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Reminder that becoming a priest is unironically the best thing you can do for Europe/The West. You can do much more as 1 priest than you can as a husband/MGTOW

>Parish of hundreds, maybe thousands of people to steer away from degeneracy, & to encourage to have loving, traditional families
>Probably at least 1 school which you can influence & help create strong, virtuous men, & traditional anti-feminist women

Have a bump britbro

Thanks, yankee bro

Hello all.

Is that SSPX fella from

Evening Polanon. Hope you're enjoying the octave of Easter

There are often some SSPXers who visit this thread. Although I don't attend the SSPX myself, if you have any questions regarding the society, user, ask away

>from superstition to true worship


Also, you'd think popes would stop calling themselves Leo after Leo X.

Nah sure don't. Thanks though. I hope +Fellay doesn't accept the agreement from Francis on May 13th.
He certainly can't be trusted.

What exactly is wrong with the agreement?
Haven't heard much about it, but besides the usual anti-Francis stuff, why shouldn't it be accepted?

Surely it's not an issue of trust? If it's a personal prelature, the Pope has very limited influence on the Society. If they do accept, their congregations, vocations etc will all increase = more money, more priests, more influence.

If the Pope attempts to break the rules of the prelature & interfere, the society simply goes back to how it is now highlighting the fact they were brought back under false pretences, thus highlighting the Pope as dishonest, which would lead to more Catholic attending SSPX anyway.

tl:dr it's a win-win for the SSPX

Given the situation with the Franciscans of the Immaculate and squashing their thriving order which turned toward tradition, his disdain for people who "count rosaries", his animosity toward "styles of worship that no longer are life-giving," I think the personal prelature is a ploy to crack down on them, if not to syphon off their property and funds critical for missionary work.

If the situation you laid out is indeed the situation, then perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing.
While I do not attend a SSPX chapel, I do have a great respect for them who, for one thing, fought for and kept the traditional Mass alive.

Oh I also have great respect for them & would love to have them back fully in the Church.

I think one problem Francis has, despite what the meda says, is that he's quite arrogant. But I think that could play in to SSPX's hands here. I don't think he'd want to be seen to have agreed a deal, got SSPX back, then have the deal collapse.

His arrogance is also why I think he's better suited to get them back than Pope Benedict XVI. Pope Francis is much more 'What I say goes', so he's unlikely to be dissuaded as BXVI was

Well, I find the whole "full communion" argument very specious. You're either Catholic or you aren't. I would like them to have canonical recognition as being Catholic--like they used to have--but I don't think there's any question that they're "in the Church."
I mean, since the Council the hierarchy plays ecumenism with protestants in that way, saying that protestants aren't in "full communion" with the Church but have "elements of the Church" in their tradition.

True. Your reasoning makes a lot of sense. Although, as the pope who enthroned a statue of the arch-heretic Herr Doktor Father Martin Luther in the Vatican, I can see the hesitancy to rush head-on into a silly canonical recognition when they know they are Catholic.

>You're either Catholic or you aren't



They're Catholic, what are you trying to say?


I'm also talking about a Latin Rite Order that holds every single dogma the Church requires a Catholic to hold, even continuing to hold on to the non-dogmatic traditions that the contemporary Church has tried to rid itself of through non-practice, altering liturgy, altering rites of Sacraments, etc.
It's a silly proposition to say they aren't in the Church.

Oh I can understand their hesitancy, especially as their hand is only going to grow stronger. But they have to make a decision: do what's best for the Church (with a small risk, but not much as I think I've covered the worst-case scenario) or retreat into themselves & settle for what they have

Yeah, I don't know what's best for 'em, honestly. I hope it all works out.
In the meantime, I will enjoy the traditional Mass at my diocesan parish that they fought so hard to defend.

Even if they are identical to Catholics in belief (and that's debatable) and practice, they still aren't under the pope's jurisdiction - maybe they aren't heretics, but they're still schismatics. The Maronites are neither.

