Since there are so many race mixing threads going on atm, can we at least have a serious scientific one...

Since there are so many race mixing threads going on atm, can we at least have a serious scientific one? What are the pros? What are the cons?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pros: Non whites (worthless leeches) become better
Cons: Whites (the creators of civilization) become worse

Pros: You are an ugly fuck and finally you found people as ugly as you who want to fuck.

Cons: Youre children will be shitskins and look nothing like you. You also have a higher chance of getting STDs.

how do you get corns to fuck

>me on the left

Sword fight

It doesn't work like that. Niggers and white people aren't the same species.

Here's why race-mixed kids are shit, more to come.



And there's your reason not to race-mix: your kids will be insufferable shitwads and failures.

My only question is how do I stop a potato nigger from marrying my daughter

Pro: You're the new in thing paraded by jewish media
Con: You'll have deep seated identity issues and more than likely turn out like Eliot Rodgers

You get to brag to your liberal friends about being "progressive"
Your child is viewed as an outsider in both racial groups. Congratulations at best you birthed an outcast and at worst you made a supreme gentlemen who snaps after 23 years and kills a bunch of people

Hybrid vigor does not apply to humans.

I dunno.

You realize that marrying your brother is far different from marrying within your race?

A racial population group is a sulf-sustaining, complete entity. If given the time, it would diverge into it's own unique species. Whereas marrying your sister causes fucked up genetics

>None really

>Children are outcasted by both racial groups
>Have trouble establishing a racial identity
>Feel like outsiders and suffer mentally because of it
>Half the time their racial backgrounds can't be well determined (many half black half whites look Mexican) and they suffer even more
>In many cases higher amount of medical issues due to genetic incompatibility

>Whereas marrying your sister causes fucked up genetics
Think of it like evolution on steroids. A certain percentage of the human population should be fucking their sisters.

Pros: Increases the chances of surviving to diseases and other natural stresses, it also has the potential of selecting best individuals and mix them to obtain (theorically) the best posible result.

Cons: Sexual reproduction mechanisms produce random results. And what is useful in nature is not always "good" for social appreciation. (You can get a strong and disease-resistant ugly motherfucker )

>A certain percentage of the human population should be fucking their sisters.

>You get to have neurotic mongrels like me in your country

And the fp is the bp

Pro: Human evolution is boosted "naturally".

Cons: Eventually old races will tend to disappear (can be a good thing for some lol)

From an evolutionary standpoint it would be useful is all I'm saying.

Mutts have more health problems and can't into organ/marrow transplants well. Also, they regress to the mean. Science has disproven all of your pros, mexican intellectual.

You get 2 pure breed corns. Let's say one grow fast with strong stalks. The other make more seeds and sweater corn.

DNA is split in chromosomes that are in pairs (one from each parents). In a pure breed, both chromosomes have the same allele on the gene locus.

You grow both pure breed in lines close to each others, than you cut the top male flowers of one, and use the pollen of the other breed to fertilize the corn of the 1st breed. They do that in seed companies.

You get an hybrid, called F1 hybrid. it's gonna be better than both parents, growing fast with lots of sweet corn. But now, you have one chromosome that say "grow fast", and another chromosome that leads to "grow slow". The "grow fast" is dominant so it's fine.

But, you must not collect that corn to plant it again, because the next generation will be fucked up with random shit. You must buy another batch of F1 hybrids.

Now you're dependent from the seed company, and it's the only one still having pure breeds that you can replant. But it's fine, because you have a yeld that is 5, and up to 9 times higher than the former pure breed, and of better quality.

This is why we must keep Europe, Africa and Asia pure, and make them reproduce together, than sterilize the babies before importing them to the USA where parents can buy those stronger and higher quality children.


bro you're talking about corn

Yeah, useful for other populations compiting with yours.

Fucking your relatives is bad for genetic diversity which is required for evolutive "boost"

The probability of getting a short defect korn is higher than having one from the right of the pic.

Humans already have hybrid vigor Europeans even more so

yes, but nowadays americans are mostly made of corn anyway, so it might work.


when you hate niggers

The pros are that more white bitches make my black babies. And as a double bonus, angry crackers will never take her back so her bloodline is FOREVER blacked.

I mean just imagine, while I fuck these girls her ancestors whipped and tortured mine for ages, man. They're probably pounding on the walls of hell when they see my brown cock enter her.

What discussion is there to be had? Get to reading

On a purely scientific perspective it would heavily depend on who is mixing with what. Different races of humans are essentially humans adapted to different environments, the differences stemming from whatever we could not solve with out intelligence.

Also doesn't "breed true," as in, the whole "hybrid vigor" thing only works for a couple generations at best without alot of actual planned procreation. Are these people arranging marriages? Nah.

If you knew corn you would know the real question is how you keep those honey slirty. Astards from fucking

fuck you. rice =/= corn

muttshit here.

There are a whole shit ton of problems, its effectively immoral or child abuse.
Don't race mix with a chink either, you fucking yellow fever numale cucks.

Sure there are some inherited problems, and good luck getting a bone marrow donor. You'll likely die twice before you find a match.
But (most) of the mental shit comes from the fact that you look like neither of your parents or peers.

The niggers here will call you a 'light-skin' and the Cumskins are equally as racist. Its nature and instinct to be one.
All the other mutts (and the population of them is so small) are trying desperately to integrate into either Nigger or Cracker culture. Its especially obvious because they will overcompensate to do so.

some racemixing is necessary

>tfw you regret that one nigger in your lineage, without whom you wouldn't exist

>Hybrid vigor does not apply to humans.

like the corn... cross disgusting but long dong with full kerneled but short dong, get beautimous edible long dong

Pollen and wind, probably.
You know, its a plant thing.

don't overthink it, leafnigger

Nice source on that one, faggot

not an argument