His twitter is being flooded with people crucifying him for punching that woman

His twitter is being flooded with people crucifying him for punching that woman.

Is it over for him? How long before he's jailed and how much time will he do?

Other urls found in this thread:

atkhairy.com/tour/model/ven020/4/Venus Rosales

Good looking pair desu

He's going to jail for sure

We got hairy porn out of it so it's all good

Communists aren't people. He'll be fine.

>Hitting a woman in western society in 2017 or any time in the past 50 years

He should have not been a retard and he should have realized how people would react to that. Women get to be "equal" to men and still keep their special privileges. He's lucky he didn't get stomped by 150 white knights in the immediate vicinity.


The bitch never exected to get Hit she did think she will do the hitting

Good. He deserves everything he gets. I don't think he'll go to prison or anything. Probably have to pay a fine and do community service. Maybe he'll spend a night in jail. Pathetic behavior to punch a defenseless woman.

>shills spamming he's going to jail
none. you lose forever

He might go to jail for a couple of nights but they'll probably drop charges.

Californian prisons are packed.

Antifa fag

What's his twitter? There's a good chance that chick will leave him of the drama.

Its true tho

you are such a faggot

Why would they drop charges on him? That's not how it works, besides, this antifa we're talking about. They'll probably team with some jews and sue him for every penny he's got.

>bring back white peoples dreads
>she's white and has dreads

I'd ask where you people keep coming from but I already know the answer is facebook.

post his twitter to give him support yo fucking amerifats

Send them this in reply.

what was the context of that punch?

Look up "fashy haircut". His twitter name.

Was it self-defense? Did she attack him first?

Hope he gets the death penalty. One less priviliged nazi out on the streets.

In his defense, he had no way to know that was a woman.

He is /ourguy/ senpai

I got it

Women should keep one think in mind: politics are for men.

What men do when logic fail to convince the other side? They use violence.

She should have understood it. Especially considering that women are not logical beings...

That's not going to hold up in court.

I mean it's assault and they have it on video so yeah.

This is amazing. We need to start fighting back against commies once and for all. Run them out of every protest they attend

godammit I didn't post the link


Nah. In the video she was doing things I couldn't see to some person and then he decked her.
Would be pretty ironic for antifa to sue someone.

They did the same thing to Stickman and others last riot. And Stickman hit two people in the head with a fucking stick, not docking some lefty with a little punch once.

>consumes the caffeinated jew

he's already been in jail and is most likely an informant now anyway

a good lawyer will get him off or at least get him a mild sentencing

>going to a protest with full intent to start shit
>does it and backfires horribly

uncensored now

Redbull guy recently talked down on EU's immigration policy, so he's probably showing support for them.

>Mom I posted it again!!

but he is punching degenerates and you not

>guy who decked antifa chick
>has girlfriend
>girlfriend is Asian waifu
Oh, now I see why so many /r9k/fags are attacking this guy.

looks jewish as fuck

He will absolutely not be jailed. Arresting him opens a pandoras box for everyone who was assaulted there

Nathan is based. He served in Iraq. I skyped with him during my first round of interviews for identity europa

been asleep all day /quick rundown/ please

He'll be fine. As long as she didn't go to the hospital, unless they arrest you on the scene, they typically let you go during a riot. She also threatened to assault people on her facebook, so it could be said she was an agitator got it back in return.

Well, this is a woman we're talking about.
Wasn't stickman actually defending himself?

This is going to be handled differently, and take into account what it is going to do to his image.

The only thing the video shows is him punching her. Unless there's a longer version where she hit him first, he's guilty off assault.

Doesn't change the fact that it was assault, duh. Why are nazis always so retarded?

>He's going to jail for sure

I guarantee he won't

Stickman did worst and was carrying a Buck 110 knife on his hip and he didn't.

she will file a police report
police will issue a warrant for his arrest
he will do a few days waiting to see a judge
assuming he can post the $2,000 to $20,000 bail he will be out in another few days
he will have a plea bargain offered where he gets time served plus 5 years supervised probation
he will take the plea and the assault charge on his permanent criminal record
he will never get a good job again
his professional life is over
he will never be able to rent a decent apartment again

that's how it works

>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs

>In contact with aliens

>Possess psychic-like abilities

>Control france with an iron but fair fist

>Own castles & banks globally

>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line

>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth

>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies

>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51

>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world

>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?

>They learned fluent French in under a week

>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff

>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.


They'll literally applause her for being brave and unashamed of her body

Exactly. You only get in trouble at riots if you get caught and arrested on the scene.

And posting belligerent stupidity like wanting to scalp 100 nazis is totally going to help her case

lol dude he is already a convict as I mentioned in a post above

people gotta lurk moar

Hes a manlet with gynecomastia. It was over for him long ago

it will never happen
antifa are literally terrorists

>Promote violence egalitarianism
>Complain about women getting hit but not men

Can't wait for the counter revolution against the Neo-Jacobin scum


>Arresting him opens a pandoras box for everyone who was assaulted there

Hordes of lawyers are probably contacting the "victims" right now.

He's a professional activist and is essentially the head of the alt right west coast division. He already lives off donation shekels anyway. This won't affect him.

atkhairy.com/tour/model/ven020/4/Venus Rosales

honestly it looked like a skinny antifag man until she got hit, they all look the same when they hide their face like that

lol he's been to jail already, i doubt this shit will faze nathan.


Nice titties on the girl he punched

>as long as she didn't go to the hospital

Not how it works.

>she made threats on facebook to anonymous protestors

Totally different, and she saying that doesn't cancel out the crime which took place.

If there is clear evidence that she was attacked, and there is, and she is pressing charges, he will be fucked. Simple as that. No way around it.


wishful thinking by soros shills

Antifa were the original agitators, who literally started the riot. The cops also did nothing when antifa started getting their shit kicked in. They aren't going to look to hard for him.

this is him


This guy has priors

It's still legal to say that, and it only becomes illegal if you attempt to actually do it. And it's definitely illegal to punch people unless it's self defense.

think this is her porn desu


Nice article about him

Fuck man shes 19? Either I have a baby face or shes aging terribly. She looks 30 right? Especially her body?

In his defense, it's hard to tell men and women apart in antifa crowds.


Let me give you the goldmine, son.

Yeah and it will never work or go to court. This isn't the first time some one was punched in a riot

only cucks actually believe that


Also he's been to prison before for trying to shoot some Paki cab driver. He's redpilled as fuck and is and an Iraq veteran.


Her twitter feed has her going tehre with full intent to bring back "100 nazi scalps". She can't feign the victim here.

Making threatening posts and then complaining about getting assault isnt going to help your case you idiot

His case is going to be either minimal or laughed off at the absolute stupidity she did beforehand

Keep fighting the power user! You keep showing them!

He's doing well for a manlet to get a gf that hot



>gets punched by several cucks
>the person he punches himself is a woman
what a fucking coward

uhhhh, she wouldn't leave him becuase of that. She comes from a whole family who's redpilled. I've followed her on twitter for about a year. She's all about it. We would all be lucky enough to find one like her.


What a disgusting vag

Her identity exposed.

she's baltic, not asian

If he didn't get arrested today, he's not getting arrested period. And given how the police seemed to have gotten a stand-down order, I doubt he got arrested.

act like a man, get treated like one


What a good shot man

Where is the video? Did she hit him first?

>Iraq War Vet
>went to prison for attempting to kill someone state side

Jesus Judged her with right fist of Nathan Damigo