Dear Christians: Do dogs go to heaven?

Dear Christians: Do dogs go to heaven?



"Behold, I make ALL things new"

It's disputed by some denominations because it's never stated whether or not animals have souls. I believe, and would sure like to think, they do though.

All but the pit bulls

Yes. Protestants don't.

Statistically High portion of dogs go to heaven

>OP do not know the existence of Eden

I really like that picture

Only if they were good boys.

What about cats? Do they go to heaven too? :3

Doggos, bless them but they don't have souls. So there's no reason to assume that God can't just create them in heaven.

Just think about your doggo currently having saved data in his brain and God having a saved state of his brain to copy into his doggo hard drive in heaven.

Here's another

I saw a cartoon documentary about this years ago, apparently, All Dogs Go To Heaven

no xD

Wasn't there a kids TV show called Dogs go to Heaven?

Why :c


and the little agresive rat dogs


>god: "u ded now, son, you've been a bad guy in life and will go to hell now unless you repent"
>me: "ok sorry i fucked up, please forgive me"
>god: "you are forgiven, my son, you may enter heaven now"
>me: "lol nice :^)"

gullible christians are so easy to scam lmao

Burning in hell is part of repentance, you think God wouldn't know you weren't being serious? Enjoy Satan's hot rod of anal pleasure.

of course not! They believe in a whole different religion.

As animals are considered soulless, technically no. But there is no reason why there wouldn't be in heaven. As it is beautiful and perfect, and God wouldn't have a reason not to have them there.

What if you've converted Cat?

They also wouldn't be tainted by sin. Thus questioning whether they need to be redeemed.

it was a movie


It doesn't work like that. If you try to repent at the last minute it doesn't count as genuine faith, and you are just doing it for convenience. You still go to hell.

Muslims hate dogs, and there are no Muslims in heaven. Really makes you think.

and who said that? all your rule book says is "repent" ... no word about when you do it

there is no heaven.

Remember, energy cannot dissapear, it only changes its appearance.

Im talking about reincarnation. Depending on species, you cant reincarnate as a dogo if you were a human in past life, or human to dogo. That means you only reincarnate as same species, only with different body and dfferent set of skills and goals to achieve during your lifetime + karma from previous life (your actions).

If you, as a dog were a pitbull who mauled child to death, there is a great chance that you would be reborn in Yulin, Guangxi, China.


do bugs go to heaven?

There's a part where it explains fake faith doesn't give you a free pass. And you are still a sinner. I think is in chorintians. Give me a few minutes to find it.

No, because animals are not made in the image of God.

According to conventional Christian theology, animals do not go to heaven.

They do. Also heaven is infested by mosquitoes and black flies.

How do we know God isn't dog? Dog is God spelt backwards.

good point

probably not, I don't think animals have any place in the heaven where God dwells, but I don't see why they wouldn't be back on the new earth after the 1000 year reign.

Okay. I didn't found the one that I wanted but I found one similar in chorintians 5.10. Where it explains each one gets what they deserve(if they were good or evil) in the judgement of God.

so do i deserve heaven if i admit my mistakes and shitty lifestyle on my death bed?

If dogs weren't allowed in heaven would you be upset?

No, you are worthy of heaven if you believe what Jesus taught and do it.

so basically anyone who had sex with no intent to get a child in process is going to hell?

It wouldn't be paradise without doggos, so yes. Cats will be flung into hellfire alongside scorpions, bluefish and protestants.

Noone will deny that most cats are dicks.

Everything you do besides what Jesus taught doesn't profit you eternal life and fellowship with your God. We aren't going to hell until the end of time. You have your entire life to decide whether or not you want to start following what Jesus taught. God is patient and will wait for you to decide.

Anyone who doesn't follow what Jesus taught may be going to hell. The point isn't to get riled up over who is going and who isn't, it's about following what Jesus taught so YOU don't go, and by following the teachings you help OTHERS not to go to hell.

ofc they do wtf, dog's are precious to god, look at the name you fucking leaf.

