Have to give a 10 minute presentation of refugees tomorrow. Advice?

Have to give a 10 minute presentation of refugees tomorrow. Advice?

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Do something like this:

make a point of the whole movement being called migrant crisis and not refugee crisis.

they are refuges escaping Syria And migrants when they move on

people who do photos like this, deserve the worse of hell

>Mfw from the catalog that kid looked like destiny

Ill be waiting

but definetly start with this
what will happen to those countries when all the best people leave?!

>economic migrants

>deserve the worse of hell

What do you think about Birmania, Sup Forums ?


Get a classroom of kids down the hall to come sit in everyone's desks so your classmates have to stand during the presentation, then if anyone in your class complains, call them a fascist Xenophobe

That point is entirely rhetorical, actual doctors and rocket scientists don't travel on a dinghy.

The (((refugees))) you see are shit tier people even by their own countries' standards. They are the rejects their own society is happy to see leave and be somebody else is problem.

The brain drain reffect is real but it is only a problem for southern and eastern euro countries where trained and qualified people leave for better job in stronger economies, not kebab and nigger shitholes.



Why do you have to give a presentation of refugees?

let me be more specific*
most of the Syrians and the other economic refugees that get here( and get inn) has money, education and had a job. that is how they managed to pay for the journey, and that is usually why they're let in.

Everyone can see the problem when you remove a country's middle and upper class this way

Make a presentation about refugees from white countries.
Y'know, the ones mass media don't talk about.

after the world vs North Korea, turn NK into the world's refugee camp. problem solved.

They choose to not settle down in the refugee camp. To not settle down in Lebanon. To cross Turkey, to sail to Greece and keep waling, to walk over Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Serbia, Austria to finally land to Germany.

85% of them are young men, UN official number.
Not even half of them come from a country at war.

I picked it as a topic, and figured if I went full lefty I'd get an easy A.

Depends what state you live in. Blue state - you love them and lets let them all in and buy them each a brand new Prius. Red state - fuck, them let them stay where they are and workout their problems and gas each other. Don't get that backwards or you will fail.

what are you thinking so far, user.

Establish cred with marxist teacher by condemning colonialism and its destruction of aboriginal cultures.

Then show how Islam is using refugee crisis to send able bodied males to colonize Europe and destroy its aboriginal culture.

Talk about the Christian refugees.

I'm going to adopt the classic approach of going so far left with my argument that even the professor feels like a nazi.

Also, an overview of Kekistani refugee crisis is an option

Show how big name NGO's are actually the ones doing the human trafficking under the guise of "rescue operations" and that these NGO's get funded by the Soros and Rockefeller types.

For bonus points you could ask why it is that Germany feels it needs to advertise in third world countries to get more migrants to come?

Some "migrant crisis" if you have to advertise to get them to come.

Tell the truth. Most of them are faking to be refugees and they are most likely economic migrants who are working as parasites on the white man.
Source: Check my flag.

Reverse psychology work great when you are not free to question the official line.

Remember, we OWE them our jobs because we bombed them. We OWE them our best jobs, like teachers.

how will you make that work? like "complete open flood gate policies"?
like let everyone inn and don't ask questions?
would be funny, then add the buzzwords; our nation is built on immigrants that came flooding in.

would be great if you also shoved some fake stats that disproves all crime/immigrant correlations( thinking Sweden here)

man this sounds fun; wish i had this assignment

Whip your cock out over your wrist and ask the class if they like your watch.


You should not forget to mention the refugees for Ukraine (not a single one allowed in the EU) or from South Africa (not a single one allowed anywhere in the world).

And mention how the richest countries in the world, which also happen to be close of Syria/Lybia didn't took a single refugee.

Make a power point and read right off of the screen without making eye contact with anybody

As a white male, I don't really have a choice here.

It gets awkward though when all the liberal whores try to flirt with me afterwards.

i came over a study a while ago that showed that dogs breeds that were inbred would end up with deceases and deformations.

