Video Of Woman Torturing Child as Witch. ( 3 Life Sentences) #PIZZAGATE #PEDOGATEo

That was terrible. But 3 life sentences? I'm not taking up for that horrible woman but what up with the sentence? Child molesters get probation and slaps on the wrist.

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I'm not going to complain about that sentence.

Pizza gate real

>hiding your leaf to shitpost
dog fucking Canadians are the worst

>3 life sentences for... weirdness
Jesus that judge would have given my mom the death sentence.

wealthy child molesters get that because they have extremely jewish lawyers.

this bitch, judging by her home and the physique of the one kid... she can probably only afford some overworked korean lawyer who has to work as a notary to make ends meet and is only lawyer at all because his parents made him become one.

hahaha my mothers emotional abuse was 100x worse than this

tl,dw this for me pls. i'm too busy clicking storefronts

Why is the Jew trying to steal the child from the dog family?

what kind of torture? just being spooky and mean?





I can't even understand what the fuck is going on the video, for real!

>3 Life Sentences

fuck you, op


pulling on the girl with pliers
kicking the girl in the pubic area causing a fracture to her pubic bone
striking the girl in her face causing injury
scratching the girl on the neck causing injury
approaching the girl while she slept and cutting off all of her hair
striking the girl in the head
withholding food to the extent that the girl had to steal food to eat
not seeking medical care for the girl, who was visibly suffering from ringworm
keeping the girl from attending school
forcing the girl to sleep outside with the dogs
cutting the finger of a six-year-old with scissors

Should just fucking shoot her, that's fucking horrible.

search ToyFreaks on youtube you fucking pizzagate deniers. Kill yourself if you deny that shit

Shit that's fucking creepy

Happened in my neck of the woods.

What the fuck is wrong with that bitch, serves her right to stay forever locked up

>26 million views in a month
What the fuck?
How? Who does this appeal to I don't understand

They have videos with 100 million plus views. And why are people posting fish in the comments?

Fucking poor people, man

wtf is that channel?

da fuck is going on?

she has her hood on and hair pushed forward. she dragging the kid around ?

W-what is it?


>checks OP's flag

Thanks for the kek m8 I r8 8/8 I won't h8 just appreci8

She might deserve it. The story isn't clear whether or not there was physical abuse.

>Court documents filed in December 2014 revealed that inside the garage of the home, police found even more evidence of abuse - including dog leashes the couple would use to hang the child and torture her. They also found a horse whip, a dagger, a witch hat, black wig, and a hooded cloak costume with red eyes.
>That's when the proof of what this poor child had been through was revealed.

It's one of those toy channels with two little girls and their dad(?)

Relative to other toy channels this one isn't anything especially creepy but it seems to get a ridiculous amount of traffic for no reason.

I don't know why I find this so disturbing.

I used to be afraid of ghosts and witches when I was young. I suppose lots of kids probably were. I can't imagine having to grow up with somebody who'd take advantage of that fear to get off.

That's cruel on so many fucking levels.

i'm not sure if this is pizzagate related but okay

what the fuck
who is watching this
it can't possibly be all bots can it? how can one have millions of bots

i'm not clicking that shit nigga, but if it's the same stuff i'm thinking of, it gets linked with children's shows so little kids on youtube scroll through it. You can't imagine the number of kids on youtube these days. it's sickening.


What the fuck did I just watch.

It's fucking weird and all, but what does it have to do with pizzagate?

that picture is fucking terrifying

I can watch kids chopping off heads in ISIS videos, but not this for some reason.

look at the views. Jewtube promotes this lite pedo shit while censoring pedogate videos/channels. Just shows google is fucked which we all knew.

Also brainwashing for children as these sick vids are "related" to kids channels. Shit came up while my nephew was watching 'wheels on the bus' vids

Newsflash, genius, not all judges give the same rulings and sentences.

Life sentence for what? I mean, shits fucked up but kiddy rapists get less time. Sentence is way overkill

Holy shit wtf. I know that guy. His name is greg he owns a lawn care business had a fat wife who abandoned him and his children for another man. He twught me how to buy steroids online. Wtf happened to him.

What's the point of 3 life sentences? It sounds so retarded.

checked my primate friend

post dox instead of hearsay

what is it, im not gonna look it up since it will probably fill my recommended videos with pedo shit

I hate dogs.

Ummm I watched this whole video and it's basically a woman in a witch costume scaring kids. Reminds me when I was a kid and my mom used to terrify us in the backyards at night during summer vacation. Comfy as fuck.

