but niggers in the morning. hurry up and suck up nigger cocks,. hurry up and accept blacks as something desirable. nevermind that blacks are responsible for the majority of all crime, regardless of race. PRAISE NIGGERS. HEY LOOK, NIGGERS, SAID GOOGLE.



Other urls found in this thread:'s_World_Banking

((((((((((( GOOGLE ))))))))))))

never using google again or any of its fucking shit, fuck you.

i know where i'm going from now on.

autism guy complains about it

use it to search american inventors. (((they))) cannot be stopped.

Lol they think we care about dumb nigger holidays

Soon they're going to have a Kwanzaa celebration four months before it actually happens

>Mfw google preps the holiday

That's a lot of hate guys, Why don't we all have a civil conversation about why you hate black people so much.

Please, ill keep an open mind to your arguments as long as you keep an open mind to mine.

aww man, fuck google, but its so damn fast

Okie Doke, since no one's talking. I'll start by airing my views.

The classic 'Blacks are inferior in every way' argument. Firstly, you can make the point that blacks do in fact have a lower IQ than the average caucasian man's IQ. Fair point. But this comparison can also be made between us and people of Asian descent which in fact have an average higher IQ than a caucasian man. Does that mean we should be exterminated?

Also, this statement does not take into account the geographical differences that white people have to black. As much as this can be argued. Educational facilities in the 'hood' are significantly impaired in resources. May that be from teachers that refuse to work at a school with that amount of violence or other reasons. But the fact does remain.

Why are there 0 majority-black countries that aren't 3rd world status?

I agree, OP. It is subliminal stuff like this that turns an increasing number of people from normies into redpilled goyim.

Also, Continuing from the argument of violence and it affects in educational facilities. These schools are violent. No doubt. But you must also consider that these black individuals are raised in violence. May it be peer pressure, fitting in with the crowd. These people don't know anything better than violence.

Now, you may then reply to this post with the point that school teaches you not to do this shit. Good point. But let's think about your schooling days. When you had a substitute teacher. Did you misbehave? the most likely answer is yes. Because everyone did. You made a subconscious collective design with your classmates that if you all misbehaved, the punishment would not be singular. And you would not be affected. This is the same basis for these schools. Everyone fights, everyone misbehaves, so they see themselves level with the status quo of their peers. And they see their punishment as not severe. This is one of many reasons for this violence.

Great point, good to see some civility. Now, I would first like to start off by saying I see the same viewpoint that there are basically no black first world countries.

The first pointer can be accounted to their geographical location. Basically, all of the African continents is arid. Now comparing this to lavish European countries. We evolved technology wise much faster. But that's very strongly accounted as we have resources in arms reach. For example, stone age. England isn't short for stones, so isn't it easier to find the answer to a puzzle when it's staring you right in the face?

Another reason for their uncivilized nature. Water as we had access to easy water in rivers, we never had to make giant trecks or move entire villages when the water dried up. Cause it never did. Meaning we were able to focus less on necessity and more on technology and such.

I have other reasons if you want me to continue?

You're using google right now, they know what you post here

literally meme tier trash

Well, I'll continue anyway.

'They are barbaric, they kill their villagers'. I know it's terrible. As silly as it may seem. These people encountered death of villagers every day. Due to lack of food, dehydration and such. So they're rational is that killing another villager for his crimes isn't major. People die all the time.

Google is shit, okay.

Now what, do we stop using Google?
What is the good alternative for Search Engine?

Does it even exist?

stop using google. bing is decent

Why must you hate Muslims so much? please let us have a conversation about it.

But Easter was a jewish holiday first


I will post this every opportunity I can.

You had to look that up? How ignorant are you?

I didn't you dumbass, I'm showing it to this other dumbass who didn't know it already. Go eat a rat, third worlder


At least I have both chromosomes, the entirety of Finland has to share the single one of theirs

I fucking hate leftists liberal scum. For real NPR always has a story about some middle of african town who 'was not getting any water' or some shit.