You can show this study and in the end just draw the conclusion on your own that this would probably also include humans, if we didn't get more diverse!
Hahah, man right now im missing school

Don't be a pussy

forget that,
do this and please record it!
for KEK!

I need A's.

Bonus points if you do the presentation sunding like the most condescending dick in existence.

Use the angle that most are single men of working age who flee their countries instead of helping rebuild. And as such they are dangerous loafers destroying the character of the countries they march into while women, the elderly and children suffer back home.
In a subtle way mention that many atrocities in Europe are caused by refugees.
Maybe do that by mentioning cities and dates in the end. Brussels airport and metro, March 2016. Stockholm pedestrian street April 2017. Würzburg train July 2016. Ansbach restaurant July 2016. Bataclan Paris November 2016.

Watch zizek's video on the refugee crisis
>shipping refugees to europe is a waste of resources instead of localizing them and sending aid to one place
>the gulf states have taken zero refugees while they are closer, have more money and a similar culture
>EU refugee policy allows for the illegal smuggling of people and puts pressure on poorer EU nations to take in refugees
>refugees are usually lied to, led to believe europe is a paradise, then when they end up in the EU it actually sucks and they get angry

play spot the 'syrian' women and children

"fuck off, we're full"

I try to have the conviction of Osama Bin Laden talking into a camera for a propaganda video and the charisma of Charles Manson.

where we're going we don't need A's!

drop out

Suggest that they fix their own fucked up countries

>Have to give a 10 minute presentation of refugees tomorrow. Advice?
Just play with open gates n8

also I recommend zizek since he still has a liberal frame but is also a realist. If anyone gives you shit for not being enough of a leftie put a literal communist as one of your sources

show them the kratos child

I would set it the beginning to go against what people are led to believe. Like refugees are doctors and crap. Next reasons why we shouldn't let them in, especially with problems with our own civilians at home that could use the money instead. Next I would show information about why refugees mess shit up and have really low rates of hire. Next show that they do nothing when money is given to them. Next how they don't mesh into the society, but create their own little communities that destroy villages and portions of cities. Next would be crime and all that shit.

Lastly I would sum it up with self preservation. We can't help everyone if we don't preserve our own selves. Otherwise we are all doomed for failure.

>yfw you see that shit sailing up to your shore

just show the gumball video twice

Great advice.

Yeah.. Especially when you know that the Laws of the sea tells you that you have to take in any refuge and that you cant send him home


This is good, but you could also underhanded explain that Jews have been refugees for the entirety of their existence.


If you want an A just say some shit like "we're all humans. Why is this happening? The west needs to take care of its victims"


they don't want to go there

>in4 they are in dire need of protection and shelter

Play the first 10 minutes of With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations

Imagine to be on a warship and ordered to sink that shitbucked.
The feel of pleasure you must have as you unleash the ships full destructive capacities on it.

>people will unironically become part of the problem for good grades

include some of these!

lol, +1

Be honest about what they actually are; invaders.


Talk about a day in the life of Ebba Akerlund.

> be me, 11 yo girl full of life and promise
> Friday, yay schools out!
> its spring weathers getting better, looking forward to weekend riding bikes and listening to music with friends
> arranging to meet mom downtown
> I've got some coins in my pocket, probably gonna buy a smoothie or some gum
> hi mister can I pat your dog?
> OK gotta keep moving don't wanna be late
> hopefully mom takes me to that clothes shop and I can show her those jeans I like
> if I'm lucky she might buy them for.....


> what happened?
> why is everyone is screaming at me?
> where are my legs?
> its getting dark.
> I'm getting cold.
> mommy?

Remind them that if it wasn't for refugees she would be alive today. Just like 500 other victims of attacks in Europe. Normies can't deal with this shit when its framed like that. Really wakes them up.

I agree, Lucifer.


Do it about Eastern Ukraine's refugees

Or talk about South Africa's white who aren't allowed into other countries.

Good find, was gona say the same.

When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. (Leviticus 19:33-34)

I think I'm gonna kick it off with this.