Redpill me on Cuba. Why is it not a shithole like North Korea or other commie states? Is communism working for them...

Redpill me on Cuba. Why is it not a shithole like North Korea or other commie states? Is communism working for them, or are they commie by name only?

And has anyone been there? I genuinely want to visit.

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Yes stay there.

Did you see your picture?

It's a shithole, yes, but not like NK or other Communist countries, and they don't try to hide the negative aspects much at all. It looks pretty cozy tbqh anyways.

it looks like spain in the 60's

you've just answered your own question. NK probably has higher basic living standards than Cuba, but NK has it's population terrified or indoctrinated into forced contentedness. If it weren't for the government and the shit infrastructure, it might be a cool place to live.
Cuba is probably a nice place to go for a while, and it will show signs of poverty, but it has the basic freedoms that places like North Korea lack.

The problem with communism is the amount of authoritarianism that is required to create a state that is plausible. I don't know enough about Cuba to comment on it specifically but I think the fact that it is now opening up to commerce despite managing to "get along" so to speak, speaks for itself.

This is the only good cuba.

And if you want to visit you should do it ASAP because opening itself up for tourism will quickly lay waste to anything unique about Cuba.

ive been there, one of the best vacations ive ever been on

it was poor as fuck though

Cuba isn't as much of a shithole as NK, because they don't spend the vast majority of their money on missiles and nukes. That, and they've been slowly embracing Capitalism.

That said, Cuba is still a shithole. Secret police, govt. control over everything, etc. PR may be broke as shit, but at least I can criticize the govt. without getting abducted by govt. death squads.

I've been and I'd say it's an interesting place to visit.

>Why is it not a shithole
It is though.

a friend of mine was there
he said they live pretty good
he said a problem is the peso tourist currency scam shit, and prostitution, but all in all its a good country
the people are very friendly, its relaxed, they have what they need, and so on

>Why is it not a shithole
It is.
>I genuinely want to visit.
You should.

>prostitution is a problem

The weather is perfect nearly every day. That is why. Tough to care that much.

Honestly I don't drink but that looks delicious...
I could use a good gin and tonic, with some lemon.... Perfect for a hot day in summer....

You mean Gran Canaria in 60s looks like Cuba, Spain (mainland) doesnt look like that.

The DPRK is pretty much the worst place in the world to implement the sort of policies that the government implements.

Ireland stands strong with Cuba, keep up the good fight brothers

"In my sons veins flowed the blood of Irish rebels"

Because it is basically a paradise? Even hardcore communism can't ruin the weather.

Another pic

Another mural

Holy fuck, that yellow car is a 59 Buick. That's my all time dream car

> Higher basic standards.
> People from the poorer places literally eat rocks and weed in order to live.
> They have to give a metal tribute to the kim regime everytime he wants to make a huge statue of himself.
> They have a expected living period of 70yo compared to cuba with 79yo.

They both live with tiny amount of rations, but while cuba is a shithole too, it's probably not even near to NK.

> Basic freedoms
> No basic access to internet
> Even if so, completely controlled by the government.
> Bloggers arrested for having opinions against the official political line of the government.
> Unable to go outside the country, at least until recently.
> One-party system.

Well, i guess that at least they don't have a think police, or neighboors that report them to the government when they do or say something strange, but the place where NK is geographically is just nuts, between russia and china. Nothing good could come from that.

Yeah thats why the republicans lost.

They bought into too much leftist bullshit.

NK definitely has lower living standards than Cuba. Nobody is actually starving in Cuba.

>Why is it not a shithole

It is a shithole lol

I've been there. It's a shithole in the sense that building/road conditions are poor, government has control over media, and people have to live on an absurdly low amount of money, but most of the people themselves have a genuine desire to make Cuba a better place and know that their government are screwing them over. Cubans are some of the nicest people I've ever met. They still worship Che though.

its the only actual communist country dumb bitch. you've been lied to by (((neocons))) whom have brain washed you into thinking communism is bad. communism in south america has always been good (cuz they remained christian even after communism) the problem is that the capitalists constantly try to destroy these countries with cia coercion because they know if ppl see that communism is actually good the whole world will turn red.

probably because they were a catholic socialist militia like the sandinistas and cuban guerrillas before them dipshit.

>the problem is that the capitalists constantly try to destroy these countries with cia coercion because they know if ppl see that communism is actually good the whole world will turn red.
..a-are you sure about that? I think a lot of country's have fucked up with communism.
Socialism, sometimes very good but ""communism"""? Are you sure about that?

because he was one of the greatest and most intelligent people of all time. people in cuba like their country and the idea of non authoritarian socialism.

