Is Sargon the biggest piece of shit ever?

Is Sargon the biggest piece of shit ever?

You must have not realized he's a kike yet.

I fall under classical liberal on a political compass test and I agree, communism is worse.

He's trying to hold on to whatever thread of Leftness (and consequently his morals and reputation) so he can express his ideas without being dismissed instantly.

Not a piece of shit, just trying to escape censorship

meh, he can be entertaining.

Classic liberal = right leaning modern centrist

Kek Tankies call everyone else Fascists or Right Wing capitulates, even other Tankies.

Centrist fence sitter cuckold literally raising his wifes black son.
Also he shit talks Sup Forums non stop on Twitter and spams BLACKED porn.
Literally a worthless human being.

There's nothing I hate more than these "skeptic" intellectual "classic liberals". They need to all fucking die.

Sargon is a marxist who doesnt understand what marxism is and uses it as an insult towards people ideologically aligned with himself.
He just LARPs for internet shekels.

>when you defame sargon for the only things that prevent him from being a total and utter faggot.

Also your image couldnt be more backwards
He cries about "Fascists" more than communists and he is literally a socialist, he said so himself

Babies first redpill, useful for getting normies to question the narrative and shift them towards the right.

Do you still have to be a prisoner and willing to fuck koalas to get dumped in your snatch of a wasteland?

Classical liberals are libertarians.

If anything, your pic shows he's using the term correctly

his views ARE classical liberalism in a nutshell faggot

also, he points out when the right is wrong at times but as he's said he's just more critical of the left since they wield more institutional power. which they currently do

he's articulate and well-spoken and as far as I can see he never shills for any particular side.

Jim is a billion times better

He only says he's leftist because he wants autistic nationalized shit like trains

>Classical liberals are libertarians

Except, not at all.

No. You and others like you that never stop talking about him are far bigger pieces of shit.

Yeah obviously, but Jim doesn't get the exposure Sargon does, and isn't as palatable to normies.

If was my choice all the normies would be watching Jim and BlackPigeonSpeaks but we're a ways away from that and need to progress in steps.

>pewdiepie is Nazi
>Paul Watson is a shill
>Milo is a pedophile
>Alex Jones is CIA
>Trump is a Russian agent

>a maximum wage might work :)
>you must bake cakes for gay people :)
>what if an illogical and counter-intuitive situation happens in ancapistan :)
>r/Sup Forums


ehhhh, let them have the term
they took it
I'm a capitalist
can't confuse me with anything else
less syllables anyways

Pewdiepie is doing what he does best, earning money
Paul Watson is a fucking piece of shit centrist blogger
Milo IS a pedophile, also a homosexual and a fucking Jew
Alex Jones is in the same boat as Pewdiepie although with more credibility
Trump is a Jewish agent
