Is Liberalism a symptom of peer-pressure?

>2 LARPing communities slap boxing each other in public

I need 50ccs of popcorn STAT

>when playing dress up gets a bit too real.

Ha, I never saw that picture. She's getting a hug.

Holy shit.


LMAO nice. Those "antifa" accounts need to fire up this pic


Those antifa scum should have been finished off.

>Is Liberalism a symptom of peer-pressure?
Is symptom of having no major wars in a long time.

he needs a few stitches on that eye

The Trump supporters and whatnot actually had fair ROE

If someone was downed, they'd usually leave them be and move on


>get punched in the mouth
>hold eye for 30 minutes.

The ironic thing being he was worst off than her and she should have been putting pressure on his bleeding face with an improvised bandage


These people seriously play dress up for this shit. She's wearing a little costume glove.

The people wearing lime green hats and helmets. Were they the faggots protecting antifa?

are those beans?

>go to war dressed for a punk show

what is his endgame?

It's a well known fact liberals are herd followers. They are heavily swayed by popular opinion and have very little thoughts of their own. They feel stronger when part of a large group.

They are people who struggle determining what is right and wrong on their own, and look to each other to know what to do. Unfortunately satanists have learned to take advantage of this - liberals are very easily led into believing they are doing something right/good when they're actually doing the opposite.

Right Wing Safety Squad

Are these guys supposed to be referees?

truth >>truth >>truth >>


Doubtful. The green helmets are protecting antifa. They are with the enemy.


>It's a well known fact liberals are herd followers
Fucking Americans have no idea what they are talking about. KGB has executed this masterfully.

Got one side claiming they fight for something while opposing almost everything it stands for, the opposing side just sits back and lets it happen, demonising the very ideology that stands against the true stance of these "liberals"

Spoiler: One of the primary philosophies of liberalism if not THE primary philosophy of liberalism is the concept of individuality. As such liberalism stands against collectivist lines of thinking such as communism or socialism, which is what these Antifa faggots actually represent and preach.

>Is Liberalism a symptom of peer-pressure?

It is. You've really hit the nail on the head there.

It is a very simple phenomenon, whereby people "act" kind in order to fit into a society where "kindness" is the biggest virtue.

Think of all of the films you grew up watching, all of the superheros you idolized. What was the common theme in these films?


The protagonist was kind above all else. A charming if naive kind hearted soul, that makes mistakes but is ultimately rewarded for kindness.

The liberal has grown up being taught to be kind. A childish, simple version of kind.

They do not understand "be cruel to be kind". The more nuanced difficult version of kindness.

This is unfortunate as being cruel to be kind is the most hard to come by and important type of kindness. We really need people capable of this but our children have been trained to simply be kind, no questions asked, and never consider the consequences.

If I were to try and promote one value to the next generation, it would be :

"You must sometimes be cruel to be kind"

The example I like to use is that of the surgeon.

Imagine a world where people say absolutely believe you should never cut peoples legs off. They say it's barbaric and violent. You simply can't go around de-limbing people. People have a right to their legs.

Now imagine a father, with an injured daughter. The girls leg is infected and going gangrene. The father says to his wife "We need to surgically remove our daughters leg, she's going to die otherwise". The liberal mother says "How could you say that!? You would deliberately cut our childs leg off? You do not have the right to do that! You are intolerant of legs!"

Her childish view of kindness does not allow her to comprehend that you can achieve a better future, by doing something seemingly negative now.

He's just monitoring the situation for Soros

That's one of the Bogs in disguise.

Thats a very good way to put it and a great perspective i hadnt thought about before

yes. women are more social and emotional creatures than men are... except for nu-males raised by single and/or overbearing mothers, with no strong masculine figure in their life for guidance. they are herd creatures. you should know this by now.

Oh definitely. You aren't allowed to think otherwise without being socially castrated.

op posting some footage from a anime con

That's no helmet, that's a stealth cover for his bog chin.

All the gets from this comment,



What's Assange doing there?

Is this another example of women just following their boyfriends interests, just unfortunately this woman dates commie faggots? probably forced her to do porn to support him since he is anarchist too and can't work out of principle

It's likely the other way round, mate.
Woman goes to college, gets interested in politics and swept up with feminism and the marxist bullshit, beta male boyfriend feels he has to get involved or lose her.

If you live in one of these liberal shit holes (like I do), it becomes an echo chamber. If you have any views not inline you get ostracized. I have a Gadsden Flag sticker on my truck and when I got out I was told my flag was "offensive and racist." I told him to fuck off.