Other urls found in this thread:


was considering going. glad i stood home to bbq. buncha retards desu.


Opposite, I actually wanted to go but stuck at work like usual. I would have had a blast.

Say something nice to this man

Dump more videos guys, I was passed out for the past 12 hours

how far from berkeley are you?

apparently ann coulter is coming to out-milo milo...

good night left side

His hat and bat rhyme.



for punks he has no time


I'm a civic nationalist.

I posted this last thread posting again

>OK so the antifa narrative I see being spun is that they outnumbered nazis 50:1 and that the nazis only took downtown as the main body was leaving and attacked them in the rear.

"based african american male"

I don't think based covers it

>hon/our/ary aryan?

Top kek

Shit, Eazy-E? he's alive?!

>outnumber 'nazis' 50:1
>still lost
>buh-buh we attacked from duh rear n won!

No sweetie, you didn't win, leftside btfo'd.

>break the NAP
>get the bat

>jesus will judge you
Looks like his judgment came early.


>complains about cops not helping them

I j-just wanted to be Che Guevara like on the tshirts and fight the meany nazis *sobs*

"ahh ha ha ahh haha"
my laugh reading that
fucking great punch

Check out this basted black man in a trump hat.

>cops allow anarchy
>cops are being fascists

The punch that saved America.

>something like this will never happen in my town
i just want to beat up some commies

wouldn't it be sexist not to punch her?

she's a combatant, sorry we aren't evil sexists.

That totally is him.

I live close to berkeley, but I never hear about these until AFTER they happen

American Education.


All fucking niggers must fucking hang.



Same. I also have the flu.

I know the fucking feel. Even my college campus I go to is tame as fuck.

get your shit together lad, i knew of this rally for weeks

By their definition, yes it would be sexist not to deck her in the forehead.
By punching her in the forehead this man as proven without a doubt he is a true feminist wishing to have women be on truly equal grounds. Take note Sup Forums this is what it means to be a feminist, punching women.

Berkeley must suck harder than I thought, the nazis lost the war decades ago and haven't been seen since. History must have been replaced by Soros puppet 101.

>Eazy-E given AIDS by Bush and the establishment
>fakes his death and finally comes out of hiding to bash the cucks and take revenge against the establishment

Best timeline.

Holy fuck nice!!!!!!!!

>White woman with dreads


I sometimes have dreams about having to be hold up in my apartment with my Garand and AR defending off these kind of people. Maybe that day is getting closer?

Takeaways from today:

>The Antifa were consistently met by brave, battle-ready patriots wherever they went, preventing them from breaking through the front lines as they marched around the park. If you go to a rally, consider armoring up and providing an intimidating presence.
>The Antifas main weapons were firecrackers and pepper spray, since large objects were banned by police. Bring eye and ear protection if you plan on being near the front lines.
>Field medics were a huge help in ensuring that patriots were able to return to the front lines after being pepper sprayed or attacked. Many patriots went back multiple times.
>The Antifa were cowardly and ran when confronted by patriots of an equal number once their supply of firecrackers and pepper spray were depleted. They became weaker as the day went on and their resources dwindled. I suspect their black, long-sleeve clothing makes them overheat quickly. Hold strong against their initial attacks, and they pretty much lose the will to fight.
>The influence of Based Stickman is what won us the day. Heavily armored patriots were everywhere and ready to fight in honor of him. It was a total reversal of what happened in San Jose last year.
>Taking their flags was a huge morale boost. Focus on grabbing them as they retreat.

As I said, today was a huge success, but keep in mind why we won so that we can ensure future victories. The Antifa are dangerous, but ultimately lack the coordination and mental stability necessary to present a fighting force, which is why they typically take out their anger on trash bins and windows. They are nothing in the face of an equally-sized army.

We're only assuming it's a female, but our guy had no way to know.

>people in the last thread called her cute and hot
>those godawful dreads
Am I just a faggot or are there neets that really find an unkempt homeless woman attractive?