>that picture
>not a shithole

>inb4 cherrypicked nigger-filled ghetto

well yeah im just saying communism cuz thats what the OP said. but yeah communism had never really existed, kinda been tried bu never achieved. in cuba people truly do own the means of production and that is good, it was the same in nicaragua, but the CIA did operation condor and totally fucked a lot of the south american revolutionary states over.

Yes let's try real communism this time not like before

As if anything "unique" about Cuba existed in the first place.

>And has anyone been there? I genuinely want to visit.
Lots of people have been there. It's a tourist destination. I've been there twice.

it is a shithole. Most white cubans left after Castro took over. The only thing they're good at, literally the only thing Cuban government got right is literacy and health care. Cuba has great doctors, and pretty much all cubans can read.

Beyond that their country has degenerated severely since the 1950s. Imagine losing industries and not replacing them with anything, that's what happened with Cuba.

In the 50s they produced most of the entire world's sugar. Now it's just 3% of their economy.

Communism is so appealing. It seems to Christian on paper; but it just doesn't work.

well i mean who tried to make communism happen? lenin? stalin? no. the only ones who have tried are revolutionary catalonia and the paris commune and other such grass roots non authoritarian leftist movements. the problem it, as cuba and nicaragua found out. you cannot have communism when you are encircled by a reactionary force who wants you dead. if there had never been a cia, there would never have been a kgb, if there wasnt a nato encirclement of the ussr there wouldnt have been a warsaw pact. if there wasnt capitalist imperialism people like stalin wouldnt exist. you have to understand the concept that communism doesnt fail on its own merits, it fails because a small south american country will never have the strength to stand up to the rest of the capitalist world.

It depends if you're a beta male or the real thing.

If you want videogames, eat cheetos and masturbate to loli porn, living with the decadent comforts we normally associate with the west but are more suburban whims of spoiled brats, then you're going to suffer.

If you want good sex, true brotherhood, fiesta, and are content with reading by the beach, eating moderately and living a simple life, while getting kick ass medical service... then it is paradise.

As someone who actually visited the USSR and North Korea, I can say that Cuba is very decent *but* it depends on your perspective on life and what things make you happy.

it works under extremely specific circumstances, which will not occur for a very long time. and yes, communism and christianity have a very long and interesting relationship. there have been many catholic priests who were also communist guerrillas in the south. catholic socialism is inherently south american because the culture is so strong there, in russia the church was a tool of the bourgeoisie to subvert and control the peasants, in latin america christianity is a force of liberation for the oppressed, as it should be, because that is how christ was.

That's like saying unicorns have "never really existed."

It's never existed because it obviously can't exist. It's self-contradictory schlock hidden under a thin veil of concern trolling.

>communism in south america has always been good
Yeah, why dont you go to live in paradises such as Cuba or Venezuela then?

I have been their its a nice place to go on vacation, but actually living in those shitty neighborhoods would suck

You guys changing my mind a little bit. Just a little.

well this is why capitalism is winning, because it gives ppl shit like xboxes and cheetos, and then this becomes a necessity for a "high" standard of living. in socialist cuba the people have everything you'd need to truly live comfortably, but they do not have the disgusting consumerism of the capitalist west.

all you have to do to learn is to read. people on Sup Forums are very confused about the truths of socialism desu.

Oh yes, I forgot, media is controlled and you won't feel like living in Miami. But, as said, it depends on you.

During my 2 year stay there, I never gave a fuck about poor infrastructure, controlled media, and the black market. All I wanted was to do my studies and then spend all my free time chilling by the beach reading a great book and having succulent sex with a goddess.

It's a shithole, but a nice place to visit. The people are all really friendly.

communism can exist and has, for a very short time. the paris commune, catalonia, revolutionary nicaragua. the problem is it cannot exist in modernity because we are still in the age of capitalism. you realize that before capitalism was popular there were many failed peasant revolts under feudalism right? capitalism will always smash communism where and when it exists, because communism is simply not strong enough to win, for now.

What kind of post is this? Being legitimately communist and sitting out from the majority of global trade is certainly unique, which is why OP and other westerners are curious and want to visit. Are you retarded or what?

I think communism is fundamentally unacceptable but there is probably a lot of truth to this.

hmm its almost as if living in a society without consumerist degeneracy purifies and corrects the soul of man.

I'd rather live in Poland

Yeah, pretty much. Capitalism won, indeed, and Cuba is doomed.