Hmmmm, i see the viewpoint.

What im interpreting here is your outrage at black people getting jobs you may be more capable of doing. Because of diversity. I get that. I bet that pisses a lot of people off.

One thing that can be considered here is press. As nice as companies may want to choose the best candidate. They also need to cover their white asses in case they are included in some form of racism media scandal. So for example they can provide evidence to media saying "No, we love all races. Look at our black staff members!". BTW these hiring decisions are mostly, if not all made by white executives who put in orders for diversity in workplaces, something to note.

Also, Whos not to say these people are the most qualified candidates for their current job positions? As much as people claim to study. Obviously, they wanted it more.

Jon has my respect, he isn't afraid to speak the truth.

Easter is a european pagan holiday you twat

>>now and then

Fuck off turd worldler

I agree that blacks are not inferior in every way, but what most people mean when they say that is that blacks are not useful to modern western civilization and cause more harm than good in a society.
Asian people have a higher average IQ than whites, but the percentage of white population with an IQ>115 is higher than that of asians. Whites are more distributed to the sides of an IQ chart if you make a bell curve. The average asian IQ is higher, but it's unlikely that they are born with a very high IQ.
Geographical difference doesn't change IQ, so I'll suppose you meant enviromental differences. Enviroment accounts for a very small change in IQ, only a standard deviation when you are adult, and that IQ returns to normal months after you are out of the enviroment. Also, kids raised in better enviroments score higher in IQ tests ONLY when they are kids, once they reach adulthood their IQs tend to get centered towards their average

whitebois and their pathetic traditions are becoming irrelevant. White people have no culture, they think eating chocolate and a turkey means they have culture.

Pardon? It's not about hiring non-whites or who is qualified for a position, it's about misrepresenting an actual event. That team is all white yet the representation of them is not, for what reason did they do this? I think it's unfair to the team that accomplished it, to have their image distorted for no obvious reason. Is reality too offensive to display?

>blacks are responsible for the majority of all crime, regardless of race.
wut? Are you telling me there are non-black blacks?


>between us and people of Asian descent which in fact have an average higher IQ than a caucasian man.
The bell curve is very different.
Asians have a higher medium IQ
Whites have more disparity alongside the line.
Aka, more dumb people but more geniuses.

Also, IQ is divided in several categories, and Asians are pretty low in two of them.

Hence the emotional retardness they have sometime. They lack of what we could call "soul" over all.

I don't go as far as calling for eradication of X race, but those with an IQ below 90 shouldn't be able to reproduce.

In a "greater good" perspective, that is.



That is just not true. I know many white people that were bullied in school and none of them turned violent, including myself. It can even be argued that being bullied makes kids better.

Also, I've never seen a class where everyone misbehaved, it's always a minority. I can't speak about how classes with a black kids majority are because we don't have them here.
Luckily, in Argentina we had an ethnic cleansing. Shame we didn't get rid of native americans too


Yes. Nigger is a race and a mentality

Few points before I go to sleep:

- For a mean white IQ of 100, the mean asian IQ is 103, or a 3 point difference. The mean black IQ in America is 85, or a 15 point difference. The mean black IQ in Africa is 70, or a 30 point difference (10x bigger than the white/asian divide)

- The fact that asians have a higher IQ than whites is not relevant because the white IQ is high enough for white societies to be functional. The black IQ is too low, and blacks are unable to cope with modern, technological societies, which require a high degree of skilled labor. That is the problem with blacks. They are inferior and shouldn't be allowed in civilized societies because they are not fit for civilization (as a group).

- Black schools being shitty is a symptom of blacks being stupid, just like majority asian schools in California being the nation's best isn't due to "mo' funding", but because their students descend from high IQ brain-drained asian professionals.