That's another thing about the prelature, SSPX insist they aren't Sedes (I believe them). So if that's the case, if the agreement says they don't need to believe in religious liberty, offer the novus ordo etc they have no right to reject a personal prelature. If they believe in Peter's successor, they can't say 'well we don't like this Pope. We'll wait to see who's next'

Since when does the Vatican give the faculties to forgive sin to schismatics? This is a ridiculous claim.

Yeah, you're right. I believe it was +Müller at the CDF who said that it was unnecessary to accept the Council's proclamations as they weren't dogmatically binding, but merely a pastoral orientation (I would say disorientation, but whatever).

I hope they do receive canonical recognition without altering their mission.
Perhaps the next pope won't pray with pagans like JPII and exhort Saint John the Baptist to protect Islam, and be another Assisi proponent like Benedict, and a complete modernist like Francis.

so I in the fast few days I was really confused and unsure about my life and I ended up going to a local Abbey and prayed in the empty church.

I felt really good the day after but now I'm wondering.
I don't think I can love unconditionally and I am not willing to turn the other cheek. Will I ever become a good christian?

>turn the other cheek
Depends on the situation, man. If it involves being martyred for your faith, run toward martyrdom.
If it involves protecting yourself and your family from the now ever-present Mahometan threat in Germany, protect yourself and your family.

There's a hierarchy of things. Your neighbor comes after your family. Your tribe/neighborhood/city comes after your neighbor. Your nation comes after your city.

>I hope they do receive canonical recognition without altering their mission

With you on that, user. +Fellay has actually given impression +Muller is one of the most enthusiastic about SSPX returning

>Bishop Fellay illustrated it by reporting the comments of Cardinal Muller asking the SSPX to join his fight against the modernists.

None of us can be good Christians if we stay away from God user. Continue going to the abbey, attend mass, read the scripture, & the improvement will come. However, even then you won't suddenly be completely free from sinful impulses, but that doesn't mean, as long as you cling to Christ, you can't be a saint
pic related

>With you on that, user. +Fellay has actually given impression +Muller is one of the most enthusiastic about SSPX returning
>>Bishop Fellay illustrated it by reporting the comments of Cardinal Muller asking the SSPX to join his fight against the modernists.
Wow. Was not aware of this, cool. Thanks.

I read this guy on the SSPX-Vatican relations:
He seems to know what is going to go down before it does.

well alright, I mean we share a board so you can probably guess where I'm coming from.

Maybe regularly attending mass will change me for the better

>so I in the fast few days I was really confused and unsure about my life and I ended up going to a local Abbey and prayed in the empty church.
What exactly do you mean? How were you confused, and how did thst lead you to the abbey?
>I don't think I can love unconditionally and I am not willing to turn the other cheek. Will I ever become a good christian?
What do you mean you can't love unconditionally? What's keeping you from that? And what do you interpret love and turning the other cheek to mean?
The popular interpretation of that word/phrase isn't always the right interpretation.

I, personally, don't see anything wrong with disdain for invaders. They're culture-wreckers. I moved my family away from the same culture-wreckers in Southern America. They moved into a middle-class black & white area with little to no crime in force, and all hell broke loose. Crime skyrocketed. Disdain is perfectly normal and in my opinion, necessary for survival of your people and culture.
Now, on an individual person basis, we have to treat them with at least basic human dignity. Since dignity is further derived from behavior, we can go from there.

In Spain and southern France, priests were very wary of Mahometans wanting to convert as they were notorious for lying and false conversions. It sometimes took many years to convince a priest that a particular Mahometan wanted to convert.