But I truly recommend to go there for a period longer than a tourist's, just to experience how enjoyable a simple, modest life can be.

As said, the joy came from having sex, laughing with friends, enjoying the seaside, and education. As soon as someone wants Levi's, Xbox, and to "speak their truth" through some shitty blog, then Cuba can be quite asphyxiating.

They are socialist not communist you dumb burger.

eh..... Now I think you're making a false argument, though. Feudalism was just abandoned; it was naturally evolved into capitalism. It wasn't a revolt. We basically kept feudalism; but just added sophisticated details.
If communism is the answer, there's no point in revolting. The market will decide for itself.

Whats the difference

it is the absolute truth friend. communism is terrifying to you because why? you think it is when the government controls things? its not, its when the people control all aspects of their own lives, and work collectively to benefit everyone in the nation, region, or even world. >

Friend I know said he had a blast there. I think Cuba is a visible example of workable communism

Communism seems to be working for them. Yes it is a shithole, but every other country in Caribbean is a shithole and if the US BTFO with their sanctions Cubans could have pretty decent quality of life. Even if it is a shithole it still manages to have some interesting features, e.g. really good healthcare.

>Feudalism was just abandoned;
WASN'T just abandoned.
That one typo can make my entire argument confusing. sorry.

it wasnt a revolt? it absolutely was. a serious of bourgeoisie revolutions killed it once and for all, capitalism would not exist as it does today without the american revolution, without the french revolution, and many others throughout europe in the 1800s, even up to the time when marx was alive. but you are correct in saying capitalism is a natural evolution of feudalism, and socialism, and then communism are the evolution of capitalism. this is literally in marx's writings.

>it works under extremely specific circumstances
No, it doesn't work at all. The examples you've cited as "successful" were both massive failures and they failed on the merit of communist doctrine alone. But instead of acknowledging this fact, you just create nonsensical excuses that don't actually add up.

I take it, your rationalization behind the the paris commune/spanish anarchism's failure to subsist is that they were both crushed under le ebil imperialist forces and stood no chance no matter what?

How do you then explain the massive success of the french revolution? Or the American revolution? Both groups were up against worse odds than the communards and their legacy subsists to this day.

France was already on the ass-end of a losing war when their capital city turned against the government. They had absolutely every opportunity to create a functional seperatist state and they failed because of their utter refusal to efficiently, hierarchically organize their society. This refusal of heirarchy is an idea foundational to communism and is the direct cause of their downfall along with that of anarchist spain.

geography. Cuba would be pretty rich if the US would let them, regardless of domestic economic policies.

You must be a complete moron if a few unsourced opinion pieces affect your political stance at all.

I'd add to that the character of their people. Cubans are happy by nature. They have their melancholic vein, as all Latin Americans, but, like Brazilians, have this innate hunger for enjoying life through socializing, laughing, drinking, and fucking.

Maybe it's the tropics?

Cuba trades with EU and Latin America all trade needs filled with Venezuela.

>Being legitimately communist
>and sitting out from the majority of global trade
Plenty of countries do this. NK for example.

Idiotic post.

Have you been to Cuba, friend? Or do you get your experience of it through Fox news?

There's nothing "unmanly" or "unpatriotic" about seeing the good and the bad, with a cold head, and free from ideological philias and phobias.

those revolutions were won because of the very small time frame in which they occurred. it took almost a year to sail to america then, and france was completely broken and the entire populace was ready to kill the monarchy. they succeeded because unlike in every socialist country they were not targeted by us missiles, they were not invaded by a far superior army, they were not murdered by german bombers. revolution is hard because of the global connectivity of the world, which only began existing shortly after the rise of capitalism, and it was mostly due to capitalism. revolutionary catalonia wasnt starved to death, they were bombed to death, the french commune was shot to death, and the sandinistas were spied to death. weather you like it or not, no socialist country has lived long enough to kill itself. do you really think that we, the largest imperialist force in the world seeking to create a globalist hegemony just leaves socialist countries alone, that we dont actively try to destroy them?

DPRK isnt communist, or even socialist, theyre a strange hermetic monarchy with weird national bolshevist qualities.

More like, hardships breed a strong people who learn to live and be happy with little.

ah it see the (((neocon))) has arrived to subvert our revolutionary progress, dutch bro.

yes, but their hardships occurred not because of socialism itself, but the environment in which it lives. look how cuba has been treated in this world, look at the brave men and women who stood up to stop it, and then look at the stormkids on here who say socialists are cucks, or believe people like george soros and bernie sanders are socialist.

