Seriously, the bullying against people who use Reddit as well as this community is getting way out of hand...

Seriously, the bullying against people who use Reddit as well as this community is getting way out of hand, especially since we are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.

Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Redditor who finds it hard to take pride in his own subreddit after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my choice of website usage from insecure losers here.

Why not bully Tumblrites or Facebook users? Do they not have much more to be ashamed of than our peaceful race? Instagram users get bullied less than us!

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful!
Would you call a Redditor a "Redditfag"(not true at all) to his face? Would you say to a kind, peaceful and hard working salt of the earth Redditor that they are a "Redditorfag"? Would you say those words to your fellow Sup Forums brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?

You’re destroying this forum. You’re dividing Sup Forums-ites against each other; So I encourage you to stop now.

Other urls found in this thread:

eat shit faggot

sage goes in the options

sage and report bait threads

man up it's all just fucking bants faggot




>Sup Forums
>help catch a person abuse kittens

>cause a kid to commit suicide accusing him of the Boston bombing and harass him non-stop



I vape and i am also a vegan too OP



What's up fellow The_Donald users, how many based black dicks can you suck at the same time? It's ok because we love diversity and based black men with MAGA hats are the best.



ITT: newfags won't don't know this copy-pasta yet.

Kill yourself >>>/reddit/or

>it does demean people and hurt feelings.
then go back faggot, no one cares about your feelings here

fuck reddit

The ONLY reddit board i go to is /gyw/, Sup Forums /fa/ is shit

While it can be argued that a based black man exists, there is no such thing as a based redditcuck


Reddit has cancer tier userbase, I can't even read comments without wanting to block everyone on the site, yall dont know how to use sources, research, learn to stop being beta level cuck libtards, and speak about subjects you don't have any knowledge of beyond what you learn on CNN. Fuck off back to your shit website and continue to steal our memes and work while pretending your normie asses understand what satire and ironic posting is. fuck i hate you guys so much.

boohoo im being bullied online, fucking turn off your computer then moron

It's pretty ironic how Reddit and Tumblr have made more people attempt suicide than Sup Forums.


Didn't even read.
2/10 shit tier pasta
Fuck off OP

Literally copypasta

You nd' your life is a joke.


I agree.

Nothing wrong with Facebook and Instagram though.

Are you kidding me?

I've attempted suicide 4 times already.

Because of you, faggots.


then you keep failing at that too and need a better method m8

Woah man dat edge 10/10

go neck yourself, m8

Any who 'attempts' suicide 4 times is pathetic.

If you actually want to kill yourself you find a way to do it 100%, no fuck ups. Anything else is a cry for attention.

>feelings on a Mongolian basketweaving imageboard
>feelings on the Internet in general

This is your problem m8.



its just banter fellow pedo, 80% of people here use both reddit and Sup Forums, its better than retards who use Sup Forums.

Reddit is for faggots.



> newfriends not realising this is 10/10 copy pasta

Nice work OP.

who the fuck tries to kill himself 4 times

>looks at flag

oh the wannabe ustase germcuck fanboy

You have to go back


A fucking leaf

>we are legion. Never forged. : DDD

>I've attempted suicide 4 times already.
try harder you worthless fuck up


godamn you guys are cucks

When I saw not a peep out of anyone on t_d when they gave away the right for ISPs to sell your data I realized how much of a bunch of faggots they are over there, also they love to take credit for the shit Sup Forums does and are completely oblivious to the fact that Sup Forums hates them. As much of sheep as stupid lefties.

web 2.0 is degeneracy



can't even kill himself properly, kys faggot

Literal horsefuckers where better company then you. Fuck off back to pledbit.


This isn't your hugbox, this isn't your personal blog, gtfo you piece of shit

>>like when it's not just banter

Learn how to write english bongo

this copypasta isn't exaggerated enough.

you realise posting an image negates the sage right?

bump :)

Five times a charm bro

Assimilate or FUCK OFF

Kill all reddit consumers


No it doesn't, you fucking retard.

sage :)

^ fuck kill yourself, passive aggressive fucking monkey.

nigger faggot.

>Seriously, the bullying against people who use Reddit
>people who use Reddit

Stopped reading here. Fuck off faggot back to your shitty site.

While you need to chill out on the butthurt, yea. Reddit is just another Sup Forums boogeyman like ShareBlue and CTR. It's used to describe every asshole who feels their precious safe-space is threatened because they feel like the Third Reich was the greatest thing to happen to the world.

It doesn't piss me off, except for the fact that grown ass men act like children using childish insults to deride people who are usually less retarded than they are.

This board sucks unless there's something going on in the world. Just slide threads and retardation.

You failed at ending your own life 4 times.
A living failure.
Much fucking irony m8, so much irony it keeps my shirts ironed

you have to go back.gif

bait of the year

>tfw making a killing selling Kekistan merchandise to Redditors

saged and reported you fucking useless piece of shit