Firstt time I've heard of this blog user. I mostly check:

Both are traditionally minded, & can therefore sometimes shine a light on some depressing results of modernism, but they also have some good stories: like bishop in Ivory Coast, I think it was, that refuses a funeral for the leader of the Freemasons there

Definitely triy it Germanon. If you live close to an Abbey, I'm assuming the liturgy is pretty solid, but if you want to try the latin mass (which I'd recommend) the list for latin masses in Germany is here

pic related FSSP (Catholic fraternity) seminary in Wigratzbad

>They moved into a middle-class black & white area with little to no crime in force, and all hell broke loose. Crime skyrocketed. Disdain is perfectly normal and in my opinion, necessary for survival of your people and culture.
>Now, on an individual person basis, we have to treat them with at least basic human dignity.
I'd argue that in those types of situations, our call to love includes calling such people to more moral lives, and that we would be failing them to let them continue by raping/murdering/pillaging and generally doing as the rapefugees are now.
They aren't going to get into heaven that way, and as Christians we fail them if we let them live lives of sin. In that manner we should never disdain the person, only their acts, calling their person away from their sinful acts
Tough love as it were.

Catholic Britbong? Are you in NI?

I watch those, too. Great sites. is a great aggregator for Catholic news, as well.
Yea definitely.

I hear you and you're right. I had to move my family out of there for security reasons. My son couldn't walk down the street without the threat of being beat up by a gang of 'em. Weird thing is, of these 4 families that moved in, they were all related--from Palestine. Almost like it was a concerted effort to move them into the area.

Anyway, there was no bartering with them on morality. I caught them in my back shed (broke into it). Ran them off with a shotgun. It was accelerating. I felt like it wouldn't be long until they would be coming in the house when I'm off at work.

Besides, better to raise my (so far) five children out in the country anyway.

I'm not, user. I'm an English Britbong

I was confused because I felt I didn't have a passion, or anything that I cared about really.
I wasn't sure where I was headed in my life personally, professionally or romantically.
The abbey is a short walk by foot and has a beautiful madonna in it's garden that always calms me down. In the end I went inside and just started praying.

What I mean is "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" which is actually translated "love the next one as yourself" in German, and I can't. There's a lot of people that I don't care about and even hate and I don't think I will ever feel different about the people who directly or indirectly ruin my "heimat".
Turning the other cheek is meant to humble the other one, if someone asks you to walk a mile, walk two, etc.
And I don't fell that way. This is not really about pride but about me letting someone else step over me. I know that if you "turn the other cheek" you're the bigger man or whatever but then you're still hit twice. I want to hit back like he deserves.

Personally I try to be respectful towards everybody that I meet but talking about the refugee crisis or turks or other people who just don't belong here I don't feel very compassionate about, and whenever asks me where my "nächstenliebe" is then I don't know what to say because it is the Great Commandment
I sometimes qote Matthew 15:26 because it's fun

thanks, the abbey is a Benedictine monastery but my city has two of churches on your link so I will try them out as well

Yeah, well God doesn't want us to throw away prudence and reason. Most people that identify as Catholic are at best humanitarian Deists. They want to turn the Church into a Church without dogma that merely does humanitarian efforts.

user, I think you're letting the liberal interpreation of those verses influence you too much.

>Turn the other cheek
Doesn't literally mean 'let people beat you up'. The slap on the cheek is meant as an insult. Remember, it was Christ who said, the same Christ who whipped the money-lenders out of the temple. He was not a pacifist

On the refugee crisis, if anyone condemns you for not supporting the colonisation of your country, quote the Good Samaritan parable and point he did not take his enemy back to Samaria,endangering his wife & kids. He took him to the nearest neutral in. So it'd be like WEstern countries paying for refugee camps there, in Syria or neighbouring countries

You're much more eloquent than I am. Great points.


>What I mean is "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself" which is actually translated "love the next one as yourself" in German, and I can't. There's a lot of people that I don't care about and even hate and I don't think I will ever feel different about the people who directly or indirectly ruin my "heimat".
>Turning the other cheek is meant to humble the other one, if someone asks you to walk a mile, walk two, etc.
>And I don't fell that way. This is not really about pride but about me letting someone else step over me. I know that if you "turn the other cheek" you're the bigger man or whatever but then you're still hit twice. I want to hit back like he deserves.
It's a natural human reaction to want to hit back.
And sometimes it's justified to react, like in self defense. But in those cases were it's not, many people (I'd assert most) don't want to turn the other cheek, but that's the thing about religion: it calls us to change for the better, even if its hard.

