Is she.. Their girl?

Is she.. Their girl?

I want to tongue her asshole.

I just keep it short.
if trump really kicks bannon out islam will take over and i really lose hope in the last fuckin politician i trusted

Kill Ivanka KeK


Why is this democrat having so much influence in the white house? Send her back to design clothes. She has nothing useful to contribute with

Trump hates Islam as well kek.

Get some standards, hot weather must've melted it

Kill Ivanka KeK

she's basically like that hairy, commie antifa-bitch at this point. brainwashed by her jewish husband to resent her white male daddy

Why, you like the taste of plastic? It's all artificial mate - probably has a rubber minge an all

No, because that is not a girl it is a man.

He doesn't hate islam he love jews.

>serves you right
>you trusted a woman


DADDY !?!?!?!


In all this memeing, people forgot the basic thing about Trump - he's a narcissist, himself a product of degenerate Amerikwan media.

Also, Trump reads NY Times and cares what they say. Otherwise, he wouldn't be mentioning them so often.

IMO the one NYT meme that got to him was "president Bannon" - that's why he decided to sideline good ole Steve.

Just remember the "I'm my own strategist" nonsense from a couple of days ago. Also "Steve wasn't with us until very late in campaign" despite Breitbart being probably the single biggest factor in pro-Trump propaganda to normies.

Trump was annoyed by being seen as Bannon's puppet so he removed him.

And of course, less Bannon means more Jews, globalists, neo-cohens and annoying centrists like Ivanka.

This, sadly.

Wait why is everyone on Sup Forums suddenly trusts the media reports that there is some rifts between Ivanka vs. Bannon?
>wtf i love CNN now?



Kek has spoken

>implying they don't make modern human compatible plastic with modular taste and smell
pleb scouser

Apparently SNL made fun of him yesterday by having an apprentice showdown between Bannon and Kushner. Kushner won, which led to Bannon being taken to the basement and Kushner sitting at the president's seat while Trump sat at the little boy's seat.

I can only hope that the same meme that got Bannon in trouble will get Kushner in trouble. All you meme magicians, if Bannon gets out and you want Kushner to sink use your meme magic to make him out to be the real president. Don't go with dat doity anti-semitic basterds its annudah showah, be subtle. Kushner being passed off as the brains and the superior person to Trump will piss Trump off, not anything else.

It seems that ZOG has finally figured out how to manipulate Trump

1) appeal to his pride/vanity. No one can doubt the man has a large ego. And there's nothing wrong with that. But in this case, all the media kikes pushing stories of Trump being a puppet of Bannon is getting to him. This could be tricking him into cutting off Bannon in order to appear as "his own man". The leaks from Susan Rice back this up, with knowledge of their being an explicit plan to oust Bannon and his people long ago by ZOG.

2) appeal to his paternalism. In other words, he'll do anything for his Pretty Princess Ivanka (and her globalist kike husband). Doesn't even matter if Ivanka is "in on it". She can be tricked unknowingly into doing ZOG's work

Only if WE are the ones who make it known that we see Jared as pulling Trump's strings.

The issue is that since Jared is a ZOG kike, there's practically no resistance to him from any of the MSM. They all love him. In fact, he was (surprise surprise) the one person in Trump's entourage that they DIDN'T lampoon and hiss/screech about. All the other kikes praised the inclusion of Kushner right from the start, despite screaming about every other cabinet member. This is all going according to their plans.

>Despite the chaos of the election that is pitting Donald Trump against Hillary Clinton for the presidency, Ivanka Trump says she and Hillary’s daughter Chelsea Clinton are still friends.
>Similar in age – Ivanka is 34, Chelsea, 36 – the pair had bonded over the years when their parents were friends. (Clinton was a guest at Trump’s 2005 wedding to Melania.)

Fuck this kike whore

I wish Trump would disown her and threw her and her globalist kike husband out of the office.

>b-but muh family

Yes. She's fully (((theirs))).

>centrists like Ivanka
She's just a leftist.

She's a jew you stupid cunt, what do you think? This bitch needs to fuck off, nobody voted for this cunt.

In modern politics, "centrist" just means ZOG shill who doesn't *overtly* say "kill all the goyim"

i've never been so convinced of the (((Jewish))) conspiracy theory since all this shit with Trump started happening.