I keep questioning though just how much pressure are the owners under? Were they "politely proposed" with an option they couldn't refuse or were they braindead libtards all along?
There has to be something behind all the shit Alphabet/Google are doing.

Tell me what black culture is without saying oppression

OOOO, now that's a tricky subject.

Terrorism, They come into our country and tell us how it rolls. I get it. Pretty fucking rude.

Now with this current case, this is not nationality. But religion. So this makes my argument pretty strong.

In the news report, the man that did this was, in fact, a polish citizen as can be noted here:

Now, still, even though there is no confirmations this could be Islam extremists. Now because of media it's sometimes hard to define extremist from normal Islam following citizens.

Now, Sure there is alot of this shit going around with the label of islam being a radical religeon that needs to be outlawed. But if you really look. It really isnt bad.

For example, a doctor in Australia is an islamic following doctor. He publicly speaks out against extremists who use Islam wrongly and in turn is threatened with death by said extremists. In part of the Quran if i remember correctly, it states using Jihad is ok in the face of tyrants. Now for some, this can me misconceived and that occurs in these situations.

If we look at Christianity quickly, there's no doubt of child molestation and abuse covered up by the church. This is a well-known fact. But that does not mean we blame all Christians for something they did not participate in, right?

I think the same ideology should be used here.

Sorry for late reply

Is there a genetic predisposition for stupid shitposting in Canadians?


Yes goy, this is your alternative
t. Gabriel Weinberg, owner of duckduckgo
>can't make this shit up

Africans is not a race, there is more than 15 points difference between come countries in Africa, this is fucking stupid.

Like "whites", Irish have a pretty low IQ compared to Italians.

And what the fuck does "orientals" even mean?
South koreans are smart and Vietnamese are dumb as rocks.

Your picture is stupid and you should be ashamed for posting it.

Please stop shitposting

They don't have to be in our countries regardless of how much you try to spin it. If we don't want them, we don't have to.

Shove it up your arse and forever understand you are merely trapped in 1960-2010's way of thinking about (((humanity))). It isn't a thing and never was. Europeans are different than everyone else and vice versa.

who the cock fuck is that even?

>In the news report, the man that did this was, in fact, a polish citizen as can be noted here:
At this point I can't tell if you're trolling, or if you're just incredibly stupid.

The truck was not driven by the polish guy. The truck was driven by Tunisian ISIS terrorist Anis Amri, who murdered the polish truck owner and hijacked the truck.

Are you a shitskin? You would make a good example against immigration from low IQ countries.

Now, i never said bullying was exactly a part ot play in this story. But herd mentality. In its current state the hear in these schools do not want to learn. And their forms of bullying isnt minor, try watching this if you have the time, i feel it has good insight into their lives and struggles:

Now, I get your point but an IQ of 85 is not low enough to be functional in society. Its bad, but like I said. Their educational system in some forms lets them down. See it like the tall poppy principle. If a poppy grows bigger than the rest, it gets cut down. Also try watching this aswell:

What are some good alternatives to jeewgle then?

Only stupid nationalist maghrebi think of North Africa when they read Africa.

Normal people read "Africa" as black Africa. Nobody cares about the shitty desert country of your ancestors.

>who the cock fuck is that even?
Another American Scientist, for sure.

They arent niggers they are just made of chocolate
Y'know, easter candy

I don't believe its shitposting if I'm making logical explanations and reasoning behind my arguments.

With the difference that christians that molested childs were priests, who had positions of power and used that power to abuse someone.
40% of ALL muslims in England want sharia law, I couldn't say 40% of all christians are child molesters.

You read the article wrong.

Duck Duck Go


>Normal people read "Africa" as black Africa
Even within blacks, there is sub-ethnics, like the difference between Germanic and Nordic and Mediterranean people, FFS.

And there is some substantial IQ differences between them.

They're all dumb as fuck, of course, but over-generalizing is stupid and counter-productive.

I don't want to exterminate blacks, faggot.