As for actually overcoming that, it's most a matter of practice. We aren't always going to be perfect, God knows that. But it is the striving to perfection, the trying to be more holy, that is the mark of a saint. Every time that desire to strike back comes upon you, say to yourself not "I must strike back" but, in immitation of Our Lord on the Cross: "Father forgive them." If you truly forgive them in your heart, the desire to act back will fade. If you practice this, eventually the desire shall fade completely, like the breaking of any bad habit: you shall know only love.

Daily reminder to Catholics: Catholics and Orthodox are quarreling brothers. I love you sincerely and I hope that we shall restore Eucharistic union as soon as possible.
t. orthodox

Dominus vobiscum

I sincerely hope that we shall see you all come back to the Church in our lifetime, my brother in Christ.
Certainly one of the most possible reunions.


Are you born into the faith or did you convert? I feel like English Catholics are rare considering the reformation and England's fedora tier now.

Please, user, you're too kind.

I literally said
>Neutral in

But thanks all the same. Have a picture of the botafumeiro in the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral as a show of my gratitude

I want to believe but I can't

what do?

What keeps you from belief?

Ok, ok, Georgianon, I promise to behave in your ecclesia thread & stop criticising protestants

I just can't 100% believe god exists and he became man 2000 years ago, I can't go to mass because I'm not sure if there's a point in what they do there

is faith a matter of getting lucky?

>Doesn't literally mean 'let people beat you up'. The slap on the cheek is meant as an insult.

This interpretation always seemed kinda forced to me, especially in the context, understanding it as it usually is, i.e. loving your enemy and willingness to forgive them, is more coherent. Jesus like his contemporaries often used hyperboles, I believe this is an example of such a hyperbole. Christ wasn't a pacifist and just vengeance is a virtue, but we shouldn't be quick to anger and use force because we must, not because we want.

>I just can't 100% believe god exists and he became man 2000 years ago, I can't go to mass because I'm not sure if there's a point in what they do there
Well nobody has 100% faith, because that would be knowledge not faith. Everyone has doubts. That said, I'd say you should go to mass either way, because that can only help your belief.
I'd also suggest reading some stuff like C.S. Lewis, aquinas amd Augustine.
Lewis is esspecialy good if you're coming from a place of non-belief, since he also didn't have faith come to him naturally.
>is faith a matter of getting lucky?
No, not at all. We're all just shown the Truth in different ways.

Born Catholic. They are not as rare as they were. Mostly because of the collaps of Anglicanism. There are far, far more young Catholics than Anglicans. Some of it is, of course, due EU migration from Poland etc, but a lot of it is also people fed up with the fedora nonsense, & people looking for an alternative. CofE is too liberal to offer that alternative, so instead they turn to pic related

What steps have you taken user to try and believe user? Normally I recommend 4 starting things:
Go to mass, regardless of your level of belief (try to make it a traditional parish)
Pray your morning & night prayers, even if you find it pointless (I can recommend some prayers if you like)
Read the catechism & bible a little bit each day
Read about the lives of saints from your country. Ignatius of Loyola, Josemaria Escriva etc for you

No, faith is a special grace--ask for it. But it isn't something that just happens, it grows. Grace builds on nature.
God requires us to cooperate with His grace and say 'yes' when He offers. Doesn't just "happen".

>Mostly because of the collaps of Anglicanism.
What exactly happened with the CoE?
I'd think it'd be strong in England, yet as you say it's shrinking, and you have crazy shit like the one American bishop calling paul a part of the patriarchy.

What the hell happened to the Church of England?

True, there's nothing more majestic than a properly built Catholic Church.

It went the way of all protestantism. Further downward and left.

I am on the verge of converting to eastern orthodoxy.

Try to convince me that I am doing the wrong thing, Sup Forums.

(I am roman catholic)

They're cucked beyond belief.

>This is not really about pride but about me letting someone else step over me. I know that if you "turn the other cheek" you're the bigger man or whatever but then you're still hit twice. I want to hit back like he deserves.
But this line in the Germanon's text made it clear he thought it was encouraging cowardice, which it's not. You're right, there's a fine line.

