The Holocaust was FAKE, there is zero evide-

>The Holocaust was FAKE, there is zero evide-

Other urls found in this thread:–19

Prove that this picture isn't a bunch of Jews having a massive, satanic orgy.

Pro tip: You can't.

Holocaust wasn't fake. The entire premise of concentration camps was proving grounds testing some sort of hypothesis for social weapons of mass destruction. Notice these concentration camps were supposed to be melting pot paradise of multiculturalism. So the the real holocaust only began after WWII military activities ended after operation paperclip rocket scientists established UN and started implementing their concentration/cohesion/global compact/etc type science into reality. So anyone who squealed how they survived holocaust should be considered as producers of holocaust.

Prove they didn't die of diseases.

shit, I guess filling europe with shitskins is justified now.

They totally all died of diseases at exactly the same time

>This warehouse is full of mannequins
>get the illegal aliens we rounded up to clear it out
>Perhaps we can photograph their success to show that they are hard workers?

I'm almost as though Typhus can spread from one person to another. It's a good thing there weren't tens of thousands of Typhus deaths after the allies took the camps, that would really complicate the narrative.

Ops pic is from KZ Dachau.

The rate that the disease degenerates the individual into eventual death if untreated is not universally the same for everyone

wat ?

babby's first time seeing lithuania-schizophrenic bro's post?

I don't know the rate that it kills people, but it's obvious that Typhus was a severe problem, even after the allies took over. That picture is of British soldiers using a bulldozer to move Typhus victims while the British had control of the camp.

I didn't know gas chambers make people skinny like typhus would.
Fitness trainers must hate the Nazis for the gas chamber weight loss trick.

Those people died from disease and starvation. You can tell because of how emaciated the bodies look. This picture has no evidence of gas chambers.

This is the unfortunate consequence of total war scenario. Allied bombers disrupting supply lines prevented any food or supplies from being delivered to internment camps.

Suppose for a second they were deprived of food

I'm not trying to convince you guys that the holocaust happened, but what use are posts like this one when they have obvious counterpoints by believers?

you mean how all these people died of thypus after the camps were abandoned and bombed? well it's a damn tragedy even more so because they didn't have an oven handy to burn the bodies, so they had to bury them

starvation is still genocide but holocaust means burning or getting rid by burning them so this nomination is fake.

Do a google image search for Andersonville. Or Changi.
This is what a prison camp looks like inside the losing side of a long war.
Malnutrition as supply lines are choked then cut off followed by disease.

>bodies can disappear within 3 weeks

A lot of them were deprived of food, AFTER allied bombing had cut off many of Germany's supply routes.

Yeah they were deprived of food. And medicine.

By allied b52 superfortresses that bombed all the trucks and bridges leading to the camp.

Such is the nature of this war

>bunch of dead people killed by typhus
>that means the holocaust happend
doesn't make any sense

>unchecked quads on a quality post
>unchecked uncommon flag

What's going on in this thread?


It is for reasons like you, that the world is the way it is


Cyanide poisoning is a disease.

>picture of typhoid deseased prisoners.

>a pile of corpses
>I risk jail time for simply shiting on OP

Look how skinny they are, those are jews who got sick from TB in the camps, I don't count 6 gorrilion in that pile.

and here is evidence of the secret nazi deathcamp in east asia that was only recently found out about 3 months ago

In a way that makes sense. It's still bullshit though.

Yes people die when there is no food.

There is no food when allied forces bomb supply lines.

If Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews, what the fuck was the Madagascar Plan?

well think about those leaks about decade ago about all those top secret black sites - prisons operated by CIA in eastern European countries. I think one was in Afghanistan. They were color coded: lithuania violet, romania - black, poland blue, etc.. It was huge scandal. There were the biggest lookers out there looking for those prisons, but to no avail. So think about modern society where entire country serves as safari type prison where inmates roam free range. Freedom is not "arbeit macht frei", but has been upgraded to "freedom is not free". Everyone carries with them individually numbered communication devices loaded with MS Windows to their souls. For example they already openly talk that government doesn't really exists - they use something called "social models". I guess it's something like rube goldberg machine of lawfare. So any social institution has been converted into dual use weapons of CIA lemon party gestapo: nursing homes, mental healthcare, community nurses, doctors, hospitals, education system, labor market, etc.. Think of the term used by military and intelligence community "fires". So if you're being targeted cutting you off from means of earning a living is not that hard to implement by strings of unfortunate events where you get fired from any job. I could go on and on. It's implemented with various safeguards in place. So even if you look at instance of targeting you will not be able to put 2 and 2 together.

The holohoax is a myth and even the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it. Only baby boomers buy a giant lie built on widely disparate and contradicting stories (many proven false) and the idea that all physical evidence and the lack thereof should be excluded from the conversation on penalty of prison.