But I also don't want to suck a black cock because muh diversity.

You should know better especially if you are from Europe. Why do you think most of the local customs on Easter have nothing in common with Christianity except some date (((they))) adjusted so it fits with season feats people here did long time before Mary cucked Joseph

My mistake, though I may have made that mistake. Can you please argue my other point of the comparison of the Islamists vs Christianity?

I don't know why you guys always call victory so fast after only finding one mistake that doesn't even unravel my whole argument? very strange.

Google hiding the satanic "sign of the horns" between the black guy and the white girl. Also above Christianity.

Got it, thanks user

You gotta be fucking shitting me
>It's real
The fuck is wrong with people

Saudi Arabia is arid, rich as fuck, and the people there are still stupid af.

Africa has a shitton of oil/gold/diamond, but they couldn't even get to the level of the Middle East, which is already very low.

Compare that to the IQ bell curves by race and tell me it's not related.

I used duckduckgo for awhile but their search engine sucks. Better to just use google and block their nigger propaganda with adblock.

My google homepage today:

Well, as that may be true(without source) this can be explained through they don't know any different.

Let's say I migrate to America at age 18, in Australia I can legally drink under their laws. And all I've known is Australian law. So honestly I would drink underage in America under the belief that your laws are stupid and wrong.

So as radical as it may sound, that's also how they feel. Most of this migrant are the first generation. Of course, they want the same laws, now I'm not saying that's right. But you have to understand full assimilation takes time. You think this shit is instant. If you do your living in some alternate reality. Everything takes time.

Also, europe fucking freezes for months. How is that an advantage? Only developed beings can survive in a freezing environment, you need a good set of skills to be alive for enough time to reproduce.

Native Americans for example didn't have the need to adapt and evolve that much, because they were in a tropical paradise, so you could be a lazy fuck and you would still reproduce and raise the next generation.

It's scam and you won't find anything.
Bing is the best alternative right now


No one's asking you to, all I hope to achieve is a better viewpoint. That blacks should not be a point of anger when seen on google. If you honestly can't handle an image that 90% of the population simply overlooked, you need to see some kind of counselor to reduce that trigger point. Cause that is so unhealthy. Tolerance is needed for everything in this world

No it isn't you nazi-larper

What I said was supposed to be read with this: That's just niggers being niggers. When you find a middle-class black, you'll find out he has an IQ similar to the white average, and most people argue that the better middle-class enviroment is why they are smarter, but it's the other way around. Middle class blacks are middle-class BECAUSE they are smarter than the average low-class black.
Also, white kids aren't prone to that violence you blame on herd mentality. Herd mentality HAS to start with a minority, and in white schools, that minority is the physical abusers, but it NEVER turns into a herd mentality, where everyone is violent.
Also, I didn't watch the video. I'll watch it later, by the time that video ends if I watch it now the thread will be closed

Just use startpage you dipshit

>If we look at Christianity quickly, there's no doubt of child molestation and abuse covered up by the church. This is a well-known fact. But that does not mean we blame all Christians for something they did not participate in, right?

That's a specific problem in the Roman Catholic Church. And yeah, everyone should be blamed because there is no fucking excuses to cover that up and still pretend you are the good guy.

I don't like Muslims because they normalize pedophilia, so I also don't like the Roman Catholic Church because they cover up pedophilia.

Is just that simple.

Oil my dude, they were white assisted and paid to let western countries drill for oil. And that boosted their economy. They were white assisted my dude.

Literally WHO?

How far left do you have to be to known these unknown niggers.

Fuck jewgle.


I think you missed my point. Im trying to say not all Christians are bad. Maybe a 1% participated in the molestation and cover up. other Christians that did not partake in molestation inside the church are angry that people would do such things under the name of christ.

Not all are bad. Labeling a religion from some people's decisions is bad. that's the point.

90% of the population who accomplishes 10% of all mankind milestones.

