Uncomfortable truths that Sup Forums won't admit are real

> Yakub (sometimes spelled Yacub or Yaqub) is a central figure of the Nation of Islam (NOI). According to the story, Yakub was a black scientist who lived "6,600 years ago" and began the creation of the white race to be a "race of devils." He is said to have done this through a form of selective breeding referred to as "grafting", while living on the island of Patmos.


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Fuck off Carl.


What the hell is Zabach teaching??!!?? On one hand he is telling us only Israelites can be saved and on the other hand only one Edomite is saved name Cornelius. Does that sound DOUBLE MINDED!??! Yes the hell it does cause their are no devout Edomites on the planet, their vine is the vine Sodom and their clusters are that of Gomorrah! Only Israelites are devout men!
History proves our ancestors wore the so-called shield of David but is it Lawful like the Fringes??? Zabach has yet to produce a law supporting wearing the Star of Moloch other than a verse in the Apocrypha stating The Most High's favorite flower is the lily which in context is clearly talking about Israel. And either way it still does not relate to the Star of Moloch. The heathen fake Jews bear this same false idol which has yet to be proving Lawful!! So Zabach's doctrine is we are no different than the heathens bearing false idols, so this is what HOI(House of David) or We Got Next!(WGN) is teaching to Israel; LIES in which they should be accused for TWICE OVER!!!

Zabach has a sick perverted view of the Kingdom in which I want no part of

But they've been around much longer than that.

doesnt fit with my hyperboran-pyramid theory with 75thousand year old artifacts

You chimps should go out protesting about that often. It's hilarious watching that kike kid cry about the holocaust denial.

this shit is real for sure


that's not psychotic at all


So if this is true then he should gave us also the present to use magic by nature, because we are a stronger form of a homunculus.


The World's Best Kept Secret


Thanks user. Now I understand why the left supports Islam. Never could figure it out and it was as simple as protecting a narrative. I shouldn't have expected any less

>6,600 years ago
You had white people for much longer than that.

you can't actually believe this?

Nah he probably just went on a black nationalist binge. They are a fascinating group but it gets trite pretty fast

I watched the louis theroux documentary about " the true Israelites " it was interesting at first, but got very very boring, extremely quickly

In the BLACK man’s body there exist TWO genes; A BLACK gene and a BROWN gene. YACUB with his laws on birth control separated the BROWN gene from the BLACK gene, and GRAFTED it into WHITE, by DESTROYING the BLACK gene.After following this process for 600 years the gene became WHITE and NO MORE ORIGINAL> Also, by thinning the ORIGINAL blood the gene became WEAK and WICKED, and NO LONGER the same. Thus, this is how YACUB made DEVIL.

The Flugelrods were the original Nordics before they crossbred with different races to acquire the appearance they possess presently.

Flugelrods Amongst UsThey are the originators of the Nordic race and live in a cavern beneath the Antarctic. Their chief is named Korg, the original Halaabites, meaning “to blush,” or Hulub.

Daily reminder that celto-anglo saxon europeans are the lost tribes of Israel and desert kikes are the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.

>tfw to intelligent to not be a nigger

>TFW gods true chosen race

Do the actually believe that shit or are they merely taking the piss?

Seriously man. This sounds familiar. Are you sure he didn't fly a b-52 and drop us in a volcano?


Did he also engineer blacks to be fucking stupid?
If so he was the real devil

I dont know about Nation of islam but in islam Yacub or Yaqub or however you write it Is Jakob son of isaq son of abraham

jakob = a prophete of god = a chosen of god = isra-ell

his descendance are "the children of israel" one of them is "Yoossef" josef,

there is a big chapter in the coran about yossef and his family and their story.

>Uncomfortable truths

Take your space nigger and stuff him in with Xenu.

Miguel Serrano (10 September 1917 – 28 February 2009) was a Chilean diplomat, journalist and author of poetry, books on spiritual questing and Esoteric Hitlerism. From the 1950s up to 1970, when he was dismissed by Salvador Allende, he served as ambassador to India, Yugoslavia, Romania, Bulgaria and Austria.
Serrano's anti-modernist neo-Gnostic philosophy claims to elucidate the extraterrestrial origin of the Hyperborean-descended Aryan race, image-bearers of the Godhead, and postulates a global conspiracy against them by an evil inferior godlet: The Demiurge, worshipped by the Jewish people, lord of planet Earth, spawner of the primitive hominid stocks, and author of all base materiality. Serrano foremostly synthesized the Hindu-Vedic and Nordic-Germanic religious traditions, both of which he considered to be of ancient Aryan-Hyperborean provenance, in addition to particularly esoteric and racialist interpretations of Buddhism, Christianity (or "Kristianism"), Luciferianism (not to be confused with Satanism), and Gnosticism. He was especially indebted to the Jungian theory of collective racial archetypes, borrowed heavily from Julius Evola in supporting a spiritual consideration of race, as opposed to a solely biological one, and followed Savitri Devi in regarding Adolf Hitler as an avatar (a divine incarnation) who battled against the demonic materialistic hosts of the Kali Yuga.


