Niggers have low IQ and IQ is genet-

How do you Sup Forumstards unironically argue that IQ is genetic and the difference between niggers and whites is due to IQ, when Flynn effect has shown that white people had nigger-tier IQ's from early 1930s?

Clearly, IQ differences cannot explain the large differences in achievements between races.

>Inb4 muh correlation with IQ and X.
correlation, not causation bro.

Other urls found in this thread:

Educate yourselves, faggots.

Watch Molymeme get BTFO

Malnutrition dumbass.

The Flynn effect has stopped for the most part and mass immigration has decreased our IQ.

Oh, so regardless of what the cause was (i.e. malnutrition), you acknowledge that white people 100 years ago were basically subhumans who were nigger tier?

There were a large amounts of white people that were nigger tier in the past due to poor nutrition that messed up cognitive childhood development, yes.

If it's malnutrition, that's environment.
So if you just feed subhuman niggers until they become average 100 of today, they'll become white tier.

So basically you agree with the leftists.

>you acknowledge that white people 100 years ago were basically subhumans who were nigger tier?
Are you comparing whites 100 years ago to blacks 100 years ago, or contemporary blacks?

Since white people gained 20-35 points in IQ over the last 100 years, they would be 65-80 subhumans today, which is even lower than African Americans (85).

African Americans today or African Americans 100 years ago? I'm not one of these white nationalists who rant about IQ, but I don't think anyone denied that humans get smarter. Is it really a fair comparison to compare people from 100 years ago with people today?

Are you retarded? African Americans today have 85 IQ. Yes, you could raise nigger IQ in Africa some, but not to 100.

Well, you're among the few then.

The main Sup Forums Sup Forums argument on race and difference in achievements is IQ.
But IQ of current blacks is higher than IQ of whites from 100 years ago.

Do you even know the difference between crystallized and fluid intelligence? IQ tests have also added more language based questions over time to 'normalize' the test so that men and women get the same score on average. What has happened is that better nutrition and education have increased some aspects of intelligence (mainly crystallized), while dysgenics has decreased short-term memory, reaction times and other fluid measures (based on comparing reaction times of Victorian era people and modern subjects -- which correlates highly with IQ and especially myelination and nerve conductance). People 100 years ago definitely were less book smart, were taught less formal reasoning etc. However the evidence we have is that their raw mental power was if anything greater than it is today.

Humans haven't evolved in just 100 years. So you agree it's not genetic?


all studies so far have shown that flynn effect gains go to the least g-heavy tests.i.e. it is not a real increase in g or intelligence.

If current African American IQ were raised 15 points, at a pace of 3 points per decade as whites have done from 1900, they would be at 115 by current standards in 100 years.

No it isn't. The Flynn effect happened worldwide gook. Those niggers would be even lower 100 years ago.

> Cites one study


The Flynn effect happened worldwide. Use your brain.

Sure, but the flynn effect implies that niggers today are way smarter than your white grandpa, you fucking burger.

The disparity appears greatest when comparing G, which is the most hereditary portion of iq. Our ancestors scored an entire standard deviation above us in G.


No, it does not. You're simply too stupid to understand it.

>Conveniently leaving the part where the "flynn effect" stopped having any predictive value 40 years ago.

Stupid gook.

IQ is part genetical, part environmenal. You have your potential IQ encodes in your genes, it's up to environmental factors (nutrition, education, etc.) to realize that potential. Now the curious thing is that even niggers adopted by white parents, despite receiving the same childhood nutrition and education as whites, consistently underperform compares to whites. (See Minnesota transracial adoption study)

No it doesn't. Learn what the Flynn effect actually is. Nobody seriously claims that people today are inherently smarter. In the past due to poor nutrition, there were more people around that were just really fucking dumb. This skews the average, but getting rid of that doesn't mean your genetic potential increases.

I've always thought IQ was impacted by both upbringing and genetics, I don't think it's an either or, thing. It just seems to be a strawman to act as if anyone denied upbringing played a role.

> one study

Sowell shows that other studies show that the differences are very small when black babies are adopted by whites.

Isn't IQ on a percentile based scale? Like a score of 105 from today doesn't mean the same as a score of 105 from a century ago. You're comparing apples and 100 year old apples.

leaf gets it.

>he thinks flynn effect means people are getting smarter

We haven't evolved, but we have changed.

So whites were 60 IQ niggers 100 years ago because of environment, Africans are also 60 IQ because of environment.

Oh look what we have here.

