that won't stop until FN is controlling the entire government.

I don't get why Le pen isn't smashing everything she is a Frenchman's wet dream. Socialist as fuck yet culturally French.

Guys...what if it comes down to Le Pen and Melenchon in the 2nd round?

Who has the likelier chance of winning?

Can you explain something to me?

Why is everything so highly regulated in Germany?

Because she's an "evil nazi that won't give the power back after she's elected"

Mélenchon is predicted to win by quite a wide margin (60%+)

To crush the last remainants of resistence.

Melenchon is only beating her 58-60%.

How is it possible for France to favour another socialist over change?

Melenchon will never get to 2nd round, polls are ways exagerated.

He's just climbing in polls due to the horde of retard supporting him on social networks. The only thing this guy will manage to do is having a Fillon / Le pen for 2nd round.

He's far-left and was still singing the international not long ago

They never learn until they reach the magical 60% boundary.

Well done Dundy. The best we got going is this.
Wealth tends to be the biggest separator of the races here.
"Mexicans" are less the problem compared to Guatemalans and El Salvadorians.

I admit that you may have a point mein fraulen.

I am working right now so I can't take time and research new data and start calculating with the data we have about immigration and their rate of reproduction, but I'll make sure to work on it right after and maybe update a picture with what a find.


Yes, it was the same 5 years ago. He climbed as high as 18% before the vote and ended up below 12%.
He'll probably get 15-16% this time and the tears of these idiots shilling for him 24/7 online will be delicious.

>I admit that you may have a point mein fraulen.
I-I'm not a girl hihi.
>I am working right now so I can't take time and research new data and start calculating with the data we have about immigration and their rate of reproduction, but I'll make sure to work on it right after and maybe update a picture with what a find.
Good, thanks for the work m8. I just found your claim a bit too high since France is over 80% white and even in the US, non-whites only outbreed whites enough that whites lose about 5-7% in 1 generation, not 20%.


Depends where you went in France. In the Paris area they're everywhere but not so much elsewhere in the country. Arabs are more widespread, 10% seems like the minimum to me.

>Le penn
What's next? I'm not tired of winning yet

She not good enough, it really is maddening since more than half of the population agrees with her and would for any candidate who is not her if he had the same policies.
If Melenchon went full gas mouloud, holy war now he would easily win for instance, unfortunately he is a franc maçon who is probably still secretly worshipping the Supreme Being and I dread the day his friends like Alexis de Corbière and Clémentine Autain have real powers

Zombie apocalypse starting in Africa.

>She not good enough, it really is maddening since more than half of the population agrees with her and would for any candidate who is not her if he had the same policies.
Their own fault for being such cucks about characters.


>a l'air sympathique

fake, and gay



Heh France will be the next country taken over by national-socialists, too bad. Unfortunately, that happens when you ignore a large part of the society. We did that in Poland and gave a far-right wing gov a majority in the parliament and the president. Now, everyone who still remained in Poland is thinking of running away.

Still, at least we don't want to take hordes of migrants from terrorist-breeding countries. I don't mind immigration, but what is the point when ultimately you want to change your new country into the old one.

Ce qui est bien, c'est que dans un pays catho comme la France, ce genre d'attaque contre un candidat à la dernière semaine produit l'effet inverse de celui recherché.

Mais bon, c'est vrai que ici c'est Sup Forums...

>dans un pays catho comme la France
Je n'ai pas lu plus loin.

another one, not from established poll companies, but worth mentionning.

Appreciate the feedback. Will update.

Um...why arent you discussing this?

500,000 French abroad get to vote twice due to an "error".

Does Le Pen have better chances against the commie?

their conspiracy theory is BS. right now it's clear gov. fear much more Melenchon than Le Pen


You cannot be serious

>implying Le Pen ain't commie

Le Pen is a phony candidate. Anyone opposed to her will win.

Really. It can't be compared to USA were Trump is respected and has the infrastructure of the republicans.

FN is a spineless party, and Le Pen simply doesn't have enough vote to win, even against a chair, a plant or the devil in person.

She's like 5% away from Filion in some polls.

Good luck France, you can do it!

I hope we get a Le Pen vs Fillon second round


Fillon is the only one she might eventually have a chance against.
And only because he has been exposed HARD.
Even then, Fillon would probably win as all the leftists would bite the bullet in the end and vote against Le Pen.

Bon je vais te la faire en VF car mon Anglais est pas assez bon;

1 - Le Pen a déjà mis de l'eau dans son vin sur l'UE. Elle veut plus la quitter que après des négo après les élections Italiennes. Bref, elle part pas.

2 - ça fait 6 mois que le FN est en tête dans les sondages, que fait Hollande ? Il visite une fromagerie en Correze.

3 - Depuis 1 semaine que Mélenchon peut gagner, il donne des interviews partout pour dire qu'il faut pas voter pour Mélenchon mais pour Macron

4 - Et balancant toute la réserve qu'il disait qu'il aurait, Hollande va partir en campagne la dernière semaine, pour rappeler aux gens qu'il ne faut pas voter méluche

5 - pic related

When will Front National fire Le Pen and put a charismatic man in charge? Women don't win elections and much less do they win revolutions.