Satan was the original SJW

>Don't let God oppress you, eat this apple

Other urls found in this thread:

>Christian mythology


It's true. The apple was her vagina and Adam was the first cuckold


The Lord of the OT is not not God.

He is the Chief Archon, the First Ruler.

The Demiurge.

The first liar.

This is mindblowing. Have a rare pepe.

Satan is the hero of the indisputably-greatest work ever written in the English language.

Sup Forums being wrong the wrong side is just history repeated

Satan literally did nothing wrong.

I don't remember Satan in Moby Dick.

Then why is creation perfect? You're wrong, Q.E.D.

God created the universe perfect. Man and satan corrupted it.

Where does it ever say the snake is satan?

Protip: it doesnt

Satan is in Harry Potter?

So if Adam and Eve only got free will after they ate the apple how did they choose to do it

1) It wasn't an apple.
2) They chose to eat it, how can they have free will after eating it?
3) They were lied to by the cursed beast which God will destroy.

The Universe is more then just the Material Realm.

The Demiurge is the Lord of our realm but God is the creator of All.

Our realm is just a shadow of the Fathers Pleroma.

You are confused at who God is. I like that you have good intentions but your too easy to fool.

>what is a metaphor

But you're right, it's just a random talking snake that waltzes in and then is never heard from again.

God created the earth. The Lord God is good. God will destroy the evil liar.



Only God can create something out of nothing. His creatures can either cooperate or corrupt God's will. The enemy has an shamefully large influence on our world, not doubt, but much of this is the fault of man for allowing themselves to be receptive to his lies.

The material universe still contains Beauty, and Truth, and Love. Even the lowly, biological love limited to animals and their children. These things can only find their source in the Eternal Good.

Today we Remember a Christ Conquered death and all of Satan's deceit. He has brought Salvation into the world, it is our duty to attain it.

Satan and all the Gods of old(demons masquerading as Gods) lead man into deceit and error, Christ brought light into the World

As a gnostic i believe in the Eternal Good.

But he is not the Lord of the Garden like your told.

There is more to the whole story.

He-Who-Is is ineffable. No principle knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor any creature from the foundation of the world, except he alone. For he is immortal and eternal, having no birth; for everyone who has birth will perish. He is unbegotten, having no beginning; for everyone who has a beginning has an end. No one rules over him. He has no name; for whoever has a name is the creation of another. He is unnameable. He has no human form; for whoever has human form is the creation of another. He has his own semblance - not like the semblance we have received and seen, but a strange semblance that surpasses all things and is better than the totalities. It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. He is infinite; he is incomprehensible. He is ever imperishable (and) has no likeness (to anything). He is unchanging good. He is faultless. He is everlasting. He is blessed. He is unknowable, while he (nonetheless) knows himself. He is immeasurable. He is untraceable. He is perfect, having no defect. He is imperishably blessed. He is called 'Father of the Universe'.

>But he is not the Lord of the Garden like your told.

>the liar cursed himself?

Genesis 3:14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Gnosticism is a retarded heretical religion.

Fuck heretics mayne

>No principle knew him,
He knew Himself. The Logos, incarnated in Christ. God in the Trinity is self-reflective, and Loving. He eternally Contemplates Himself, and this Image, is perfect, for God is perfect, Eternal, because God is Eternal. Uncreated, because God is Perpetual as well as Fixed. A Perfect, Eternal, Uncreated Image of the Father, is God.

He is unnameable. He has no human form; for whoever has human form is the creation of another.And he has a semblance of his own - not like what you have seen and received, but a strange semblance that surpasses all things and is better than the universe. It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. Since it is infinite, he is ever incomprehensible. He is imperishable and has no likeness (to anything). He is unchanging good. He is faultless. He is eternal. He is blessed. While he is not known, he ever knows himself. He is immeasurable. He is untraceable. He is perfect, having no defect. He is imperishability blessed. He is called 'Father of the Universe'

Hey lads,
If niggers wuz kangz of egypt that makes niggers pharaoh, the nigger who did not let us go even though God commanded hom to do so. Niggers deserve to be slaves but we forgave them and gave them freedom and they still have the audacity to blame us for everything. Lads niggers owe us white men money.

>When you steal and subvert sumerian myths to fit your own semitic narrative.

Read up on the real stories, and you'll find out that not only is the god that created humanity not the same god that ordered our destruction via the deluge, he also saved us from said deluge(yes, the ark story is also stolen from sumerian myth). The god that created humanity was associated with the ABYSS, which was the ocean.

