This is from a Japanese children's show

>this is from a Japanese children's show
>this is a middle schooler talking

Why do Japanese politicians seem indifferent to this?

The age of consent there is 13

Japanese people are pedophiles, remember CP was still legal until 2014.

Because moral panic about pedos is a culture-specific thing and not a human universal. For some reason Americans in particular are very easily upset by it.

>The Children Welfare Act chapter 34 forbids any act of "fornication" (淫行) with children (here defined as anyone under 18 years of age).

Except it isn't?

Paedophiles are degenerates though.

It was the subbers that put that in and it's not the actual dialogue

This cant be real. From what anime is this?

Only in the prefecture of Tokyo, 16 everywhere else

In some cultures, sex is OK as soon as the girl ovulates. Not saying it's right, but that's is their rational for it.

Are you of retard?
It clearly said "ochinchin ga daisuki"
Eromanga senei made by the same guy who wrote oreimo so nbr incest

It's real. The anime is Eromanga sensei. It's made by the same person as Oreimo and and he wants his incestuous plot this time around.

because there is nothing wrong with it, burger.

It's real dialogue.

This 12 year old girl literally goes up to a random boy she doesn't know and informs him she loves dicks.

Sure, what else is new. Americans don't get up in arms about all kinds of other degeneracy, but it's actually kind of amazing how triggered they get by pedophilia. Not even child molesters, or even creepy pedos themselves, but even just media with any hint of pedoness. Most don't seem to be aware that the intensity of their reaction is a very specific and noticeable cultural trait. Probably something to do with Puritanism.


Oh so its just going to be more asspulls then and no actual sibling fucking. Meh.

>12 years old
>JC student
Pick 1


I think it applies only to kids, basically kids can consent and explore with other kids but not with adults?

Sorta like how teens have sex with teens but the law comes into play when it's a teen and adult.

I'm no expert in Japanese law but that's how it is in other parts of the world

>Fornication is generally consensual sexual intercourse between two people not married to each other.

Looks like you need to marry them before you can have sex with under 18 year olds in japan.

Unless the word "Fornication" isn't the proper translation and there's a better description for what the children welfare act defines.

Shit, I thought it was gonna come in like September, danks 4 telling

I think the age of consent should be 14 as long as the partner is 20 or under and is under a similar lifestyle i.e. living with parents and no job.

Well it's not like it's false. Teen girls are in heat and hungry for dicks.