Go ahead and go to Cuba.

My family came from the soviet union. My great grand father was drafted as front lines cannon fodder in WWII. He got captures by the Nazis and lived in a concentration camp for almost two years, before being liberated by American soliders. When he got back to his home in Russia, he was sent to the Gulag for being caught by the enemy, where he spent 12 years mining coal.
I understand there are bads, but there are goods. Authoritarian communism is bad. Socialism makes sense. Get over it.

The cheka existed before the cia.. Read a book user.. Or go back to plebbit

>Well, i guess that at least they don't have a think police, or neighboors that report them to the government when they do or say something strange

But Cuba does have that.

It was set up by the Stasi during the Cold War and it uses the same methods.

Plenty of people want to visit NK too shit-for-brains, fewer because it is an oppressive dictatorship with an egregious attitude toward human rights and the women are scrawny. Cuba is much less communist than it used to be but it is a global anomaly. Suck a dick.

It's that guy that's on all those faggot's t-shirts

It is a nice way to visit and mingle amonst the poor, thow the locals a couple of bucks by buying their home-made stuff, then go home. I don't see it as a permanent place where life is /comfy/ but it is /comfy/ for a visit.

Yes it does go to socialist Venezuela or socialist Cuba and stay there

>and socialism, and then communism are the evolution of capitalism.
They're on opposite sides of the scale, you fucking idiot.

but did the cheka exist before the tsars soldiers killed the martyrs of the revolution? did the cheka exist before the prussians massacred the national gaurd in paris? did the cheka exist before the forces of imperialism tried to snuff out the revolutionary flame? authoritarian communism only exists because it lives in an authoritarian world.

I've obviously never been there and neither have you. Your worldview is no more credible than mine regarding Cuba and the fact that I'm not responding to a Cuban flag right now is a testament to your intellectual dishonesty regarding the topic in general.

Keep rationalizing your deluded fantasies by slinging ad hominems and pseudo diagnoses at anyone who calls them what they are, it makes this much more entertaining.

dutch bro and i have been there. have you?

Cuban-American here.

Communism has failed which is why literally millions of people left the island over 50 years. Cuba had a very good infrastructure in place compared to other spic countries before Castro, so it's sustained itself on that. But it actually is a shithole.

>Family has their businesses and land taken from them by force
>Luckily get out before the regime takes full control
>People get jailed or lined up and shot for speaking out or making political moves against Castro
>Neighbors sell each other out in hopes of rewards
>People risk their lives for decades on makeshift rafts and stowaway on boats just to get out
>Conditions are terrible enough that the left behind rely on family members that managed to escape to send basic needs
>Faggot gender study graduates who take their first world living conditions for granted and have never lived in a real communist country or worked hard a day in their fucking lives pretend like everything is great and people are just too whiny

I'm so damn glad my grandparents made new lives for themselves here. I can't imagine building a secure life for my family only to have it robbed and forced to move to a foreign country and build it up all over again.

Go live there if you think it's so great you piece of shit. Communism is so damn great you're still in the US, capitalist capital of the world. Go, dale, tirate que das pie. As much a fucking retard as those European women who thought ISIS would give them a good life. Fucking none of you are willing to put your money where your mouth is. that's why you're still in the US. People starving and you find it ideal. Unbelievable, brother.

They won't. They fucking won't. All they do is talk shit all day and trick other idiots into joining them.

Stay there, why'd you come back?
Go help revolution in Cuba

explain your position, are feudalism and capitalism on the same sides of the scale? capitalism is a liberal ideology, it is only right wing in the context of the modern world. before socialism, capitalism was anti reactionary, now that there is socialism, capitalism becomes reactionary. do you really believe that the world is as simple as the political compass?

so should I listen you to telling me to not listen to him? Tell me what to think user!

the revolution is over, i dont have enough money to change residence to a different country rn.

I dont understand what you people want. You spend your entire day complaining about rich people and not having oppertunities, and then someone suggests something simple, like reallocation of tax money to serve the citizens of the United States more, and you instantly think that means you won't be able to work at your job and buy cheeseburgers anymore. What is wrong with you people?
Democratic Socialism is not Communist Socialism, or National Socialism.
Just like how killing Bin Laden or Killing a robber is not Killing your mother, or Killing yourself. What is wrong with you idiots?

Revolutionary brothers in CUba will provide go there.

hello DSA bro. while i think you are counter revolutionary you are right, democratic socialism is an important milestone in the growth of socialism, and it is the correct socialism for modern america.

heard theres a metric shit ton of hookers down there