I don't care about them being a majority because that's a stupid approach. I care about who's creating, inventing, developing the planet. The only reason blacks get so much attention these days is because of a guilty trip narrative that companies like google try to push all the time.

You look at fucking germany or japan, both were destroyed several times and they are still 1st world countries, there are no excuses for Africa being a shithole with 90% of the population (I know this data is wrong but you were the one using it).

I don't feel anger about blacks, not at all. I feel angry about the fucking propaganda.

Ok, you are trolling right?
You think Africa doesn't have a fucking load of gold, diamonds, oil, gems?

Seriously, do some research first.

Look for Nigeria's oilfields, and then take a look at Lagos, Nigeria's best city, a model for Africa.

I'm waiting.

I don't think most people believe that a great majority of muslims are terrorists.

The thing is that even if only 0.001% of muslims commit acts of terrorism, that can still have a huge impact on quality of life, by destroying the trust bonds which form society, and making people fearful of walking the streets.

Now if muslims were indispensable for society to function properly, that would be a necessary sacrifice, but the fact of the matter is that muslim immigrants to western countries are usually at the bottom of the socio economic ladder of their host countries, leeching off welfare and committing a good deal of street crime. In other words, their contribution is mostly negative, and their removal from western countries would objectively lead to more prosperous and more secure countries.

So, muslim immigrants have a negative impact on a country's health, and in addition they harbor a few crazies who commit acts of terrorism. Why exactly should they be allowed here?

Easter, what's that ? never heard of it.
Oogga booga's birthday, OMG change the logo !

Dude, the Roman Catholic Church is a fucking institution.

The people there are fucking children.

If you are a follower and you are not demanding a proper investigation, you are responsible for that children, because you fucking pay for that institution to exists.

I'm feeling dumb arguing with you. You have no argument.

Brazilian defending niggers...coulour me surprised

White people actually had problems with water too. You can still se the ruins of the structures romans used to carry water to their cities, and you might have heard of that one Archimedes invention that used gravity to carry water uphills. Europeans also turned into predatory animals and moved to the top of the food chain, africans never did this on their own. Even to this day there are still african villages were lions kill citizens, compare that to northern europeans, who hunted mamooths 15000 years ago with stone tools. Speaking of stone, africans didn't even discover how to forge metal. I think neanderthal admixture with humans is what made europeans better in some aspects. Neanderthals had bigger skulls, but their brains had less neurons per squared cm, if you combine the larger neanderthal skull with the better homo sapiens sapiens brain you could end up with something better. At those times before civilizations natural selection still worked, so they MUST have been better, otherwise pure homo sapiens sapiens europeans could have been the only ones to survive.

I'm not dumb burguer. It's the opposite.

Lagos is a shithole, how come Nigeria, with all its resources, couldn't even build a single city?

Propoganda.. Jeepers wouldn't go that far at all. That's just silly.

Now if you want to call it propaganda. Let's have a look what makes it propaganda.

Now this doodle is celebrating a woman who chaired a non for profit organization that works in 28 countries to give women and men, though a majority are men. Financial startup so they can create banks and financial institutions in countries in economic ruin.

If you ask me this is an amazing achievement. Not only is this empowering women who are treated unequally in these countries. But also creating a sort of economic stability. If that's not worthy than I don't know what is.'s_World_Banking

Why do you even visit Sup Forums?

You live in dreamland.

In the words of Patrick star. "Relax it's just a drawing"

he's clearly baiting. ignore. move on.

>all of the African continents is arid
No. Just... no.
>resource availability
Literally iron ore lying around on the floor to be picked up. Local tribes developed primitive iron smelting while cultrurally still in the stone age. And theres plenty of rocks. Id almost accept an argument that they had *too much* stuff lying around and it made heir lives too easy

Also not true. Many persistent water sources that have been around for thousands of years. Europeans and asians dealt with drought as well. As for the typical desert landscape, look how poorly the arabs managed there