You guys need to grow up

You guys need to grow up

This shit isn't funny anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Can't have questionable people on my shit anymore

What did she mean by this?

It's pretty funny actually

She gave No Fucks

Now she does

How could she not see this coming

Quick rundown please

That's where you're wrong. It's fucking hilarious how badly this backfired on the dumb antifag cunt. She didn't just get punched, she's had her entire life exposed along with her hairy asshole.

nudes where

what happened to her?

>hairy asshole

It's extremely funny. actually.
>Talks about scalping people.
>Now deleting everything she can and trying to go off the radar.

I think it's very funny.

More of this please. Scare the women away from their movement. Operation Grab Antifa by the Pussy.

kek what a dumb cunt

Commie whore gets punched in Berkley. Sup Forums finds out she does porn within a few hours and ruins her safe space

>modeling alias

She did nazi this coming at all


>muh rape and death threats
yea bitch you are not special, anyone with any notoriety on any side gets them.
welcome to the internet cutn

I don't think it will ever stop being funny. I wish Australia had some political turmoil so I could get involved in one of these.

But I think leftists are actually too scared to actual flatout do an anti-australia protest otherwise they'd get 10,000 bogans doing a lot worse than Berkley


well fuck
forget i said anything

I just hope every one of her friends and family sees those photos.

>Modeling career

>posts herself doing porn
>surprised when iy backfires

modern. women.

Link/name? I need it for my dick

>>"Modeling Alias"

True dat

>got checker'd
>instant regret
>fall back on "umhgrwd imma gurl"
>still gets slammed

come on inter/pol/ i know you saved all her comments and posts

>help make mega .jpeg
>contains all info on what she said and saying now
>spam at her

>Those digits
>That pic


>free speech rally at berkley yesterday
>antifa hippie chick makes FB post about "collecting nazi scalps"
>gets punched by based marine manlet on film
>this goes viral on Sup Forums
>soon it is discovered she has a "modeling" career
>atk natural, other nude stuff
>hairy butthole
>now she realizes that doing porn and acting like an idiot online isn't such a good idea
>b..bash the f..fash right?

Dumb cunt walked into this one. Even better is her friends list shows other members of antifa, where they live, work, hang out, and who they hang out with. Thanks social media.



Her "modeling" name is Venus Rosales. Be warned she "models" for a hairy girl site.

>SJW gets some of her own medicine
Good. Hope she takes the rope challenge

She's completely fucked herself. The weaponised autism this place has means she'll never live her life normally again.

>antifa doxxes people constantly
>hehehe take that fucking Nazis
>gets doxxed
>omg guys this isn't funny anymore :(

>tfw you realize you have made a mistake

That log is more of a turn-on than her "modeling" photos.

So you broke the code! Proud of you user.

BTFO, nothing is private anymore, once you get into the public's eye expect to be shit on. You did this to yourself bitch.

>Straight dumping your boyfriend because your shitty dirty hippy porn shoots got found cause you got punched in the face by a manlet at a commie rally

That's what US anons should do right no. Inform grand parents

>This shit isn't funny anymore

welcome to Sup Forums

How the fuck was her dox and porn shoots found so fast, she was punched 5 minutes ago. My guess someone on the inside leaked everything lul.


that actually made me feel ill

Very gross indeed


Should have learned basic opsec before you decided you wanted to "smash the fash".

You reap what you sow.

Maybe the bitch will learn something from this, get her shit together and fix up her life.

She was punched yesterday. This has been making the rounds all night.



>she's had her entire life exposed along with her hairy asshole.

God help me If I have to defend these fagots, but doxxing people and showing his dirty rags to everybody because you don't agree with his views is something you could expect from shitholes like North Korea or China.

shame really, she was actually cute before her degeneracy. fuck man im really sad about what happened, we couldve had another qt conservative yet we have another whore

To avoid any more privacy leaks she is unfriending people on her social networks. For people like her this is the same thing as breaking up with them.

Note how they take pictures of people on the opposing side when they can't outright beat them up.


nice get

Bogans are the most powerful race in the world

That's why my cianon uncle told me to drop fasche buchen 5 years ago

some girl wanted to play high level roleplaying adventure at Berkeley. Realize it not so much fun. Maybe that guy knocked some sense into her at least.

Weaponized autism has no brakes

She looked pretty good and innocent before her liberalization, this could be the wake up call she needs to revert back to that.

>how can her porn be found so fast

My guess is it was already on her social media somewhere.

This is absolutely hilarious, but weren't we crying over Dicky Spence being punched?

Maybe she did some shit before the video started, idk.

Antifa made the rules, we're just playing by them.

>5 minutes ago
That happened 20 hours ago, famalam

Do not underestimate our power user. We can influence the world now.



i bet she smells bad, and doesn't wipe properly


is this that stupid blonde gone hippie?

This is really fucked up. What kind of piece of shit would do this to someone.

Please don't tell me chloe looks like that now!
Please be photoshopped.

Her real name is Louise Rosealma, her porn alias is Venus Rosales.

What a stupid cunt.

It showed up pretty fast after the punching, maybe within a few hours or so. The idiot girl used similar email addresses for her normie life and porn life. *facepalm*

As for how they found her name in the first place, and as for the thing about "nazi scalps", I am guessing yes it had to be some sort of leaker.

Not hard. Just some reverse image search.

He got sucker punched on a street in the middle of an interview.

She went to a protest with the written intent to kill 100 people.

They're not comparable.


Antifa are such enormous faggots.

Equality only on their terms..she seems pretty fashy to me

1. Commies arnt people
2. Its not doxxing if nothing was stolen that was hidden. She had her face plastered on hairy fetish porn, that would have gotten out eventually regardless.
3. She will make money off this because exposure to her gaping disgusting hole will entice some poor beta with a hairy ape vagina fetish
4. Commies.

she should honorary kys herself


Like within an hour of her getting punched she was completely doxxed.

Worth noting that her REAL pre-ANTIFA name is Emily Nauert.

>How the fuck was her dox and porn shoots found so fast
We're dealing with mostly kissless virgins here. Porn is definitely going to be the first thing that gets uncovered if it exists.

>something you could expect from shitholes like North Korea or China.

They claim to want a Communist state, they should learn what it's like to live in one.

I didn't realise we were in a youtube comment section.

"modeling alias", aaaaaaaaahhhh...i hope every one she knows gets to see her pictures

meme it to reality

but stop with the threats

That I didn't know. Thanks, user.


Posts like this are the reason I love this place.


Now you realize why Shia is having a nervous breakdown, and he tries 100x harder than this hairpie

Is she some kinda Mexican or something?

I hopee this camwhore kills herself anyway

You're right friend!

The antifa smelly cunt hasn't eaten a shotgun yet.


I'd love to see this spliced with the footage of her getting hit

>no pic
You can't hide Carlos, you need to go back

No true Sup Forumslack was sad about that one.