This is worse than Swedish immigration policies

Already been done

Serrano's anti-modernist neo-Gnostic philosophy claims to elucidate the extraterrestrial origin of the Hyperborean-descended Aryan race, image-bearers of the Godhead, and postulates a global conspiracy against them by an evil inferior godlet: The Demiurge, worshipped by the Jewish people, lord of planet Earth, spawner of the primitive hominid stocks, and author of all base materiality. Serrano foremostly synthesized the Hindu-Vedic and Nordic-Germanic religious traditions, both of which he considered to be of ancient Aryan-Hyperborean provenance, in addition to particularly esoteric and racialist interpretations of Buddhism, Christianity (or "Kristianism"), Luciferianism (not to be confused with Satanism), and Gnosticism. He was especially indebted to the Jungian theory of collective racial archetypes, borrowed heavily from Julius Evola in supporting a spiritual consideration of race, as opposed to a solely biological one, and followed Savitri Devi in regarding Adolf Hitler as an avatar (a divine incarnation) who battled against the demonic materialistic hosts of the Kali Yuga.

>Create the race that will make slave your compatriots
So...Yakub was the first cuck of history?

Nation of Islam is a black supremacist group that believes the crazy New Age Nuwabaiian creation myth.


British Israelism (also called Anglo-Israelism) is a religious movement that since the 16th century, has held the belief that the people of "England (Great Britain)" are "genetically, racially, and linguistically the direct descendants" of the Ten Lost Tribes of ancient Israel. The movement includes the claim that the British Royal Family is directly descended from the line of King David.[1] The movement never had a head organisation or a centralized structure. Various British Israelite organisations were set up throughout the British Empire and in America from the 1870s; a number of such organisations are still active today.
The central tenets of British Israelism have been refuted by evidence from modern archaeological, ethnological,[2] genetic,[3] linguistic, and philological research.

lol@ niggers trying to be racist... ya'll wanna start that shit, lemme tell you about a young Roman Catholic painter named Adolf "Fucking" Hitler

>Seriously man. This sounds familiar. Are you sure he didn't fly a b-52 and drop us in a volcano?
funny that you should mention that. louis farrakhan is an advocate of dianetics.


Christian Identity (also known as Identity Christianity[1]) is a Nordicist interpretation of Christianity which advocates the belief that the Germanic including the Anglo-Saxon, Nordic and kindred peoples are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and hence the descendants of the ancient Israelites (primarily as a result of the Assyrian captivity). CI is not an organized religion; instead, it is independently practiced by individuals, churches and some prison gangs.[2] Its theology[3][4] promotes a racial interpretation of Christianity. Christian Identity beliefs were primarily developed and promoted by two authors who regarded Europeans as the "chosen people" and Jews as the cursed offspring of Cain, the "serpent hybrid" or serpent seed (a belief known as the two-seedline doctrine). White supremacist sects and gangs later adopted many of these teachings.
Christian Identity dictates that all non-whites (people not of wholly European descent) on the planet will either be exterminated or enslaved in order to serve the White race in the new Heavenly Kingdom on Earth under the reign of Jesus Christ. CI doctrine states that non-whites can never achieve salvation or paradise, instead it states that only "Adamic" (white people) can achieve salvation and paradise.
Adherents of Christian Identity refer to non-whites as "mamzers" or "tares".

>create a white race of devils through genetic manipulation
>white race of devils goes on to take over the world and oppress the fuck out of your people
>everything went according to plan

Also, do read the wikipedia article, it's a fucking laugh.

Which rpg is this?


NOI is a nigger religion for subhuman nigger apes, not kangz, slaves ye are now and slaves ye shall remain

Nignogs & Dindunuffins 2nd edition

this is surprisingly less cringy than the "WE WUZ" negroes.
but it's still kind of cringy.

My fucking sides


>hollow earth
>genetic engineering
>school yard bullying

Nation of Islam has the deepest lore.

Yakub put into place Planned Parenthood Laws.