Jesus Christ...i can only imagine how much of this shit goes on by people out of their minds and is never reported.

this is just irresponsible parents putting their toddlers in front of a tablet and fucking off.

little kids are clever enough to use youtube mobile, these channels exploit very young children's attraction to bright colours and nonverbal communication. they sometimes watch the same video on repeat for 4-5 hours a day.

after watching some of their videos and reading the comments it seems like their core demographic is preteens with absentee parents who project onto the dad figure as their own dad and the little girls as themselves.

this is capitalism at it's creepiest.

>shitty parents
>market demand for good parents, a family structure
>some weird guy monetizes his children for youtube to meet the demand
>is one of the fastest growing channels and has massive impact simply by being first to market
>more copycat channels will pop up
>little 6-7-8 year old girls are growing up with an internet family
>this is like being addicted to the simpsons taken to the nth degree
>manchildren in the 30s want to be 15 again
>actual children in their early pre-teens want to be toddlers and babies again
>civilization is unwinding as nobody wants to grow up in a world dominanted by empty consumerism
>that same empty consumerism creates fake products to keep people feeling young
this is a nightmare. holy shit lmao.

She needs mental treatment, not being imprisoned for life. What the fuck.

People can't change their patterns, they just learn how to obfuscate them better.

How the fuck was this abuse?

What does this shit have to do with pizzagate?

wtf i love moloch now

It's the possible witch laugh that may be heard. Shit was creepy as a kid, still is now

All she needs is a bullet in the back of her fucked up skull.

Jesus fucking Christ that was the most annoying video I have ever seen. She's still torturing people from behind bars.

This. Execution is the right course of action here

brah, what we just witnessed was PG. it's the shit we just didn't see is what she got 3 life sentences for.

hah gayyyyyyuh

>tfw my son watches YouTube videos for large chunks of time
>enjoys watching me play video games and often sits on my lap and tells me where to go and what to do

Am I a shitty father? I figured it was the same thing as watching tv.

this is pretty fucked up but 3 life sentences seems harsh other children go through physical abuse and the people who do it get less time

No worse than your father, its just more modern means of pacifying
>implying your father didnt molest you

My fucking ears, what's even happening in the video?

How was that disturbing? All I could see is some faggot dogs barking. How was that torture?

nice source. Wheres the video for all those things?

Sure was torture on my ears, I had headphones on.

This is MK Ultra, (giving the kids LSD and traumatising them in order to cause dissociation - so they can program them to be loyal shills of the Khazarian mafia). MK ultra is carried out by three main groups 1. the CIA in its creation of a Manchurian candidate army 2. Pedo-satanic families - to prime their children for roles in the luciferian power structure and 3. The military for its super-solider project (a slave army like the CIAs but which specialises in conventional warfare). Try to understand that your intel agencies and underground military dont work for the US, they work for the main banking families . The projects iv outlined above are being developed to eventually overthrow the state as it currently exists and establish a new order. This will essentially be corporate fascism, run by the Khazarian bloodline families.

Stupid peruvian, thats not torture, kids these days are just pretty weak, they need to learn to respect

leave and don't ever come back.

child molesters should also get life sentences

also it's funny how in everywhere on earth when some scummy people are fighting there is always always a dog barking in the background

3 life sentences for screaming a kid, political correctness is killing the world

Yeah it was hard watching that video. Gave me flashbacks of seeing my little brother being tortured like that psychologically when we were little. What could be worse than fucking with your kid sadistically enough to the point where the one person who is supposed to nurture and care for you the most becomes a devil-like monster? the kind of monster that ruins a kid's life forever, leaving him scarred and traumatized enough to the point of inflicting lifelong crippling depression and mental instability.

Some random old lady teaching how to behave to their grandsons

Yeah that's how you sadistic fucks get messages across to innocent children, huh? You scare the living shit out of them and make sure they have a more traumatizing upbringing than your own pathetic, abusive childhood.

Can someone post the "gif" of a witcher getting this head chopped in saudi arabia.

Seems like we have a problem child here, dont worry you're not alone, there's lots of them in todays world, you cant rise them well anymore or you i'll end in jail, pretty sad, but those valuesless childs will turn into something nasty, its fighting them since the begining or face the hard consequences in the near future traductor

sure goy


being whipped, burned and malnourished

Because dog owners are fucking smelly degenerate lazy bastards.

Put her on Death Row

Clearly that they r both fake news

The world is fucking nuts.

Inhuman, wtf O_o

kek wtf America? How is that even illegal? People do that shit here all the time. Hell just a few hours ago I saw a mother slap her child because he dropped his ice-cream on the floor.