>The real estate agent, 50, faced harsh social media backlash after the controversial moment aired on Survivor: Game Changers on Wednesday, April 12. (Watch it in the video above.)

If it's so horrible, why did Survivor air it to millions of people? Why is this article reporting on it and linking to the video?

Pretty hypocritical desu.

I don't understand, he said a tranny was a tranny and that's it?
You can't acknowledge that fact? Or am I missing something

Fags gonna fag, people still watch this fucking show?

In these times, simply being homosexual isn't "socially progressive" enough and they are getting the short stick of the progressive "tolerance" like the normies now because they aren't die hard supporters of transgender, transracial, transspecies cucks

There's definitely an oppression hierarchy and a fucking white male fag is definitely hated for being a white male

The trans guy, Zeke, gave them permssion.

I never would have guessed Zeke was a tranny. Looking at """"him"""" now, I can kinda tell. He'll win now because he has a sob-story, just like that whiny fag last year

Pay attention transgenders, because, you're next, once we socially accept you, we can bully the fuck out of you.

I'm a big fan of Survivor and this whole Varner situation is serious bullshit.

Survivor is an amoral game. The only rules are you can't conspire to split prize money and you can't physically assault someone. Everything else is fair game.

Survivor is a game where the laws and structures of society are stripped away, nobody is protected regardless of age, sex, social status or any other classification. They are out there with nothing but their own strengths and weaknesses and they have to use whatever advantage they can to scrape ahead. It's a game that not only allows but encourages anti-social behavior. Players have to build relationships with people and lie to their face while stabbing them in the back. It's an ugly game for a million dollars.

What Varner did is 100% OK. He didn't do anything wrong morally because morals don't exist in Survivor, and anyone who acts otherwise is a holier-than-thou faggot.

Who is at fault? There are a few candidates.

#1 is Jeff Probst, the host. He's at fault because he directed the scene in a way that made it impossible to edit it out. Had they voted out Varner normally they could have left Zeke's outing on the cutting room floor. But instead he made a big moment out of eliminating him that needed the outing for cohesive storytelling.

#2 is CBS. They're at fault because they broadcasted it. Varner outed Zeke to the five other people they were playing with. CBS outed him to millions.

#3 is Zeke. He not only worked with producers to make the best story out of it, he signed away all of his rights when he went on the show. The contract players have to sign literally signs away their life. By signing the contract he signed away all rights to privacy. He knew this is something that could happen and he signed up anyway. He outed himself.

Varner being dragged over the coals and losing his job is crap. He did absolutely nothing wrong, other than sucking at Survivor.

The show is FAKE AND GAY.

Good post, I don't see why everyone was freaking out. I heard people calling him a "bigot" and how "hateful" his words were. I didn't hear any hate from Varner towards trannies

The tranny wasn't "out of the closet" and it's offensive to out someone against their wishes.

What is the LGBT pecking order here? I'm guessing from this incident that being trans is higher on the social order than being gay like how in the Caste system Brahman is higher than Kshatriyas

>MGM and CBS pay Zeke over a million to air the episode
>Zeke agrees heartily
>Acts like a butthurt billy forever after because "the world knows now"

Its all rigged against Varner. Dude is a moron for letting them all conspire against him.

Is this where the left starts to cannibalize themselves?

You better, that shit turns me on.

Tranny > Lesbian > Bisexual > Gay male

A bloobiddy bloo

Probst forcing them to not vote the normal way was such fucking BULLSHIT.
A big part of Survivor is keeping douchebags that no one likes around to make your chances better, people could have wanted to keep Varner strategically. The reason they write their votes down secretly is to remove social pressures, Probst removed all that and basically forced everyone to vote Varner. He totally fucked the game up.

This season was already shit anyhow

The Tranny didn't care about getting 'outed', only that their game plan to stay under the radar got screwed up.

Varner did nothing wrong

This is the real slippery slope, and varner choked on it. He's a gay white male, which means that, even though fifteen years ago or so he would have been Apex victim, we've moved on, and now he's disposable.

Yeah she was, she wrote an essay about it when she was in school. She just said she was for the easy brownie points with all the bleeding hearts of the world

Not me, fuck that gay show that just keeps getting gayer every season.