Flynn effects means IQ has risen, dumbfuck.

Yes, and that is the environment.
Either you have to admit that your white grandparents were niggers or that IQ test measures something rather meaningless.

That's not what he said, dumbfuck. The most hereditary and important aspect of iq has not improved.

[citation needed]
>The genes that determine a person’s ability to tackle one subject influence their aptitude at the other, accounting for about half of a person’s overall ability. The study, published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications, used nearly 1,500 pairs of 12-year-old twins to tease apart the effects of genetic inheritance and environmental variables on math and reading ability. Twin studies provide a clever way of assessing the balance of nature versus nurture....

>The researchers administered a set of math and verbal tests to the children and then compared the performance of different sets of twins. They found that the twins’ scores — no matter if they were high or low — were twice as similar among pairs of identical twins as among pairs of fraternal twins. The results indicated that approximately half of the children’s math and reading ability stemmed from their genetic makeup.

>A complementary analysis of unrelated kids corroborated this conclusion — strangers with equivalent academic abilities shared genetic similarities. What’s more, the genes responsible for math and reading ability appear to be numerous and interconnected, not specifically targeted toward one set of skills. These so-called “generalist genes” act in concert to determine a child’s aptitude across multiple disciplines.

Study shows that at very least half of the human capacity for learning is genetic.

This should not be surprising in any way. But it is an efficient, scientific slash across the exposed jugular of ideological equalitarianism. What this means is all the attempts to bring up African children to the level of European and Asian children by educating them were wasted efforts genetically doomed to failure.

Or, I could simply evade your false dichotomy by educating you about g.

That's not how it works pal. Niggers have become "more" intelligent because of the white environment but the gap has remained the same. New IQ tests adjust for this like said.

Factor Analysis of Population Allele Frequencies as a Simple, Novel Method of Detecting Signals of Recent Polygenic Selection: The Example of Educational Attainment and IQ.

Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) whose associations with intelligence seem to be robust because they have been replicated in several independent studies were chosen as representative of intelligence increasing alleles.

The first is rs236330, located within gene FNBP1L, whose significant association with general intelligence has been reported in two separate studies (Davies et al, 2011; Benyamin et al, 2013). This gene is strongly expressed in neurons, including. hippocampal neurons and developing brains, where it regulates neuronal morphology (Davies et al, 2011).

The second SNP is rs324650. It was included because its association with IQ has been replicated in four association studies (Comings et al, 2003; Dick et al, 2007; Gosso et al, 2006, 2007). This SNP is located in the gene CHRM2 (cholinergic receptor, muscarinic #2), which is involved in neuronal excitability, synaptic plasticity and feedback regulation of acetylcholine release.

East Asian populations (Japanese, Chinese) have the highest average frequency of beneficial alleles (39%), followed by Europeans (35.5%) and sub-Saharan Africans (16.4%).

English teacher, listen.

You have two of the same cars, however, one car has a gas tank that is half the capacity of the other. You fill both to half the capacity of the larger tank car and drive till empty, they will die out at similar distances. You fill them both to their full capacity then the car with the larger tank will drive far beyond because it has more capacity.

Nigger capacity is low, in fact almost the lowest possible, even with diet they are worthless.

>he thinks he's disproved intelligence being inheritable because of a flawed analysis of the flynn effect

I like Sowell, but he just doesn't want to admit that most of his race is too stupid.

Sure, but the niggers of today are smarter than whites of 100 years ago.

So you admit that your white grandparents were basically niggers, right?

> useless analogy

Yeah, and niggers of today are smarter than white subhumans of 100 years ago.

>provide person with stable childhood free of poverty, malnutrition, and disease
>they end up performing better

what a shocker

We didn't evolve much _genetically_, but our living conditions improved tremendously. You don't see 12 yr olds working in coal mines nowadays, do you?

This is why sports records are a magnitude better than 100 yrs ago, and this is why our IQ have increased too. However the disparity between nigger IQ and white/asian IQ stayed the same, and we're talking about US niggers who basically live like kings compared to Africans.

[citation needed]

What the fug are you even talking about

Iq is measured to always be at an average of 100.

> what is google
> what is flynn effect link above

All race are smarter now than back then you stupid fucking kpop make up wearing faggot!

IQ peaked and now humans are dumber and dumber

Unless your grandparents were starving as kids or something, this is not an accurate statement. The Flynn effect raised the low end of the distribution, but it is not an increase in genetic intelligence.

sure, but what evidence do you have that blacks won't peak near where white peak is?

