August/September is coming soon, so what are you going to study at college Sup Forums?

August/September is coming soon, so what are you going to study at college Sup Forums?

Math and child development what about you

Eugenics and viral design.

I've been studiny japanese for 7 months I think I will keep studing it, also I hope my research of Ki energy show some fruits about that time

Third year of comp sci, with some shitty required (((gen eds))) i assume

How to readjust to grad school after three years out of college?

Fauna preservation and regulation. Fauna biology.

English degree because easy then BSN for nursing.

get used to not having free time for hobbies or any social life outside of your immediate household. no, seriously.

Even if I go to school part time and work part time?

Comp sci and finishing Spanish minor cuz both of those are piss easy and I'm lazy

Well, i don't know your school's requirements, but my school pays people to do graduate school. The requirements are that you must maintain a full-time student status, overall grade must be above a B or you get dropped, and you must work as a teacher for some first-year math class or something where they need help.


Okay, BSN isn't bad but what the fuck does English have to do with it??

My work would pay for it, so no teaching obligations. I would just have to sign a continued service agreement or something and say that I won't quit within 2 years of graduation

Either industrial design / aerospace engineering. Leaning toward aerospace engineering.

>implying I'm not about to graduate

Criminal Justice; I plan on becoming a cop after I graduate. Should that dream fail for whatever reason, I'll probably go through Basic and apply for OCS.

Why not just become a cop now? They will hire just about anybody that can pass a polygraph, and their is a severe lack of manpower.

Molecular bio, gonna try to switch for human bio or pre-med

I'm only 19 atm, and I'd have to be either 21 or 20 with x amount of college credits to become a police officer, so I'd like to do something useful before then.
Plus, being a privileged shitlord white male, college is not only covered for me by the VA, but I'd also get paid to attend.
I'd rather make money through college and get a degree (even if a mediocre one) rather than flip burgers at McDonalds for roughly the same amount and a bit of prior work experience.

Which college?

If you have VA benefits that makes sense. I served 4 years to get mine, and it is 10/10.
>t.whitecismale shitlord

I'm turning 40 this September. I'm probably going to kill myself.

Sup Forums is a 18+ board.
If you're here you're probably on college or work. Reported and saged

Second year political science and Chinese, that is if I will pass considering I didn't hand in any pol coursework.
desu i hate uni.