The Jews destroy each race by turning their strengths against them

Whites: Natural innovators, always willing to try something new. So they get hit with progressivism, the cult of the foreign, and cultural marxist modernism.

Asians: Incredibly organized, they do shit right. They get hit with communism, corporatism, and other soul-crushing economic regimes.

Blacks: Creative, expressive, in tune with people. Tribalism, factionalism, peer pressure and us vs. them whether in Central Africa or Detroit.

Middle Easterners: Devoted, traditional, ready to put aside themselves for a higher cause. Religious fundamentalism, injunctions against progress, and endless wars.

I’m sure there are more, but it’s clear how each has a very (((distinctive))) mark as to why it’s gotten so bad.


This actually makes a lot of sense. Never really thought of it this way. Thanks for opening my mind a bit mannnn

np, it seems like a lot of people get caught up in hating on non-whites without realizing who the true enemy is

not exactly true. Borats are not jews, but they use zionism as temporary object in the ram of global consciousness of humanity. Notice this narrative of evil jews serve for upcoming narrative where this evil will be replaced by lesser evil liberators taliban and state of islam.
So once again western world has been taken for the ride by the van that says "free candy" written on the side, but in reality the van goes around collecting free candies from the babies.

>Distracting from the Jew threat
JIDF working overtime today

Jews: Love money. Can't stop their greed. Make it financially viable to sell out their own kind for profit and destroy the traditional values espoused by Israel.


I think I've seen the Lithuaniaposter before, it sometimes seems like the Balts here are even more autistic than the rest of us

Jewish thought and action are the death force of human social evolution.

This isn't wrong, but has a very good point, though I'd add that they have an uncontrollable compulsion to make themselves and their ideology the center of attention. We see beginning to backfire now. When Continental Europoors start getting pushed to the right, you've made an awful mistake.

What's the term death force mean, I haven't heard it before

Good post have a bump

Every Dollar is a ponzi scheme interest payment. Socialism gives some of this maybe without all the debts and derivatives to white people. Rabbis don't like that

>Muh Jews are begins everything despite showing no proof

I'm refering to the part that death itself plays in the process of evolution. The death of individuals before they reproduce is the 'pressure' on populations to evolve via their surviving members, etc. Looked at this way, Jew-like forces are a perhaps necessary evil of human social existence, etc.

Inshallah, this is correct. the jews are rats, all Arabs know this, whether christian, moslem, or druze. Even many blacks are learning, like from Louis Farrakhan


are you new

very true, especially the contribution to american music culture.

What's Every Dollar?

But what about the POO????

I honestly haven't figured that out yet.

>Indians: Like to POO. Given LOO.

>jews are somehow responsible for tribalism