The video made me cry

>be easter sunday
>go out to get a few groceries
>enjoying sun and cool breeze while heading back home
>young chap pulls up
>maybe he wants directions?
>asks who joy lane is
>dont know
>get shot in the face

The poor old dude even wet himself you can see after when hes on the floor his pants are still soaking up his piss.
He was genuinely minding his own business, wtf? Why do this? Why?

Do you cry over the thousands of white people raped/killed by niggers every year? Yaaa didnt think so!
Fuck you cuck!!! Fucking worthless scum!!

>be old black person
>get killed by white guy
>be old black person
>get killed by black guy

They just cant win

Never happened, the video is clearly fake you gullible bong.

>Why do this? Why?

Watch the video when hes on the floor theres a massive piss patch and you see it continue to expand its fucking sad bro

I did, the bullet type is far too small to cause such a large spillage of blood in such a small space of time. False fucking flag.

>counting numbers
Yup, falseflag confirmed

I agree, After watching the people in the interview it's reinforcing that feeling.
Pretending to be distraught but can't shed a tear.

The way his head is like an easter egg is that extra mockery they just love putting on top of these shitty manipulative scenes in their f'd up movie they're trying to make.

You seem like a shill to me, something about the way you type.

You can be upset over both, user.

I wouldn't want this to happen to my grandfather.

What would a shill gain from saying the event is fake?

Is Trump gonna launch missiles at Cleveland now?




You already have 100 fucking threads up of the same shit

never trust brit flags on Sup Forums, theyre most likely an amerishart under a proxy shilling full time
theyve been at it since pizzag9

asutralians are close to being shill central too

Who knows bongo, maybe to seem like you fit in? You just appear to be very easily swayed. Perhaps i'm just paranoid


No, prob, best to be suspicious. Only way to try to seek out truth.

One of my in-laws works as a teacher for at-risk students in an inner city. One will be turning 17 this year and is in the sixth grade.

They are fucking savages and 100% reflections of their parents. Even the schools openly admit they are god damn mongrel fucking animals.

>Tell Jim I won't be coming in tomorrow
Pretty based way to quit your job, I'll give him that much credit.

HOW THE FUCK, have police not found him?

But People independently looking for him, were IMMEDIATELY pulled over, then told to cease & desist.

So fucking weird.

>faking black on black crime
Yeah... no


Why do Brits and Euros in general get all teary-eyed every time some nigger gets gunned down in the states? Its not your fucking problem, and if you had to live around them you'd be grateful for every one killed.

What's the motivation?

Boi sit the fuck down, this was faked in order to make it seem like blacks are suffering just as much as whites are from random acts of violence. The average Burger knows thug niggers die en masse every day and do not feel sorry for them because they deserve it. But when they see an old "good" nigger they will start to back pedal and feel sorry for more niggers.

To all the 'muh false flag'ers, why would they fake the death? Why not just literally stage the incident and kill some old black dude. It would be more effective to really kill someone who has a family and is a member of a community than to stage a Hollywood sfx fake death scene of it and not have any real grieving?
This issue has nothing to do with motive; this has to do with execution. If they were always faking people's deaths with staged shootings and incidents, the impact and effectiveness of achieving your goal would be hindered. Might as well really kill if you actually had a goal. Fake killing shit is pointless if you are already at the level where you are conducting these things to make social changes.

Simple answer is less burden of guilt. That nigger is old as fuck anyway my man he will die pretty soon.

That's not a great answer though.
Think. If you were pulling off these crazy stunts, pulling one over on the public to use and abuse and exploit, why go out of your way to be less, idk, antisocial while leaving a while lot more risk of evidence that might blow the whole operation.
Just kill people instead of pretend. The groups that would be doing this kill innocent people all the time (intelligence agencies, private military, etc.)

that's exactly what a fucking shill would say.

where is the video OP

We are dealing with an American Intelligence agency here, not all of them may be convinced of the morality behind killing a man, even for the greater good. But it is much easier to convince people it is ok to fake a mans death for the greater good. Ironically they would have more to worry about if the man did die, dead men tell no tales but co conspirators do.

>I wouldn't want this to happen to my grandfather.

I hope it does.

>starting a post with "be" and using green text
Why couldn't he just kill redditors

>see this on twitter

He is experiencing emotional pain. He is angry and wants to make other people experience his pain. He wants to punish the world. Sadly, there is not much we can do about this, since any moron can buy a gun.


!!!!is their a problem user!!!!!!!

Everyone pisses themselves when they die.
When you die the muscle that holds in your piss relaxes.

really the only empathy I have right now is that I'm also afraid to be killed suddenly. i don't know this old man and don't particularly care beyond the primal urge to run he felt as he was being shot
nice pop-psychology there bud. I think the fact that he made the old man say his girlfriends name before shooting him means his focus wasn't really on "punishing the world" but ruining his girlfriend's life

and also shit.

Ok well tell every motherfuckering faggot bastard bitch in here who is saying this sad tragedy is fake, thats a hell of a detail to add if its fake

Black or white, he was a poor old man, and by the looks of it, probably a very nice and caring human being.

This pisses me off in so many levels


Cleveland = 33
Robert = 33
Goodwin = 33
Joy Lane = YHVH (God) in Jewish Gematria
Steve Stephens = Duality

You're the shill it seems. Bye.

yeah call me a cuck or whatever but i genuinely shed a tear for this guy too

just such a brutal remorseless killing

shareblue is shilling the hell out of it even though im not sure why they think they need too..

going forward lets just remember that some men are just mad

Holy fuck you guys are fucking idiots. Every
been around an old person? They bruise and bleed easily. This isn't a twenty year old kid you dumb fucks.