What a fucking joke

Le Pen loses to literally everyone. WTF is wrong with France?

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Le Pen would also lose to a cow

It's fucking ridiculous

More like
WTF is wrong with Le Pen?
You must be a shit candidate if you lose by that much.

WTF is wrong with Geert Wilders?

more than 99% chance of losing
she's finished

At least Geert was in a parliamentary election. This is an election to president, in the second round.

She can't escape her daddy's or her party's past, FN will always be doomed to lose, like American 3rd parties or the BNP in Britain. If Sup Forums actually wasn't nothing but a Kremlin mouthpiece and wanted someone who aligns with their political views they would've backed Fillon.

Ohh look ctr thread.

oh look a the_donald fag who can't think for himself

oh look you trust fucking polls?

I actually hope she loses. No matter what she does, the damage has already happened. They are going to need a reversed french revolution to make things good, beheading the worker class this time.

easy there, redditor, nobody wants to go to your favorite site. Back to /r/Shareblue or whatever

the cia is at it again

polls said hillary would win the popular vote and was in danger in a few rustbelt sates and they were right
polls said wilders was on a downward trend and his party ended up with the 3rd or 4th most seats
polls had brexit passing within the margin of error


No shit? "le epic meme magic" only worked for Trump because he was a globalist pawn all along. You can't beat them in their own game.

Le Pen is le most obvious Russian puppet. That being said, I want her to win so that the fucking EU can pay for trying to give us a hard time in the negotiations.

France is not ready to elect a woman

Trump only had a 30% chance, and he won.

My libtards would claim that France hates women.
It's pretty obvious

>Le Pen is le most obvious Russian puppet

that's cute

CTR, the donald, shareblue, CIA, The Kremlin

Wow, this board is so diverse.

Oh yeah, le pen russia baby, give me some more dirty talk, russia le pen russia le pen russia... im cumming...

At least the newfag is here and will be praising Hitler in 6 months.

her party is funded by russian banks and she has the backing of russian propaganda outlets like RT and sputnik

Genetics. French people are natural born degenerates, just look at their history

>believing France is uncucked
I think a lot of us on here knew she wouldn't win. It would be nice but it seemed pretty out there.

>This stupid fucking muh Russian puppet bullshit narrative.
KYS seriously

Wew lad love this shill containment thread

No french banks were willing to give her money, the FN wants a sovereign France, being part of an undemocratic EU and the puppet NATO alliance doesn't mean being a russian puppet.

the FN and russia indeed to have the same objective, diminishing USA influence in Europe.

Traditionally, Europeans wait for things to get absolutely out of hand and then they all go to war with one another. If they possessed foresight they could avoid this shit.

Fuck them

gutting me that beta colonists have the upper hand. Europe is meant to lead the world

lol if you don't think russia isn't going to try to gain more influence over le pen if she wins, i agree that the us needs less influence in europe but russia wants to fill that void themselves, so you would go from being a junior partner of the us to a junior partner of russia, what exactly changes in this scenario

t. Nation that imported Africans for some cotton picking jobs and now has to pay for them and deal with their bullshit forever

Lead the world in number of cucksheds per capita, yeah

LePen will win. I believe you frogs. You've suffered enough. This is an existential crisis. She has to and will win because if she does not France will die. Fuck the polls just trust God. Deus vult

Le Pen is a socialist.
Let that sink in... LE PEN IS A SOCIALIST!
Now, I realise that French people love massive government spending, intervention, and hate liberty; however, many of Le Pen's opponents are running on a similar, albeit less extreme, economics —which explains why she isn't winning in a landslide. Just because she's anti-EU it doesn't excuse people on Sup Forums from supporting her. This is supposed to be a right-wing board. So, the real question should be 'WTF is wrong with Le Pen since so many nutjobs on Sup Forums support her?'.
Fillon is the best mainstream candidate.

wilders got 2nd place actually

There's general public distaste towards her party.

For nationalism to come to France, it would need a candidate to hijack the candidacy of the LR mainstream party just like the Donald did with GOP.

It may have just been a meme with Donald but Le Pen has been shilling Russia so hard, only a fucking retard wouldn't be able to see it. Do you honestly think leaving the EU is a good thing for France?

Daily reminder that Trump was predicted a 10% chance, Trump is on the jews side, but still.

This is what happen when you vote for the controlled opposition.