Satan is not really even a name, it comes from the jewish word Ha-Satan, which means "the adversary", now who would the adversary of the jews be? We all know that it's the white aryan race. The character of Satan is just jewish slander of our true creator and benefactor, Enki.

It's quite a genius move that these ancient jews did way back then. Today christianity is THE religion for white people, praising a jewish god and condemning their own creator as "the devil"

Even if Jesus did exist, he was not the son of god, but he was a great man, and I think the original message was that we could all become "godlike" like him, ofc the jews didn't want that so Christianity got kiked very fast.


>The character of Satan is just jewish slander of our true creator and benefactor, Enki.

Enki was the god of wisdom and the gatekeeper of life and death.

Who is the semitic equivalent?

Enki is the Father of Marduk.

Marduk is the King of Babylon. The Bel or Baal

Its another title for a Lord.

As I said the Lord are the Rulers or Authorities. The Archons. They are the same as the Anunna gods.. They brought the Kingship of Anu down to Ki.

Jeremiah 50:2

This is what the LORD says: "Tell the whole world, and keep nothing back. Raise a signal flag to tell everyone that Babylon will fall! Her images and idols will be shattered. Her god Bel Marduk will be utterly disgraced.

Satan goes up and down all the time to bitch moan and cry. Only Christ intercedes. We pray to God the Father in Christ's name. Christ existed before the foundations of the earth. The serpent was most cunning and named last. Then, woman was made. He saw she is not of ground. The duty of Satan was to till the fields. Eve was a help meet. Later a wife. Satan lied to her. As she is of Adam and not of the ground. They fugged. She went to Adam. They both didn't choose Christ the tree of life. She had fraternal twins. Then their seeds were separated and Adam was made to toil the ground. Satan then is cast on his stomach to eat dust for eternity. Women don't really have seeds. But after this they did. Fruits have significance. They are not literal trees. They clothed themselves. At that time their bodies were temples. And they misunderstood blessings with commands. Adam was right there and did nothing but he still didn't sin of himself. He took on his then-wife's sin. And then they got blown out. Ushering Christ.

>1) It wasn't an apple.
Then what was it, a mango?

he ate her pussy after satan fucked her, it all makes fucking sense
The 144,000 shun all this for a reason

Isaiah said "That old serpent called the devil"
Also requoted in Revelations
Snake as the devil was a jewish meme its not like he had to spell it out you silly goy

Lilith was a SJW/feminist. The snake was the first kike. Eve was just a dumb bitch.

A physical fruit and also metaphorical fruit or action of disobedience.

Like putting your hand in a fire, in order to learn what burning feels like, you understand pain.

The end result of eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil is knowing evil (sin). They already knew God so they already knew good.

Lilith is not real

The apple is a representation of Sex but because you teach kids this stuff they dont come out an openly say it.

When adam and eve ate from the fruit of the tree of knowledge they gained the ability to pro-create and they became more like the lords of the garden.

The First Ruler feared that we would also eat from the tree of life and gain longevity. Having the same long life as these gods.

He is known as the Jealous god for a reason.


Lilith is the Wife of Samael.

Samael is a Gnostic name given to the Demiurge by his mother Sophia. She is an Aeon.

But Samael is only an Archon. He is her Abortion.

Gnostics also call him Saklas which is a name for Satan but Gnostics dont really think of the Demiurge as Satan. Because our God does not have an Adversary.

>Enki is the Father of Marduk.
>He is unknowable

This is like reading Wookiepedia fanfiction about expanded universe Star Wars garbage like grey jedi.

>goes up and down all the time to bitch moan and cry
Nope, Lord Jesus put an end to that.

>implying I enjoy gnosticism

So nobody is accusing you right now and Lucifer is in the furnace? What world do you live in?

The snake had legs too, but then god took the legs away from the snake. It always angers me how in any depiction of the garden of Eden they don't show the snake with legs.

>Jealous god

Deuteronomy 6:15

for the LORD your God, who lives among you, is a jealous God. His anger will flare up against you, and he will wipe you from the face of the earth.

Exodus 34:14

For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

Exodus 20:5

"You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me,


From the Gnostic Nag Hammadi:

In his arrogance, Yaldabaoth boasted to the other archons that:
"I am God and there is no other God beside me!"

