ITT: People who fucking ruined everything

ITT: People who fucking ruined everything.

Thanks asshole

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everythings been ruined for all of human history

Thank you very much


this retarded human dorito

Isn't that Rousseau? Nothing wrong with getting rid of corrupt, lazy elites.

Thanks, nigger.

Rousseau getting btfo by based de Maistre.

I can think of far worse frogs than Rousseau, let alone worse people



Da joos


How? Most of the ideas of how America should be ruled was based on his and other french faggots' ideas

>Laid the foundation of the enlightenment and by extension the industrial revolution which saw the creation of the modern nationstates that conquered the world

Fuck off burger if you want people who ruined everything find something closer to the 20th century like hitler with his massive autism

This son of thousand whores.

Ferdinand VII, the worse traitor in this monarchy (and we've seen A LOT of them).

sw*des defending (((enlightenment)))
how funny

>can't find another example because american education

Thanks for nothing you fucking nigger


The beginning of the end of Europe, and Western civilization.


or this asshole

Rousseau actually was a pretty fucking awful person. Try actually reading "The Confessions". Admittedly, you have to admire the guy for keeping his word in that book. He starts off by boasting that he is going to do something no one has ever done before him: give a completely truthful portrait of his life. Particularly because the book was written a long time ago, before the modern vogue for ugliness and sordidness in literature, you think to yourself, when you read that "yeah, cool story bro".

But he then proceeds to confess to having done things that people would hesitate to confess to having done even today in the degenerate, shameless 21st Century: getting people punished for crimes he himself had committed; abandoning sick friends in the middle of the street in strange cities, and above all a series of truly degrading sexual perversions, including lurking in alleyways to expose himself to young girls coming to fetch water from a well and being repeatedly chased away and beaten by their relatives or boyfriends.

The reason why the claim that "Rousseau ruined everything" is one that can be strongly argued for is because Rousseau somehow seemed psychologically to be able to combine this awareness that he was a criminal, a coward, a pervert and a monster with the belief that he was a saint, or at least someone infinitely purer and more virtuous than 99% of the people around him. In that respect, he provides the model and the specious justification for characters like Robespierre and Marat - who really DID ruin everything by establishing the type of the dictator who commits mass murder in order to establish "the reign of love and virtue".

This cock sucker sold us out.


>Only Christian that had balls to call out Jews
Yeah no, fuck off cathocuck

he called out jews after he realized what a mess he made

Jar jar, like Luke Skywalker were hurt by Lucas cowardice.

Lucas initial plan for RotJ was to have luke go on the dark side of force, but he was a fucking retard who believes that morally ambiguous heroes shouldn't be part of his movie franchise for kids(fucking winnie the pooh has some moral ambiguity in it, Star Wars can't have it).

Jar Jar was supposed to be the mastermind behind all siths, if you've heard Yoda - there are always two siths. All the guys like Darth Maul were supposed to be just a puppets of Darth Sidious, aka not proper siths, Jar Jar and Sidious were actual siths. Phantom Menace is full of hints telling you this.

But guess what, Lucas chickened out because he believed he absolutely needs comedic sidekick, which led to introduction, for instance - count Dooku.

forgot pic


That isn't Nixon


Everything we live in now is, right along in some Fourth Turning final hours, a product of the New World Order that arose from his policies.

Good news is, it's just about ran its course. Everything has a half-life.