You mean wtf is wrong with the le pen family
Answer: their job is to lose. They purposefully have been neutralizing french nationalism since the 70s.
Spicy addendum: the media is in on it. The "diabolization" is wrought just as much by the le pen themselves as it is by the mainstream media. They're accomplices. They work together at building up this repulsive, hatefilled caricature of nationalists.
Jean Marie regularly had "slip ups" about the jews and the fags, some absolutely horrendous statements like "there should be "sidatoriums" where "sidaic" (aids ridden) people would be detained so they wouldnt infect the population" or "durafour crématoire", pun on a jew politician's name with "four crématoire" = crematory oven.
Marine regularly rants against the muslims. She makes some statements just outrageous enough to ensure the mainstream french electorate remains repulsed by her and her party.
That's been their job and they've been exceedingly good at it.
This is why you're getting these numbers. She's at 30, not 50 in case of a second turn.
She and any other western politician could have seized/gained power during the shock of the rapefugees invasion. Noone even tried.

the EU is a banksters dictatorship user
that should answer your question

Now that Trump is starting to set in and the memes have met reality, it looks like the Euros have gone into their instinctual hater mode.

Slavery was a mistake those people shouldn't be here. But America is uncucking itself. We are finally in the uptrend after what people thought was a certain death spiral, which is good news.

Also, the anglos have always been more level headed and less prone to extremes. Am I not mistaken that in European history they were always associated with being "phlegmatic" as opposed to the other humours? How many times do the anglos shit has to go right, and your shit go wrong, before you just start taking some notes. You all have been hardheaded for a long time and you deserve what comes your way.

I don't think you know what you're talking about.

oh, ((((electoral survey))))

>she's anti-EU
not really
her program delineates a renegociating of the EU deal, not exiting it.

>Fillon is the best mainstream candidate.
no he's a total cuck
he's served under sarkozy, that's all i need to know



>WTF is wrong with France?

They've been rigging the elections via state media since the 1970s and lepen is also pretty characterless. No one will ever be president of france who is not

"An “énarque” is a graduate of the École Nationale d’Administration (ENA), the state officer training college which is the ultimate, exquisitely narrow, pinnacle of the French education system. ENA, which recruits the cream of the graduates from other elite colleges, turns out just over 100 people a year. "

And they are shit. It is an oligarchy with a veneer of democracy..


“Énarques” you may have heard of include Valéry Giscard d’Estaing (ex-President), Jacques Chirac (ex-President), Lionel Jospin (ex-Prime Minister), Édouard Balladur (ex-PM), Laurent Fabius (ex-PM, now foreign minister), Dominique de Villepin (ex-PM), Ségolène Royal (ex-Presidential candidate) and François Hollande (President of the Republic) The last three were class-mates in the same ENA “promotion” in 1980.

over 60 per cent of President Hollande’s immediate staff in the Elysée Palace are graduates of ENA or the most prestigious of Grandes Écoles, Polytechnique (an engineering school where pupils have ceremonial uniforms). This percentage has not changed much in 40 years. Under Nicolas Sarkozy – a sworn enemy of the Grandes Écoles – the percentage fell very slightly to around 55 per cent.

And this is different to any other form of lobbying, how?

There's still time for her to go back to college tho. Le Pen on ENA when?

sarkozy broke that mold
he's a failed lawyer

>WTF is wrong with France?
227 years of Freemasonry.

>voting for a woman

you're all fucking cucks thinking a woman, even a fascist, could run a country well

even betacuck lefties could bully her

it isnt lobbying
lobbying is when moneyed interests influence politicians
the EU is a dictatorship posturing as a republic

The voting process in the EU serves one purpose: binding the people when they vote for whatever the leaders want to impose them. If they vote against it however then their vote is ignored and the policy is implemented through other ways.

This is why the leaders talk about democracy but not so much about republic. Because a democracy is easy to subvert through influencing popular voting. But the EU takes this further.



>lobbying is when moneyed interests influence politicians
So exactly what the 2nd picture you posted describes?

As long as the French have not understood that the republican system is not adapted to their countries, nothing can change. The only system that can save us is a Catholic monarchy.

And that's all.

b-b-b-but brexit tho

Probably that retarded and unprompted statement about the Vichy government and being responsible for deportation/ compliance in killing Jews. I have no idea why she even came out and said that to begin with.

you sure do a lot of shilling on here, how about you go back to watch niggers fuck your wife?

la monarchie absolut

le catholicisme c'est de la merde mais ca c'est en quelque part autre chose

Pauvre merde.