I still prefer to argue that internment was more than justified. I bring up the 1918 German communist revolution where 90% of the leadership was Jewish, kike Lenin and his kike/multicult bolshevik party murdering any halfway intelligent ethnic Russian/Ukranian after the civil war, Jew NKVD head Yagoda and his merry band of kikes famining 6,000,000 European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's, etc. etc. etc.









>Hogwarts was FAKE, there is zero evide-



Jews held Germans collectively responsible for invented crimes, and they shall no doubt be held collectively responsible for judeo-communism, the scammed reparations, and their western subversion and destruction after we let them in with open arms and treated them as brothers. Obviously all Jewish wealth worldwide wouldn't be enough to make good on these crimes against humanity but they can work the rest off over the generations, just as tens of millions of innocent and decent Germans were forced, and are continually forced, to do.

If the nazis didnt intend to cremate all those jews why did they make 5 crematoriums in Auschwitz with several ovens in each one?

Why so many ovens? Wouldnt just 1 or 2 for the whole camp suffice?


>open resevoir with a diving board

Disease combined with broken supply lines screwing up medical and food.

>that post
>those digits
>that flag

how big is that actually

>we can design beautiful castles for movies
>we can build scaled down versions of it

>oy vey we need to make solid glass buildings for modern times goyim. Tear down that Victorian business row!

someone post the Hitler denial brain meme

Who said they died at the same time? In a massive outbreak this could occur in a week easily. When the supply lines broke they had no way to treat this shit and no space to separate everyone. And little food to give making them weaker.

It still blows my mind that the whole gas them plan could have ever been an option. Shooting them an hour away from the town you got them from and burying them in the woods seems much more efficient.

But no you had to train them all to the camps that the red cross did not get a chance to check and then use masturbation machines on them.

What picture proves they all died at once? If the Germans wanted to kill them all they could have. Each of these piles is just a small portion of the pop and could have just been that weeks victims.

"holocaust deniers" aren't saying that nobody (including kikes) died in ww2, ya jagazz.

It was a labour camp. They probably expected it to house hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers and later criminals over the next few decades. They didn't intend to lose by 1945, was prob designed to last into the seventies at least.


Where? I don't see any. I see skinny corpses. Gas doesn't do that. But typhus does.

Even so, they had to have been expecting mass quantities of death in one way or another right?

>they put thousands of bodies into incenerators and there were 500 foot fountains of blood

got any pictures of those?


get a load of these goys

Dachau wasnt an """extermination""" camp, retard. Thats a normal shower room.

If you watch these and STILL believe the Holocaust myth, you're not very bright:

1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked)

Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil

Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth

There were no piles of bodies at Buchenwald when they liberated the camp. However, there WERE piles of bodies after the US troops arrived. What happened? Most likely, the US troops gave the starving inmates food, which they quickly wolfed down.

When you are starving, your body adjusts to that condition. If you suddenly start eating lots of fatty foods, like the kind the US troops had to keep their energy up, it can KILL YOU.

British and American troops accidentally killed thousands of starving inmates they liberated in this fashion, which would explain the piles of bodies in some camps.

Oy vey! You deny the nuremberg trials?

>what is typhus

Jews, communists, and homosexuals were certainly put into labor/prison camps and repressed. But I don't buy muh six gorillion or the plan to systematically murder them all.

Historians like David Irving who actually looked through the project enigma messages (the decrypted german messages the British were receiving) found that there was no discussion of systematic gassing or mass murder. There were three statistics listed daily for each camp. How many arrived, how many left, and how many died. The deaths were organized into two subcategories- death by illness, starvation, or overwork; and death by execution. The vast majority of the deaths were by sickness or malnutrition/overwork, while a small segment were hanged or shot for things like attempting to escape, plotting an uprising, or insubordination.

oh fug better make historians unable to investigate the topic further by putting up imprisonment/haevy fines/losing your job as punishment X-DDDD

>OP wanting to people to disprove something that's illegal to research in most countries on this planet

I forgot the name of that condition, where one is overfed after being in a state of near starvation, but even in the tribe approved holocaust education we were informed that this happened quite frequently when camps were liberated.

What is typhus.

For real, other genocides in modern history do not receive this speshul treatment, merely one example being the Armenian Genocide that still has one half of states admitting it, another half of states still denying it being classed as such

the deniers of other genocides in history do not face the same jailtime punishment in national or international courts iirc

where are the mass graves / ash pits of Auschwitz ?

Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.

6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds

In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.

It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.

That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.

This is also implying there was an infinite supply of gasoline, zyklon b and firewood available in every death camp that was used.

Because they only fit one person each and take an hour to burn a single body. And if they could manage to fit 2 bodies in such a tiny whole it would then take 2 hours to burn.

Typhus. We bombed their supply lines indiscriminately.

Ash pits wouldn't remain for very long, it would just dissolve away. I'm sure you could test for it using some sort of chemical testing but I doubt this has ever been carried out extensively on the grounds.

