"You think niggers are savages?"

>"You think niggers are savages?"
>"Does this look like the face of a savage to you?"

Other urls found in this thread:


He looks like an homo erectus.


>posting a link to an image on an image board

Looks the the arch-nemesis of the Bogdanovs


i would literally run from something that looked like this

no, this man is obviously contemplating on the meaning of life ...and on Jolene

>downloading image just so you'll delete it afterwards

He looks more like an orangutan than an orangutan does.

Holy shit my sides

Because I am to lazy to save the image on my computer to post it and eventually put it in the basket.

a real nigger doing nigger things
cool to watch

>dat upper lip...
He literally has fetal alcohol syndrome.

>"Ayyo, what it do, joy you bitch this 'cause of you"


crazy how you can diagnose mental illness through one pic

shitty photoshop


Looks like he plucks his eyebrows.

Depends. Is his shirt tucked in?

>"Dark white skin"

You can't make this shit up

>a fucking swede

nigresses drink while pregnant
are you surprised?

Holy shit kek

can someone give me a quick run down?

Anti-bogs will be flogged

OK MAN I CAN NEVER TRUST POL AGAIN WHAT THE FUCKi bet you faggots do this shit all the time holy fuck

that image recognition technology is getting better and better by the day

sure is

The BG pattern looks right on the top pic. I got it from Twitter, how did you know it was a PS?

because you are literally posting a different version of the photoshop thus obviously proving it is not the original?

Protip for my dudes: You can upload an image to Sup Forums with fewer steps by copying the URL and pasting it in the available space after you click "browse".


why is mc ride being mean again?

Sad to say but the majority of the black are not domesticated people and therefore a danger to any civilized society

Look at the "dark wHITE SKIN" part. That's not even the same text string, it's a badly done copy and paste. How the fuck can you not see that? There's no drop shadow, for starters. Come on, Sup Forums.

>doesn't know how to hotlink a URL

back to fuckboys

who the fuck would even fall for such shitty bait as "dark white skin" anyway?

Looks like a different species

It is another species

>dark white skin