Depuis 1789 et la perte de ces valeurs, la france est dans un gouffre sans fond.

The power levels of the Russians are legendary. Recent anthropological digs have revealed that ancient tales of human history have spoken of Russian influence in what appears to be a cryptographic language across cultures and regions. The moving of the Easter Island statues was done by Russian peasants and wise men leading their armies in prayer. In fact, the building of the pyramids were led by Russian engineers, and the moon was actually first discovered by Russian wizards looking at the stars for the Divine Answers spoken to them. For you see, as Russians, they are blessed with omnipotent powers and omniscience. Nothing is outside the reach of Russians- the very programming of centuries of learned human behavior could be undone by a mere whisper of the Russian language.

Journalists try to tell the truth about Russia, but Russian cannot let the world know that Russia has such strong technological influence that they can alter the very chemistry of literately anyone and object that they want. In fact, in Revelations, it tells how Russia opens both the Gate which holds the Ancient Dragon and the Gate to Heaven. Linguistic scholars have determined with great success that Russia actually created the English language and all its derivatives. Russia created planes, ice cream, and scissors. It is rumored that Russians created the Wheel too, but these are secrets which only Russians hold.

et la solution a cela c'est le Christianisme, pas le catholicisme payen qui brule les bibles et persecute les chrétiens. Le pape fait l'éloge de l'immigration. Encore une fois, le catholicisme c'est de la merde. Prouvé historiquement

And yes, I prefer an absolute monarchy than a republic without morality.

It's always been like that. Nothing new.

qui ta dis que j'étais papiste? "Sédévacantisme" ça te dis quelque chose?

> Polls are accurate, unbiased and very reliable.

Rigged elections probably

c'est deja bon.

Ta étudier les prophécies de Daniel concernant le reve de nebuchadnezzar et la bête a 7 têtes dans le livre de révélation? ils pointent directement a l'église catholique comme étant la bête de prophécie


of course dumb niggers like you two don't understand statistics

OP, it's called : RIGGING

Honestly hope it's Le Pen v Melenchon because then either way the EU is kill

DGSI here. 30% first round, 45% second round. That will be her scores, BTW.

>WTF is wrong with France?
A reminder that in the 1930's, France elected a Communist Jew into power while their neighbors were becoming anti communist anti jewish.
France has always been retarded.

Je vais continuer en français, désolé, je ne suis pas erudi mais ragarde les video de ce compte, si tu est ouvert à ces questions, ça devrais t'intéresser.
je pense qu'on est sur la meme longueur d'onde toi et moi.

>She is a National Socialist

That's entirely consistent with what the faggots if this board like.

France has no real candidates that want individual liberty AND national sovereignty.

No stop, you're going to make the Asselineau posters come out.



See: Chirac / Le Pen (2002)

second turn in 2002, her father lost with 18% of the votes

just think how far we've come in 15 years



Polls are a lot more accurate in France, and have been so historically. At least on the final outcome i.e. the second round.

I'm tired of hearing this bullshit, you think you have better statistic polling than the UK? Delude yourself to your heart desire, frog

Again, historical data shows this is the case. This is more due to the way the system works and our political parties are organised than the actual skill of our pollsters though.

>moron pretending to be clairvoyant
This is how you are so easily identified as a cultist shill.
You are in serious, serious danger. Your ownser have weaponized you and pointed you at innocents. If you act the full weight of the consequences will fall on you, not your slave owners. Is that okay with you? To die trying to perpetuate racism, sexism and genocide for your leftist slave masters?

quand la bible me dit éloigne toi de cette église c'est pas seulement du pape que je m'éloigne

meme avant vatican 2 l'église a persécuté les Chrétiens, ainsi que brulé des bibles.

hahaha, this guys is the great-grandson of Franco, that would be just too fucked up lol. I can accept that we need nepotism since the mases are clearly too manipulable and retarded, but we should aim to some kind of meritocracy, not that genetic lottery, that's just retarded and only a freaking french would think of it today, as a catalan I'm glad we never became part of that state wannabe called France.

Sorry guys, unfortunately she won't win.

Yes, polls are biased towards the left. But even according to the current trend saw with Brexit and Trump, the bias is about 4%.

Le Pen will lose with 40%. Sorry guys. We won't win this battle.