>right-wingers are pus-

>White woman with dreads

imagine how badly they stink

gagging from here

>I suspect their black, long-sleeve clothing makes them overheat quickly.


This is victory. This is motherfucking righteous victory. Keep the high ground, boys. Fight back against antifa, gain more numbers, and start taking the west back from the cucks and the feminazis. Antifa will be back lads, so hold more free speech rallies, lure them out and get em when they least suspect it. Victory boys, alt-righteous victory.

>dat nose

i'm confused, who are the good guys?

>ganging up on one guy like a bunch of niggers
>punching a defenseless woman

yeah totally not pussies lmao

how many levels of irony are we on now?

"I knew the nigga since he he was knee high to a grasshopper "
"he still is knee high to a grasshopper!"

Apparently there were pictures before she had dreads and she looked decent.

>The Antifas main weapons were firecrackers and pepper spray
Plenty of those "firecrackers" were borderline IEDs, avoid them at all cost, I heard some kid lost a hand at the protest trying to throw one.

cut off the dreads and she's fucking hot. real nice tits and body

> Can you bring back 100 white people's dreads while you're at it
Atleast she brought home her own
> Fugly

this dude is awesome he was at a hearing in LA to speak out against it becoming a sanctuary city

Wow. This is awesome. Excellent footage.

So it was a victory?

OC, antifa tried to push over a dumpster and got stopped by trump supporters

rerolling for blessed digits

for fantasy nerds like me, Antifa are like Goblins, not Orcs.

Dangerous in high numbers.
Easily destroyed by dwarves (well organized well armored foot soldiers).

it reminds me of gta san andreas

>antifa run in horror as their backlines get obliterated

>meanwhile patriots dive into certain harm to save their brethren


I think the picture is fake the lighting is too dark and if it blew up in his hand it would not blow his wrist off it would probably shred his hand.

They should be happy though.
An anarchy

I like how the blond woman is beating up on antifa


>So it was a victory?
decisively so


>calls himself anarchist
>resides in big government heaven aka California

these people are fucking retards. i say this with no offense to actual potatoes.


Fair enough, especially since her face seems alright enough. I just must not being seeing the whole picture with the antifa uniform on.

>I suspect their black, long-sleeve clothing makes them overheat quickly.
Summer's right around the corner too.

He appears to have a firm grip on what freedom means.

Dude, didn't you see the video with Jordan Peterson and the ony guy claiming to be an anarchist defending the bill with the whole gender thing?
They have no idea what those words mean anymore, for them 'anarchist', 'communist' etc is just "the good guys".

how did we figure out that's the same person?

>defenseless woman
she went there to start shit, and it backfired.

Clearly you do not know the answer to the question: 'What is best in life?'

Tip top

our women are the best

they know it
their women know it
everybody knows it
why do you think their women are so crazy?

they fear an actual empowered woman.

well said.

The ones playing the Revolutionary Era music of course.

Continental Militia ftw!


this, some user found it, requesting more if you've got any


They were pushed out of the park.

Berekeley mayor called off the cops thinking the antifa would win this time.

And only managed to give the Trump forces time to push out the antifa right out of the park and straight down the neighboring streets.



>That fucking picture
My fucking sides

>"Pro Trump" mestizo , nigger , some white bois BTFO By Feminist Antifa

RIP eisenhower's america

Anyon else notice the guy in the Jesus will judge you shirt kicking a man on the ground @ 30 sec?

What is that nigger doing? Attacking a trash bin?

That's what happens when you have r9ktards al over the board

It was an overwhelming fucking victory. Antifa didn't dare cross into the park. Trump guys and oathkeepers beat them to a pulp. I heard an antifa lost his teeth.

They threw about 15 percussion grenades / firecrackers at trump people to break the line but it had no effect. Trump (free speech) people had ex-military leading and enforcing the perimeter. Antifa were crushed. Most of the antifa were tiny people.