How do we save Britain?

How do we save Britain?

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its pretty cold there, a nuke could be kind of nice

Kill the yanks
You are literally to blame for everything bad that has happened to us since WW1

Avoid paying attention to tabloid media and start a race war.

It's not that difficult ffs.

This and glass Scotland.

You don't. It's literally dead.

Even if you got rid of all the muslims, jews, and brownies all your left with is shit tier white chavs and shabbos goys.

Invest in Britain.

kek I love that image

*punches Scotland*

why bother

You think that you smug little shits can come on here at all hours of every day spewing out your Anti-English sentiment? Well let me tell you - you are all in for a big fucking shock in the coming years.

Much like Anti-Semitism, racism and Islamophobia - soon we will add Anglophobia to this list and you will all cease your foolish prattle and hate speech of our truly blessed people.
We have contributed so much to this world, we have given so much and asked for little. We have elevated the savages of this world and given them civilisation, we have defeated the evil of the German Reich twice and gifted you all with wondrous technological feats. If you wear a suit you are wearing our national dress, if you eat bacon you are eating one of our national dishes, if you watch television or use the world wide web you are using our inventions.

Your irrational hatred of us is going to stop very soon. Calling us Beady or Perfidious will be met with very lengthy prison sentences and likely your being ostracised from your communities. Anglos are a beautiful and unique people. You owe them a great deal and by the end of this decade you will fear the consequences of your vile words and hate speech.

End Anglophobia now.

We Square Leg it

I'll be hiding in Stornoway

That's some nice pasta there my nigga.

Implying you are not at fault teafag

Lad they're right we are literally worse than the Jews.

>t. nigger
Can't even greentext kek

Go ahead and try it.

Just get rid of the jobcenter

Fucking hell I feel bad just eating stuff like a steak bake, nevermind sticking my dick in one.

You could save it by dropping a few MOABs on London. Preferably where the immigrants are.

End the Welfare State and relax gun laws, end preferential treatment to minorities and punish minorities for failing to integrate. the Muslims will start flocking back to Continental Europe and Britain can get back on its feet and resume its place as a world power alongside the United States.

In an age when the wealthiest and most influential Americans tended to be associated with things British—the vast majority were of Anglo-Saxon descent, wore English-tailored suits, drove British-made automobiles, and even spoke with affected British accents—it was quite natural for Great Britain to fall within the sights of disaffected populists.

>We patriots have received the favour of the Celestial Dynasty in nourishing us for two centuries. Today, if we do not exterminate you English barbarians, we are not human beings. You [the English] have killed and injured our common people in many villages and seriously hurt the universal harmony. You also completely destroy the coffins in several places, and you disastorously destroy the Buddhist statues in several monastries. This is the time when Heaven is angered and mankind is resentful, even the ghosts and spirits will not tolerate you beasts (the English)".

>There is no part of the world where anti-English influences worked so powerfully than in the United States. Almost every Irishman there is the son or grandson of an evicted tenant – evicted in all the horrors of the black 40s. And most of them have heard stories of them from their mother's knee.

Just you wait lad, you will balkanise and collapse within 50 years as you become minority white.

Meanwhile the rest of the Anglosphere will rise and the British Empire will be reborn in a blaze of glory and fire tbqh


The yanks are a cancer though, especially since they let the taigs in.

They told me they wouldn't use my real picture.


Why would I? I was addressing you directly, you literally allowed everything bad to happen to Europe, you could have accepted defeat in WW1, instead you made a deal with jews. Then, once again, in WW2 instead of accepting peace you make another deal with the fucking zionists, putting the whole Europe in the mess it is today, you deserve everything bad happening in your lands

You're not going to stop us either.

Soon you too will feel the sting of the Anglo whips at your back.

Deal with the Jews? In WWI? What deal? Enlighten me, Brazilbro

Ironically its not anymore

Infact its the warmest and wettest in history for 5 years running. We may as well be a giant fungus.

That poor Barry man who consumed to much aryan propaganda thought he could ingest three burgers at once, now three anglos will grow up without a dad

posting meme newspaper articles doesnt mean shit

>you could have accepted defeat in WW1, instead you made a deal with jews
First of all don't fucking tell me to accept defeat in any circumstances. I know you jerrycucks think Germany has a right to rule the entire world which is fucking pathetic, but I'm not a jerrycuck, I'm a nationalist. And Arthur Balfour may have sold us out but in all honestly I can't really blame the government for getting help to win a war in exchange for making a vague promise (we didn't actually let the Jews take over Palestine and establish Israel, this was achieved with American, not British support. We simply let the Arabs and Jews to fight it out).

>in WW2 instead of accepting peace you make another deal with the fucking zionists
Why the fuck would we accept peace with a man who frequently trampled all over international agreements? Especially when these peace offers were too good to be true. And in any case, a super-powerful Germany on the continent invading its neignours at will was not in our interest. The Jews had less of a hand in our declaring war than you'd think. Churchill was pressuring for war but it was Chamberlain who did so, after Hitler had autistically invaded Poland (even after invading he rest of Czechoslovakia). The Germans only had themselves to blame with their retarded foreign policy. They should've been happy with Austria and the Sudetenland, but no they had to start a fucking world war over one tiny city and because we decided that we'd had enough of Hitler's autism, we're to blame? Fuck off.

Silence jockey, return border clay

Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure

Well, it would all be solved if we removed the Left. They drag the working class into the gutter and make them broken, welfare reliant chavs for the votes. They also import millions of non whites to demoralize and ruin the locals. So, kill the Left and you save Britain, or any other place suffering the same symptoms, such as America. You did a nice job on antifa today, well done.

Its been updated, fellow ANGLO.

>Ignoring the opppression of germans in other countries
>Ignoring the unfairness of (((international agreements)))
Yes, you did everything right. Germany started the wars, nothing is your fault, everything is better than it would have been if done otherwise, here's your pacifier.

>>Ignoring the opppression of germans in other countries
Evidence for this is slim. There's probably more evidence for the fucking Holocaust. This is what happens when you take TGSNT too seriously.

>>Ignoring the unfairness of (((international agreements)))
Again, AMERICA (Wilson + Warburg) fucked up Versailles. Lloyd George (representing us) did a very good job restraining the French and others from making the treaty too harsh. You should be thanking us, quite frankly.

Anyway, Germany probably got off fairly lightly. Austria got broken up, after all, and Italy (despite being on the winning side) barely got anything out of the treaty even though they suffered huge losses. Germany came out of things pretty well, considering that they were the ones who escalated the situation into world war.

>Germany probably got off fairly lightly.

Only a Brit...

Must be something in your milk.

>no argument

>that album

Listening to Lich king right now

Seriously why do people think that to hate Jews you must also cuck for Germany?

Good point, Britbro. The UK was probably the most level headed of the allies during Versailles, but France wouldn't stop bitching and demanding everything from Germany. Honestly during Versailles we should have just broken Germany up rather than made it pay reparations and cause all the Germans to begin autisticly hating Britain and France

Also Wilson was just there and would back anything to push his fucking League of Nations

>No united German to stop communism

That would have been way worse. NWO agenda would have achieved its endgoal by now

i dont think britain can be saved, it has already sunk too deep
its agonizingly sad and painful to even think about what happened to one of the greatest empires the world has ever witnessed

Victorian era police state