Ok Pol, so this antifa bitch is now on CBS and famous while she is trashing Nathan Domingo's name. The truth is that she got punched because she was throwing bottles and using them as a weapon. She should be in jail and Nathan Domingo punched her, not once, but twice in self defense.

The worse part is that she is going to get 45k usd because she started a campaign on gofundme
>gofundme com/3nj1iqg

She is spreading lies on media:
> sanfrancisco.

And she is playing the victim card, whe she is no victim.

So we have to CRASH this gofundme campaign WITH NO SURVIVORS. We need everybody to report the campaign.
You can choose two vectors:

> This is difamatory for Nathan Domingo who was only defending himself from an Antifa who was using a bottle as a weapon (She is also wearing a weighed glove to maximize damage)


>The text is incorrect, it says she was hospitalized and needed attention and a new indentity but now she is on the media, giving her name, not hospitalized. So the text of the campaign is just a bunch of lies.


Other urls found in this thread:



bump, take this whore down



reported, what a lying cunt

Fuck this ugly whore


Best course of action is to ignore. The less attention she gets, the better.

not sure if this would help, but she isn't using her real name in the gofundme

the less attention from Sup Forums she gets in this particular case (fundraising), the more money she makes.

it's not her, it's someone else raising money FOR her.

>As if this hasn't been happening the entire time it's been up and that the gofundme admins aren't aware of the trolls

Attacking her will rally feminazis and white knights to handout gibs. Happened multiple times during goobergrape

but if it's shared only on Sup Forums, it shouldn't be a problem. plus if it gets taken down, then it all goes down to $0

Did my part.

This is probably fine. But shitting on this cunt on Twitter and Jewtube risks a backlash. Better to insult Antifa as an organization in public.

I dun did it

>gofundme com/3nj1iqg jejeje incoming report for fraud
pic related

Not like this post matters but I was there and bitch did lob a bottle of wine into the crowd.

She was about to throw the other before Rick Flair punched out her friend. She tossed the other bottle behind her and squared off and that is when the Rebel Media (??) Or Lauren Southern video picked up and she got hit by the manlet.

Before that she was an obnoxtious cunt, standing by the pillar calling the crowd Nazis and saying nobody was brave enough to fight a girl. Fuck her.


How has no one referenced In Bruges yet?

"I'd hit a woman who was trying to hit me with a bottle." [Open]

This is important.

> click + Read More
> Presently waiting for word back from support at (random website) to see if funds (five comrades *one of whom being Louise* serving as the donor/advisory board of the fund) will be receivable toward the establishment of a 501c3 organization for purposes somewhere in the range between a Democracy@Work Action Group and an Antifa organization.

This is more than just a normal cash-grab. They are pulling some gipsy shit.