Sorry about the whole "Jew" thing

Sorry about the whole "Jew" thing.

One should never regret his greatest acomplishments. Good Job Austro-dude.

Stop trying to blame your death camps on Hitler, Poland.

He wasn't Austrian he was Australian

Nigger please

What thing?

Oh man I thought Australians were regarded for there funny Jokes and retorts.

Oy vey goyim so it happened?

Don't sweat it bro

It's okay, dude.

yes, you failed

We forgive you for failing to make sure a Holocaust happened, if you get reincarnated just make sure you actually kill at least 6 gorillion.


It's alright, 72 years have passed and I forgive you.

Nice try Shlomo

>ID is Goa

fucking austrians never finishing the job, at least you tried

It's okay, we'll get them the next time

You can only be sorry that you haven't completed your task.

At least you tried.

It's all good man, just help us take down all roaches and muslims and it's okay.

why this image is so perfect?


Don't worry, it wasn't your fault. It was the influence of some extradimensional servants of god and their freaky pact magic.

thats my fav TV show desu. very statisfying ending


Heil Heussman


no.. just no

Should have gassed whitey instead.

Forgiving you this time.