Can Sup Forums redpill my wife on the holocaust...she just asked "what if the holocaust never happened?"

Can Sup Forums redpill my wife on the holocaust...she just asked "what if the holocaust never happened?"

Ask her to prove a single murder.

redpill your own "wife" you shit gobbling faggot

or better yet, cut your wrists and jump off a bridge

>things that didn't happen

she recently got redpilled in other areas. long story but she has been seeking out lots of info from wherever she can get it and a lot of it doesn't seem legit at all. At least what I read on Sup Forums makes me question things.

You're probably bullshitting but IDGAF.
>zero traces of Zyklon B in gas chambers
>traces of Zyklon B in clothes room
>Zyklon B was used on clothes
>gas chamber doors can be opened from both sides
>holes in roof were built after war
>weren't 6 million Jews in all of Europe, nevermind in German-occupied and Axis zones
>pictures of Auschwitz at the time show no chimney
>no camp administrators reported gassing to superiors, but reported hanging and shooting
>Red Cross report
>population of Jews increased during the period
>most Jews died as a result of starvation due to allied bombing of German supply lines or disease

legitimately, thanks

The real answer is that probably a million or so Jews died in the camps, mostly from disease and starvation. Most executions were done either in the field or once they were taken behind the front line and probably amounted to a good 500k Jews and maybe a million others most of whom were killed for being commies/partisans. Individual SS officers did commit war crimes and in some cases the command would encourage disciplinary executions in an attempt to keep partisans from fighting. Another million or two of the "others" also probably died in camps

>fake "fake pictures"
Don't do this

what was the idea behind the jewish persecution? It's not obvious to me what they got out of staging the whole thing (haven't looked into much holocaust/ww2, just assumed it was too big not to happen)

Some of them may be fake fakes. I know for certain some of them are genuine fakes, however.

No worries, lad.

what a shitty snake gun sounds image? wheres the gif?

Jews want to be the martyr

My wife asked me the same thing today. Please user dump your redpills

6 million has also been used in numerous Jewish deceptions throughout history.

And unassimilable minority that was the catalyst for a lot of things detrimental to the German nation like the spread of communism/socialism, the spread and idealization of porn, prostitution, hypergamy, etc. and of course the international Jewish communities' role in the unfavorable end of WWI and the absolute raping of Germany by the allies. Initially the whole idea was just deportation which you saw a bit with the Haavara Agreement but the war came and those ghettos weren't enough so they started shipping them off to labor camps. War turns sour and by 1944 German supply lines are being cut, food and medicine isn't going where it should and the camps become a secondary priority to feeding the soldiers on the front and ordinary citizens.


Show her this as well, user.

As for what the Jewish people got out of the holocaust? That's pretty self evident. The entire history of the Jews is one of "persecution" so the ultimate persecution gave them the leverage over the minds of the ordinary average person to rationalize the political will behind the creation of the state of Israel

Tell your wife she can catch my dick anytime if she ever visits Australia

Exactly. It also discredits nationalism and questioning of Jewish supremacy in Europe.

I thought Hitler was a socialist??

Only the jews can get kicked out of 130 countries and it's "never their fault"

National Socialism isn't "Socialism" in the marxist-leninist sense of Socialism. At the time the basic premise was things like state pensions,etc. Essentially National Socialism, as applied by Hitler and the NSDAP was the same sort of stuff that the US enacted during the depression, the social security system, etc.

Silly question. Was the holocaust discussed at nuremberg trials and did any of the officers confess?

This as well. It's like you have a dog that has fleas all over it and you take it to the vet and the vet calls you a Nazi and "literally Hitler" for wanting to not even kill the flees but rather remove them one by one and given them their own country.

It means a socially-minded nationalist. Caring for your society. Hitler didn't make handouts happen.

In the words of Jonathan Bowden, nationalism is the real socialism, because it unites all classes.

Mine was the same u gots condition women to the red pill otherwise they just end up retarded. U get rid of tv yet? Have her watch the greatest story never told

And during the depression the US did tons of work programs and similar stuff, the SS system didn't start off as handouts either.

be careful, it could be a trick

The only thing that's shit's good for is showing how propaganda works to form a story.