Where's the video? Just give me a direct link

Uh, excuse me sweetie, but it's important for trans issue to get exposure in the media..

She has to be in real life because people saw it happen before their eyes. She moved states and started a new life there and kept it secret then apparently.
But I'm referring to within the context of Survivor mainly, and I'm not arguing that she didn't get wet over all the pity points she's going to get.

I would have never guessed either. He did reveal himself as gay in the last season he was in, but I would have never guessed "he" was a ftm transgender. Transgenders usually don't have the testosterone to make facial hair, let along chest hair. Now that I look back at it, CBS showed me tranny boobs- disgusting.

CBS doesn't care, they got ratings and tweets from that episode. I have to admit, it was an interesting tribal council. I usually just listen to survivor while doing something on the computer- but that tribal council made me look at the screen.

Muslim>Tranny > Lesbian > Bisexual > Gay male

It was bullshit, but it was there for ratings and to speed up the show. There were still hidden immunity idols in play that Tai could have used on Varner if he really wanted to.

It's time to move those letters around to show who matters most.


He's done it before. When it's totally obvious who's gonna go, it's about shortening the voting process so they can show more of the pre-vote drama. I will say it's possible they wouldn't have voted Varner because they had a plan in place, but it's pretty unlikely.

Trans are higher on the victim scale than gays

This gay guy has literally never had to deal with being under the fear if political correctness. He was always above others on the scale and could deride/talk down.

Clammos gon eat moldilocks' pubes dreds
Anything with a dick>>>>>>over 9000>>>>>fall of man clammo artists
No fuck that that clammo original degenerate breeder show just keeps getting clammoey and clammoier with every smelly woman man clone season. Gib alimony and your foreskin so i can nag you with my pee i call cum and my smegma that i keep my foreskin. Dont restore you. Lemme step on your cubes and steal your children

The fuck''s wrong with """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""his"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" nipples?

Fuck this idiotic kike show. I have been watching for years. I felt that waaaay too much was made of the issue (virtue signaling). This show is how kikes act in real life. I turned it off, didn't finish watch the tribal because I am no longer watching this gay show. Enough is enough with this gay crap already! Nobody gives an actual flying fuck!

Bobbin for apples in a jar of canesten
>kikes are fertility cult matrilineal Eve worshippers/spawned the same Eve
>these guys shun women all together minus surrogacies
>they are kiked

*same isis
*restore yours

I think I remember reading somewhere that they aired it with Zeke's blessing (the trans dude).

is it Trans dude or Trans chick? I'm a confused with the whole "correct way" to say things

The issue is that Jeff "outed" Zeke which means that Zeke didn't want to tell anyone that he's trans.A lot of people think it's up to the LGBT individual when to out themself and not someone else.

That's the rule for normal society but in Survivor there are no rules.

Varner was an idiot though. The correct thing to do would have been to blackmail Zeke into keeping him around.

A female to male is a trans man. A male to female is a trans woman. The easy way to remember is that it's the gender they see themself as but weren't born as.

Who fucking cares, they're mentally ill trannies

I thought survivor at least pretended the people had to try and survive on their own? They are probably injecting testosterone into the outed contestant everyday.

It's a female. If it's a transgender and media outlets refer to them as one thing, you know it's the other. Also, transgender men (women with hormones) are pretty easy to identify as they all have week chins, tend to be overweight with round faces, have voices that sound like slightly deeper than lesbians, and the facial and body hair grown from hormones that look unnatural- like pubic hair in the wrong places. And most tend to do the facial hair thing because they think it will fool people the most, and because without it they just look like butch lesbians.

Players are provided with any prescription medication they need. They're also provided with tampons, condoms and a very mild sunblock/bug dope salve.

As for surviving on their own, they're provided with a small supply of rice that works out to 100 calories a day and a limitless supply of fresh water (that idiot contestants often boil despite it being perfectly potable - returning players usually have it figured out and never bother boiling it). The only tools they always get are a water bottle for each person, a machete, a cooking pot and a knife.

Jesus he's one of the one who ended up not looking like a trainwreck. Literally looks exactly like a dude even has a man's body. That's some good surgery