Yaldabaoth was weak and ignorant, because he didn't realise that were any power greater than him. He thought he was the First. Yaldabaoth had sinned for saying these words, which was why he was called Samael – "the blind god". He has another name – Saklas, a name usually assigned to Satan.

It was Sophia, who rebuked him and gave him this name, Samael.
"You are mistaken, Samael"

After this boast, he challenged the voice:
"If any other thing exists before me, let it be shown forth to me!"

So Sophia stretch forth her finger and brought limitless light into matter and the region of chaos.

The chief archon trembled in fear.

When Yaldabaoth and the other archons heard the voice. They sought this voice and traced the voice to the abyss, where the chief archon saw the reflection of his mother in the water. They want take hold of the image but could not. They were ignorant and weak, because they didn't understand that the image was reflected from above.

"I am a jealous God, and there is no other God beside me."
But by announcing this he indicated to the angels who attended him that there exists another God.

For if there were no other one, of whom would he be jealous?

I just figured eating the apple was as pointless as marching around with an impeach Trump sign. Accomplishes nothing but now the god emperor knows you're not on the train.

Wake up, sheep

Plebbit atheist in this thread don't even recognize the digits of truth. Disgraceful.

gnosticism is heretical christian fanfiction

That "lord" would be Anu, whom wanted humanity enslaved and later dead. Anu=Yahweh sabaoth, lets be honest here.

>This is like reading Wookiepedia fanfiction about expanded universe Star Wars garbage like grey jedi.
I kekked hard

>SJWs encouraging healthy eating


Heretic scum, all of you

This is a fascinating thread

9s 8s and 6s earlier

>he thinks the serpent was Satan

Oh, dear.

Not too perfect then if it was corruptible

See now I thought the Demiurge was created by an aeon called Sophia after she (s/he? Xir?) mated with herself instead of with a proper consort. Then the Demiurge started creating things (the world, animals, Adam and Eve) to have stuff to possess and control, which explains why the Old Testament God acts the way he does.

>Get off your lazy asses and do something for yourselves instead of living off Jehovah's gimmedats in exchange for pleasing him by existing

Don't get me wrong. You can marry. But I also happen to be of the view that the fucking David statue had a fling with a boy and the Bible went nuts at the depiction. The same David who killed nephs. Ronaldo is like this. Anyways. No male nor female no marriages in Heaven. All of this is a temporary fix and there will be a new creation

I equate Anu with El of the Elohim and Enlil his son with Yahweh or Yah

The things that Enlil does in the Sumerian tablets are the things that Yahweh does in the bible.

But yes the son and the father are hard to distinguish. When the son is an Heir of the father he does some of the same things and carries the same policies.

> i want MORE and MORE
kicked out now have to figure out how to work

Sophia was copying what her Father did. The Pleroma means the Fullness and its where the Aeons reside.

The All is the Aeon of Aeons.

Sophia tried to make an Imitation of her fathers realm and she made the 4th dimensional reality we know.

It is the Demiurge who became the First Ruler, because he only saw himself in this realm, he claimed he was god and the Creator of it.

Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge. 1 Corinthians 14:29

Yes, although I have always hoped that Enlil would join with his brother Enki against his father. There are websites that claim that this is the case, and we know that the "gods" fought wars among themselves, any more insight on this?

Oh btw isn't Enlil supposed to align more with Zeus, or Thor? You know being that he was the tempest god of storms and wind.

>Not too perfect then if it was corruptible
Why? God gave men the ability to express his will on the universe, why should one be surprised that it has an effect? If it had no effect, could one truly be considered as having will at all?

Is it now? Well here's an interesting bible fact for you! Contrary to popular belief, Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden not because they ate the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but in order to prevent them from eating from the tree of life (both forbidden trees are in Genesis 2:9) which would have made them eternal. God doesn’t like competition! Here is the verse (Genesis 3:22-23): “And he said: Behold Adam is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: now, therefore, lest perhaps he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever. [23] And the Lord God sent him out of the paradise of pleasure, to till the earth from which he was taken.”

Well what I have found is that Hermes taught us of the real true God, not the false god the Demiurge.

Hermeticism and Gnosticism are very closely related.

The teachings of Hermeticism were given to us by Hermes. This is his Greek name but in Rome he was Mercury, in Egypt he was Thoth and the Sumerians knew him as Ningishzidda.

The Son of Enki and brother of Marduk.

In Egypt there is a city called Hermopolis and its where Thoth was venerated. It is also were the Aeons known as the Ogdoad were seen as gods.