You didn't even read my post huh?
Key words: IQ gap has remained the same, keep posting your weak bait honey.

Also a fun fact, koreans has the smallest dick of all race. KEK!

He said the low IQ of whites back then was the result of malnutrition, but didn't say the low IQ of blacks is the result of malnutrition too, so the same fix doesn't apply. The low IQ of blacks could still be genetic. Just devils advocating here.

The only link you've provided is a fucking wikipedia link you fucking ricenigger. Don't make claims if you can't back them up.

Yes, sure, but the IQ score of today's niggers is higher than IQ score of your ancestors of 100 years ago.
The difference still existed if we compared people contemporarily, but the racial differences go away if we compare across two different time points.

>Two groups differing genetically by X magnitude in some trait does not preclude the possibility of variation in the environment causing differences in the relevant trait of an even greater magnitude.
>This is because the Flynn effect represents an increase in cognitive abilities which are different than the cognitive abilities that the races differ in.
>It has been found that there is a positive correlation between how well a question measures general intelligence and how much the races differ in it. This implies that racial IQ gaps are primarily gaps in general intelligence.
>Thus, the Flynn effect mostly (though perhaps not entirely) represents an increase in cognitive abilities which are different than the cognitive abilities which the races differ in.
>“The magnitude of white/ black IQ differences on Wechsler subtests at any given time is correlated with the g loadings of the subtests; the magnitude of IQ gains over time on subtests is not usually so correlated; the causes of the two phenomena are not the same.” – Flynn 2013
>In conclusion, the Flynn effect and racial intelligence differences have nothing to do with each other. Intelligence differences between races and between generations are largely gaps in different abilities, to the degree that they are gaps in the same abilities they are produced by different causes, and the existence of a large gain in intelligence over time has no a priori implications on the causes of racial intelligence differences.

>Sure, but the niggers of today are smarter than whites of 100 years ago.

Even the ones in Africa that have enough food won't be able to compete within 500 years.

If IQ isn't genetic, how come parenting barely even has any effect on it?

>Recent studies suggest that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ scores

No, seriously, how does this not BTFO all the nurture aspect supporters of the debate? Why are they still here?

Already posted here scientists already spotted few genetic markers for high intelligence among several ethnic groups, African groups were among those with lowest frequency of said markers also few African tribes like pygmy are devoid of such genes.

But isn't it true that whites still scored lower in g loaded tests, in nigger territory 100 years ago compared to now?

If you:
>Invest in Education.
>Have a good society

Lo and behold IQ increases.

But the Burgers still don't realise that in Education League tables they are very far behind in Wor

All they can cling to is
>Muh Race.

>tfw when Burgers are getting BTFO in world rankings.

>2013 rankings.

Thanks for sharing this, but IQ is likely determined by a network of thousands of genes and each gene/allele's contribution is likely to be minimal.
Two SNP's that correlate don't really offer much of an argument.

Only of niggers in white countries and I fail to see your point, you just admitted that gap is the same therefore you admitted that IQ is genetic. Your argument ends here.

>modern niggers in white countries are more intelligent than early homo sapiens tens of thousands of years ago
>homo sapiens btfo
What kind of a logic is this?
"Heritability estimates range from 0.4 to 0.8 ... indicating genetics plays a bigger role than environment in creating IQ differences"
"Members of the same family also tend to differ substantially in intelligence"
Mainstream Science on Intelligence
"That IQ may be highly heritable does not mean that it is not affected by the environment ... IQs do gradually stabilize during childhood, however, and generally change little thereafter"
"Although the environment is important in creating IQ differences, we do not know yet how to manipulate it"
"There is no persuasive evidence that the IQ bell curves for different racial-ethnic groups are converging"
"Racial-ethnic differences in IQ bell curves are essentially the same when youngsters leave high school as when they enter first grade ... black 17-year-olds perform, on the average, more like white 13-year-olds"

>Clearly, IQ differences cannot explain the large differences in achievements between races.
For all the talk, you are just not going to see all the afrian-americans ask for their own piece of land in america and tell the white man to fuck of. All talk, no action.

> thousands of years

idiot croatian niggers.

>whites still scored lower in g loaded tests
no. They scored lower on IQ tests of which only some subtests are g-loaded.