I would be devastated if I got to heaven and all my dogs weren't there.


They have no souls.

i am just trying to exploit the system for maximal profitability

...i'm no jew though!

fuck no, i send them straight to hell, when i kill them.

Well, you really can't. Even if you started doing what Jesus taught insincerely, God would be pulling your spirit towards full commitment. It really is just a matter of doing it or not doing it, there's no fence sitting or in-between/grey area.

hm alright, thanks for the headsup

Hell is pitbull heaven tho

just maul all the aborted children

>Dog heaven is cat hell

My Bucky definitely went to heaven. He was more human than many people I know. I LOVE YOU BUCKY!!!!!!!!!
See you in Valhalla, Bucky. You were a true friend.

i like this

Because they are satanic.

no, they'll reincarnate over and over again just like all of us, no one goes to heaven because it doesn't exist, we are trapped in this simulation

It wouldn't be much of a heaven without all the comfy cats n dogs. :'3


No, they all go to Hell because they don't believe in the lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Only good dogos

Do gays go to heaven?

No, they have no souls. The Church tells us that when dogs die, they are gone. There is no dog heaven.

Aquaintis said they do not have immortal souls and are just beasts

Dogs are subhuman. There is no place for dogs in Valhalla. He's in Hel, like the rest of the dogs. And, there is no way you're going to valhalla either, faggot. You won't even up in the fields of the fallen.

No dogs are just red-blooded automatons.

God is a shithead. I will spit on his face.

At least they don't kill people

no because they are just animals

only human beans go to heaven because we are gods chosen

if we werent then why do we self awareness and can recognize ourselfs in mirrors?


gays go to gay heaven where they're sodomized with red hot dildoes for eternity

No. Only humans and dolphins have a soul.

The dog is white. Look at the nose. It isn't black like most labs. My friend had a dog like this.

>Be 5, family dog has to put down. Dad takes him.
>Ask Dad if pupper went to heaven, he said yes.
>Ask how he knows.
>Said he saw the angel come down & took pupper back.
>Felt better.
>Grandmum comes by, tell her that our dog went to heaven thankfully.
>"No dear, dogs & other animals don't go to heaven, they don't have souls. They just rot in the ground."

Thanks Nana.

You don't know what you're talking about, queer. Bucky would rip your throat out, he hated niggers like you. My Bucky is comfy, and waiting for me.

When a baby goes to heaven is it stuck with an infant consciousness for ever?

Also, let's say a baby who would have grown up to be a pedophile rapist murderer Obama supporter died while he was still a baby, since all babies go to heaven, so will this baby. And if babies don't retain their infant consciousness in heaven, then that means it will be an evil soul in heaven

Listen, dogs go to heaven. I'm from an orthodox christian family (most authentic branch) and my mom said dogs go heaven, they're the only animals that go to heaven

Your cunt of a grandma probably hated dogs that's why she told you this, fuck that stupid bitch, burn in hell

Yes, except for nigger pits

Fuck off you kike!
Protestant for the WIN!


I thought that you where confucian n shit.

Creatures that don't have the choice to do right or wrong (animals and babies (especially aborted) go to heaven automatically

Yes. There's even an animated documentary about how all dogs go to heaven.

The bible dislikes dogs.

Your religion is a middle east religion, of course they don't like dogs.

Jesus all these people don't know shit. No animal but humans have souls, thus only we go to heaven.

t. Zhang Park Takeru

No, they are animals and are meant to be our helpers. They are blessed but yeah.

>he believes in the redemption via good works/forgiveness paradigm

You will go to heaven if you believe in thr sacrifive of His beloved son. That is all. There is no catch 22 of last minute sin damning you to torment.


All dogs go to heaven, I believe the movie cleared that up


My Take on it is that they don't go to Heaven OR Hell. More like a sort of Doggo Limbo

This, Dogs have no souls. Only humans inhabit heaven.

Wouldn't be much of a heaven without doggos around

take a look at this dog and tell me he isn't going to heaven