Sup Forums, there are niggers in the other room talking with my parents. I'm an HS senior, 17

Sup Forums, there are niggers in the other room talking with my parents. I'm an HS senior, 17.

They're spouting stupid liberal shit and I'm afraid they're corrupting them.

I just heard the male nigger word for fucking word repeat the Black Egyptian theory and say the sentence "they were kings when whites were cavemen".

What the fuck do i do????

Other urls found in this thread:

Go tell them to join Hotep. Redpill them.

BUMP- please help, they're talking about how the Jews were being oppressed by white people now, Syrian refugees are so downtrodden, what have you.

I need to stop these fucking niggers from invading my family's minds.

turn up those speakers

>What the fuck do i do????
>I'm an HS senior, 17.

I know what I did.

Why are they at your house?

How do I do that without making them butthurt?

For reference:

>Dad is Trump supporter.
>Really stubborn and hard to shift on a topic. Gets butthurt easily.

>Mom is libtard.
>Religious, hates Trump, etc
>Hates guns (screamed when Dad bought me a rifle for 14th birthday, for example)
>Actively talking with niggers

I have no idea. I think they're friends of my parents?

Lol. By no means am I saying that I'm going to do something retarded. I just want to know what I can talk to my parents about that can prevent them from turning into SJWs later down the line. If that's not exercising my opinions to them (aka free speech) then what the fuck is the 1st Amendment?

get new parents.

Execute order 66

Dress up like a ghost and try to scare them away! They'll think your house it haunted

Liten to me, they're going to ban you

King Tut's DNA was western european and the refugees from syria rape white women many times a day across europe, why are nigger talking to ur parents? it doesn't matter now, enjoy ur 3 day ban and tell your parents that those niggers are racist and spreading false history


But seriously though. All I want is to make sure that they don't turn my parents into dumbass ultralefty liberals. Since they've literally been repeating everything I've heard Sup Forums say liberals say.

I'm scared, Sup Forums. Before today I didn't think this shit was real. I didn't think people went around saying that Egyptians were black and that the Jews are oppressed, that they would actively peddle that and literally say "we wuz kangs".

I didn't realize just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

My God. Why did I come here?

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
Leave and never come back.

Why would they ban me for saying "niggers"?





People have more theories about how the pyramids were built than stonehenge

Damn. Too bad they aren't randos selling something. I wouldn't mess with your parent's social circle, but all the same, you're their kid so I would definitely go talk to them after the jigaboos jiggle on out of there.

look them in the eye and tell them to fuck off

>Literally no one in this thread reporting the OP for being underage b&

I never thought I'd see the day, times change

you are about to be banned from pol

>announcing reports
enjoy you're ban faggot


reminder egypt got cucked even in its "golden age"


Underage b&

you need to be an adult to be here

Because you're underaged.

Lurk more before you post, faggot

Make sure your parents dont fall for that bullshit.

>I'm an HS senior, 17

Well, ban or not, I'm at least glad people know that this shit is happening.

I'm honestly disgusted to see that you have people like this just coming into a house and spreading this kind of shit.

You've earned that ban,be proud of it.. ya fukken noob!

This board and this website as a whole is 18 & up. Get the fuck out of here kid

>watch anime online
> plebbit
>male feminism

I don't know if you did that intentionally, but if you were planning on visiting those websites, fuck off and die you scum of the earth.




get the fuck off this board

absolutely disgusting

>talks like a redditor
>so new that he doesn't know the site is 18+
B& this faggot



Why would a simple convo shift your dad? You have to be very confident in beliefs if you go against a harpy like your mom & the entirety of MSM, hollywood, etc.

Your mom is already a fucking loser. Who gives a shit.