Though even if that were the case, that wouldn't mean there isn't significant differences in the heritability of certain traits between races today:
>Consider a hypothetical garden in which two crops of corn, crop A and crop B, were planted in poor soil. Let’s suppose that corn stocks from crop A were, on average, 5 inches taller than corn stocks from crop B. Now, imagine that the bad soil of the garden was replaced with good soil and, as a result, the height of both crops increased by an average of 6 inches. Because both crop’s height increased by the same amount, the 5-inch gap between crop A and crop B remains.

Height is actually a great example. The Dutch are still the tallest in the world despite nutrition similarities within Europe.

Missing one criteria: independent thinking

Then the Asian countries would fall down to last place.

Your poor showing looks better because of immigration. Obviously, we outperform you there as well as in uni rankings.
That's why you have to beg us for writers famalam

Perhaps, but you have to think of the distrubution. If you were a wealthy white 100 years ago l, you would be just as smart, or maybe even smarter than a white today. The genetic potential is the same; 100 years is not enough time to evolve.

However, think of the poor white kid born on some farm 100 years ago and compare that to today. In the past, you were much, much more likely to starve. This is malnutrition which has been shown to have a large negative effect on IQ. Add in millions of people like that and you'll get a much lower average IQ even though the genes are the same.

I don't dispute any of what you're saying, but if you believe in Flynn effect to be true, you still have to reconcile the fact that, niggers still score higher than whites of 100 years ago.
But CLEARLY, whites of 100 years ago were smarter and achieved more than blacks of today.

I created this bait thread to see if there were any legit arguments against the Flynn effect.
So far, g-loading of Flynn effect seems to be the best argument, although I haven't seen any studies that show flynn effect goes away when the test is "purely" g-loaded.

That chart is missing a few key elements. Like who the fuck it is measuring.

White Americans actually score among the highest on the PISA test.

How do you measure genetic potential?

it's convenient to ignore environmental and social factors when they are all skewed in your favor.. and deliberately, maliciously skewed at that

There should be the death penalty for not knowing what the Flynn effect is.

Why do you say humans haven't evolved in 100 years?

But if you looked at the distribution (I haven't) from 100 years ago, according to what you're saying there should still be a lot of relatively well-fed nobilities who are geniuses as they exist today right?
Is this true?

And the USA would top the list?
I agree independent and critical thinking is crucial; but IQ tests don't measure this aspect either.

What matters is the Education SYSTEM not Race per se.

I guarantee, you setup Eton Boarding School anywhere in the world, with the same Resources, you would get the near enough the same results as Eton Lads now.

Evolution works in the timescale of thousands of years, not 100, you fucking idiot nigger.


>crystallized intelligence

I'm not sure what you mean, but there are obviously plenty of intelligent people today.

Since I know little about this subject, care to show me a source which has some authority?

The reason why whites have higher iqs now despite being "stupid" 100 years ago is because whites have a higher NEUROPLASTICITY as do asians, and thus reap huge reawrds from increased living standards along with having a higher base IQ to begin with.

Allot of intelligence tests are also not reliant on education, take things like the progressive matrices or "draw this shape the best you can". Ayone from cavemen to academics can do these tests, and as a result, true genetic differences show.

> but IQ is likely determined by a network of thousands of genes and each gene/allele's contribution is likely to be minimal.
>Two SNP's that correlate don't really offer much of an argument
non sequitur, there's no need to detect every single genetic marker forming such network to measure the genetic influence it has in human intelligence, as its stated those associations with intelligence seem to be robust because they have been replicated in several independent studies were chosen as representative of intelligence increasing alleles.

evolution is a loose theory and not the same as natural selection

the mainstream theory of evolution is occultist bullshit as of now

Very interesting.

I'm not saying the UK is the best but:

>Blames Tyrone and ignores Cletus

IQ isn't the only difference between the races. Human biodiversity is obvious and all the (((studies))) trying to push these radical egalitarianist theories make me sick. You have to be a real fool to fall for it. Asians and jews have the highest IQs, but are the physically weakest. Asians lack creativity and jews have a proclivity for parasitic and subversive behaviors. Whites are the most empathetic race. Blacks the most gifted athletically but also the most violent, impulsive, and stupid. These classifications come to us intuitively. The old joke about how the races on a character select screen would have Asians with the highest int and lowest strength, and the African as vice versa with the white as the average race is an obvious truth that comes to us all naturally and it is being suppressed.

God, is English your second language?

> Siri, what is causation?

[citation needed]

just because someone told you something doesn't mean it is true

Found the inbred Christian.

There probably isn't a good way to determine what someone's maximum potential IQ could be. We know some intelligence genes, so you could do a genetics test and probably figure out if your kid will be above average or not, but that's about it.