Why the fuck are ANTIFA trying so hard?

"We are getting stopped by the fucking Trumpets at every stop.
We need to band together, this is a call to arms.
We have a chance to stop another Hitler from existing, by calling for this we are all saving millions of lives all over the world.
We need to organise riots where we use our Block tactics to hold the police back while we tear up PUBLIC PROPERTY (this does not include PERSONAL PROPERTY we cant risk having that stain on our records). By tearing PUBLIC PROPERTY up, Trumps administration will have to pay to replace it, giving him less money and tarnishing his record, so even if we fail he will always be known as the President who lost money to some 'useless masked thugs'.
To achieve this we will burn trees in public parks, smash business windows and spray-paint over EVERY SURFACE YOU CAN, I'm including an IMGUR link of symbols you should try to spray paint, it'll install fear in the Trump Regime
We will strike these attacks across key areas in the United States, any suggestions?"

Taken from a (((reddit))) post on /r/ANTIFA

Pic related.

Jesus, these people are retarded.

>Why the fuck are ANTIFA trying so hard?

They are paid to do so

Soros is paying them to do this.

>Don't hurt personal property
>Smash business windows
I'm so goddamn confused. They realize under socialism that businesses would more or less be public property or state owned?

Lots of internet mixed with wanting to impress girls with armpit hair they became delusional enough to think theyre revolutionaries
"We can stop another hitler"
They take themelves way to seriously .

Make a giant pickture containing all her comments and posts, how she got checker'd and her post behaviour.

I have a suggestion ANFAG
That is all

It was ineffective


wait what the fuck is this Sup Forums? how about you fuck off?

Would paintball guns be legal to use? Ideally the fps would be low to prevent blowing out Antifa cunts' eyes or something in the case of getting hit in the face. My gut says "no," but then I recall that they're bringing bats, lasers, and pepper spray and shit so fuck the rules I guess. just some way to keep those cunts from getting too uppity. They can hang out and sweat dread-grease into their faggoty little hats all they want.

We say ANTIFA isnt advanced yet they're using laser weaponry?

How will Drumpf fanboys ever win

Shining lasers in people's eyes. I haven't seen it spoken of, but that's riot 101 and is used by ANTIFA elements overseas against cops.

Oh never mind I thought you meant Laser rifles.

Why do you care? Let them keep screeching and laugh at them.

Nah, they're too fucking stupid to actually get something like that together, plus it would be an escalation of force they know they aren't ready for. Hit and run is all they're really good for.

>/r/Antifa: For unbiased news and discussion of the anti-fascist movement, "Antifa," and its presence in the modern political community. May also included related anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-discrimination, LGBT rights, and sexual freedom ideas.

>describing yourself as anti-X

I'm anti-bias.

Figure that one out.

wow really got my neurons firing there buddy

AntiFa has adopted the Reddit world view. They think life is like a 90s movie where everything is an epic struggle and they'll be the hero in the end yelling, "We did it xirs! We won! Yaaaaay" as the credits roll.