Funnily enough, according to the official story, the final solution didn't even begin until the end half of the war, so you would have to double the metric.

If this wasn't justification for deporting every last Jew from Germany watching Jew NKVD head Gengrikh Yagoda, Stalin's right hand (Jew) Lazar Kaganovich, and (Jew-married) Minister Molotov (yes that Molotov) famine 6,000,000+ European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's was certainly justification for full internment and deportation. The NKVD which was almost entirely Jewish from the outset had murdered any halfway intelligent gentile in Russia/Ukraine and it's hard to dispute this was the plan for Germany and the rest of Western Europe.

Germany seen this writing on the wall and were the sole force that stopped judeo-communism from completely overrunning and destroying Western Europe.

Wait, so the nazis spent just 2-3 years murdering six million jews ON TOP of everyone else?

your post is Fake News, see

Right. A few hundred thousand inbreds died and they deserved to be interned for deportation. Most of them died from either typhus, lack of supplies, or a bullet to the back of the head.

Those are just flesh wounds.

The main gas chamber at Auschwitz was actually tested for chemical residue, and came up with nothing, meanwhile a tiny room which was used to gas clothing for lice and disease had heavy amounts of gas in the walls. So the chemical residue WOULD be there, if it had been used for the official purpose.

David Irving has done great work documenting all the inconsistencies.The name of the specific study analyzing the chemical residues was the "Leuchter Report".

>Tens of thousands of people kept their mouth sht to form the HOLOCAUST MYTH


Allied forces might've credited a bit too much to the actual systematic, planned killing of Jews, that it.

What, are you denying the six million? Do you know how disgusting that is?

Do you what it's like to lose six billion of your relatives? To see six trillion of our people's finest herded into gas chambers and mown down by Einsatzgruppen?

Can you even imagine what it's like for six quadrillion of your race to be treated as less than human? For six quintillion of your people to be subjected to degrading treatment by a callous, xenophobic regime? For six sextillion of your friends to be destroyed in a systematic apparatus of extermination?

Do you wonder why we remember the six septillion, why we never want to lose six octillion ever again? Do you really?

It would seem not. Making such insensitive jokes proves it. I thought you were more progressive than this, America

People like to forget there were only 350k Jews in Germany in 1933. ~80k of the inbreds were transferred by Hitler to Palestine between 1933-1939 most under the haavara agreement.

>Allied forces
Which faction inside the Allied Forces are you referring to

Better question: prove those are all Jews.

oy vey these goyim are so anti semitic!


(Regarding treblinka)
I'm not saying it never happened, all I'm saying is that there's no way 900.000 (roughly 20% of my country's population) people was buried on the size equivalent to the two cornfields next to my house, then dug up (every single one after several years of rot and decay in the mass graves) and cremated TO ASH using DIY methods which would require thousands of tons of firewood and is well known not to completely burn human bones to ash (which even in modern ovens isn't possible and require additional steps to completely disintegrate the bones to ash. And then it was all mixed with sawdust and spread over a vast area and there's no way to prove it never happened except some people who claim to have survived and the Zionists WHO THEN WENT ON AND USED THE HOLOCAUST AS THE PRIMARY REASON TO FOUND ISRAEL! .(Yeah right they must have remained completely objective and had no reason to blow up the numbers!)


Russians have claimed since the war that most of the Jews in the western borderlands were transferred to safety after war broke out in 1939. Unfortunately nothing official has been released to corroborate this widely asserted version of history. Not yet at least.

Pack it up Sup Forums. There's the six million clear as day.

I think this picture along with the demographics of the Bolshevik regime might've been the most powerful redpill on the JQ I ever consumed. It's amazing how much we've been misled and lied to.

I wanted to be a history teacher all my life because I've been obsessed with discovering the truth and I love to tell stories about the past, what happened, why it happened, and how its relevant. But I can't now. I've gone too far. We all have. If I knew 5 years ago I would be listening to nazi speeches, understanding EXACTLY what they were talking about, I would think I were mad.–19

See something in common? What about with the three people held chiefly responsible for this?

NKVD head (((Gengrikh Yagoda))), Stalins right hand (((Lazar Kaganovich))), and Minister Vyacheslav Molotov, yeah that molotov, who wasn't Jewish but sure enough was married to a very prominent kike. I can thank the ukes out west for making our teachers teach us this shit.

WTF I hate white people now


Swedish-American Charles Lindbergh was woke af early on before you guys """""""decided"""" to to enter the war against your fellow Whites in Germany

IT is not systematic killing - genocide - when you instigate 100% dead wrong economics so you kill fucking 10+ million ukranians

and nobody cares because it wasn't "systematic genocide" because it was just garbageg maths


imagine if there was a cover-up that made it look like food was miscalculated in the camps -> 6 million dies -> none cares lel because "not planned" hehe