Aeons are emanations of the One. They are above the Archons.

It is Hermes / Ningishzidda that took up the role to be the Teacher of Mankind. To show us the Light.

Absolutely, Enlils name mean Lord of the Storm.

En is Sumerian for Lord and Lil means Wind, Breath or Command.

His weapon is the Lightning Bolt. He is the Lord Jupiter, the planet of the Storm. IE: Zeus.

Baal means Lord, he is Baal Haddad. Lord of the Storm.

His wife is Ninlil, in Sumerian Nin means Lady. So she is the Lady of the Storm / Wind.

>all these heretics in this thread
Enjoy your Hellfire, lads.

Or believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.

It's a pretty easy choice, to be honest.

your cuck cult is shit

Moby Dick sucked.

He told them they could eat of all the trees. Except for the vagina devil tree. You're wrong

He is The Great Adversary. Which is why Jews have lost the Dragon's favor - because they are in charge now. Hail Satan!

Genesis 3:22

Then the LORD God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—”


Sumerian Tablet translation:

Now the last bits of our life essence to these creatures you have given,
To be like us in procreation knowing, perchance our life cycles on them to bestow!
Thus did Enlil with angry words speak.
Enki Ninmah and Ningishzidda summoned, with words Enlil to pacify.
My lord Enlil! Ningishzidda was saying. Knowing for procreation they were given,
The branch of Long Living, to their essence tree was not!

>All of the Apotheosis stories replaced with this one
>It doesn't count because he was already God
>NO ONE, and NO ONE can replicate it. Man becoming Divine is the sin of Satan, the only "attainment" in Christianity is to sublimate the self until nothing is left and then maybe, just maybe, God will let you become his unwilled slave again for all eternity
You're right about one thing: The original Gods of Europe are in service to the being from which the Jews derived their word for "Enemy."

They can't be living forever in a fallen state. This is why God needed to Incarnate and get killed for us. Men can marry Christ you know

That's right, "Herren Vind" I believe some old swede translated the name Enlil. Thanks man, I love this kinda stuff.

>Man and satan corrupted it.
You're fucking retarded. Women ruined it. Women have this NEED to fuck up everything because it's "not fair!" Man just goes along because it's easier than trying to reason with a child.


Not really serious but:

>But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

how do we know that this isn't talking about the red pill?

>thereof thou shalt surely die.
Upon taking the red pill, you may not die literally, but you die as an innocent human inside. Nothing is ever the same, you see through almost everything as some type of bullshit - cynicism

>eyes shall be opened
you realize the truth about race, iq, life, etc - all those goodies

>ye shall be as gods
this one is a bit wonky, but some who take the red pill see themselves above others. Believing to be truly enlightened.

>knowing good and evil
stating what is or isn't degeneracy, deciding what is or isn't just, ok, etc.

>beta man just goes along

Enlil is known for building his home called an Ekur on top of a Mountain.

Like Mount Olympus of the Greeks the Sumerians knew it as the dwelling place of the gods.

It was said to be made of Cedar wood. And there are text that also speak of the Cedar perfumed home of Yahweh being the same.

God wants us knowledgable. Read about serpent seed. Read the original languages. Eve has an adam's apple. Why do we? I don't think it was just a "pic nic". Plato tried to excuse this by saying everybody was a tranny. Sistine chapel hints at this too. All blasphemy of Holy Spirit. God breathes life. Everything else is psychosexual

Adam looks beta as fuck in that picture

Jesus was the first snowflake.

>You're fucking retarded. Women ruined it. Women have this NEED to fuck up everything because it's "not fair!" Man just goes along because it's easier than trying to reason with a child.
Man is used to refer to mankind. As far as women go, no one here is going to argue that they are NOT the weaker sex. But man (the sex) is at fault too because they have more faculties, and thus more responsibilities. Moreover, listening to women over themselves is relinquishing their God-given duty as the leader of the human race.

He is the final Adam but was Immaculately Conceived so He overcomes all. Be mindful of the sept 23 threads imo

The Lord likes to use Fear tactics.

He said that if we ate from the tree that we would surly die. And that was a Lie.

You don't absolutely need to take a woman

Adam cucked the first Ruler.

Lilith lay with him by his Command.

Adam and Eve came after Sumeria? I don't believe Genesis is Babylonian. Don't get lost in endless geneologies. Isaiah 40:17. Your picture and post are fairy tales