Same thing that can happen with any state church, it fell victim to the liberal zeitgeist of the country. It's the religion of the establishment, & the establishment wants to remain popular. So they fold on issues like women 'priests' because the mass of people in that country support it. Also, of course, it's literally a religion founded by a lascivious King who wanted a divorce. ITo be an Anglican, you have to believe Henry VIII found the Catholic Church to be a corruption at the exact moment he wanted a divorce. Quite a coincidence

There's no unity and sole leadership in Eastern Orthodoxy, it's a headless chicken running around.

What's the reason? I have a friend (who was on the EWTN program The Journey Home by the way) who left for Russian Orthodox because of Francis, the new mass, and the rampant modernism.

I've been to mass several times with my ex, she was very religious. But I mostly just sat with her because I didn't know how to follow what the rest were saying and singing.

>Ignatius of Loyola
I might do this, his story seemed quite insipiring when a history teacher explained it to us as a teen

so are you guys saying I should follow the rituals (prayers, mass, confession) even if it feels pointless? I don't know if I could do this for very long

>hey guys we know that we agreed with all of your theology and submitted to Pope second time in last 200 years but we prefer to suck turkish cock instead t.EOC

Do you think Jesus was just being ironic when he said

>"I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven."

The belief in Papal supremacy is not, as so many say, the result of a whim. The early Church fathers attest to it pic related

Because you won't find an orthodox church nearby.

>the new mass,

I'll include you in our rosary.
I would say yes, continue to go to Mass and especially confession. If praying morning and evening prayers is too difficult considering your affliction, ask the mother of God to bring you to her Son. Just offer an Ave Maria with the intention of obtaining faith. Like a good mother, she never ceases to help her children.
..and if you watch pornography, stop it. That is a faith-killer. Freud himself said that the best way to destroy Christianity was to introduce sexual liberation. "Men either pray or masturbate."

Yes, there is.

I am leaving because of the recent researches I've been doing on the history of the church. It is very complex.

I hold the sedevacantist position as a catholic and the roman catholic church is already in a new schism. We can see the N.O fags propagating a new religion that has nothing to do with the true catholic teachings.

Most traditionalists tell me to visit a traditional parish, like the SSPX or FSSP. They are in communion with Rome and all the popes elected since the Second Vatican Council. Therefore, they are in communion with the heresy of the Novus Ordo.

Rome is dying.

thanks user

I've been to mass several times with my ex, she was very religious. But I mostly just sat with her because I didn't know how to follow what the rest were saying and singing.
did they not have a missalette?
>I might do this, his story seemed quite insipiring when a history teacher explained it to us as a teen
It is quite inspiring. Granted, I went to a Jesuit High School so I'm a bit biased, but it really is an amazing story.

Read "The Papacy" wrote by Fr. Abbe Guettee.

He was a roman catholic priest that converted to the russian orthodox church when the new dogma of the immaculate conception was confirmed.

Jesus gave the keys of the kingdom of heaven to all his apostles.

For the first issue of not following, download the laudate app from the OP. It tells you the order of the mass (what to say and when, when to kneel etc)

2nd point: yes, seriously read about as many Spanish Catholic saints as you can. Reading about English saints greatly helped me

3rd point: Confession would be great, but many don't feel up to it straight away. If you can, do it, if not, yes, say prayers (there's a list on the laudate app if you download it) & attend mass.

>Don't know if I could do this for very long

Don't think of the future for now. Focus on the moment. If you live near any of these, user, I'd definitely recommend trying mass there

Reaching God by reason is hard work, and by His mercy He usually gives people faith before - indeed, sometimes when they aren't even searching - they have proof of His existence.

However, reaching God through reason and logic isn't per se impossible (fideism was actually condemned as heresy in First Vatican Council). In this case I always recommend Aquinas' Summa contra Gentiles because it's really a fantastic book. The saint, after a discussion on the purpose and reasonability of proving whether God exists, begins by proving that there is a First Mover, and throughout three books writes out proofs for various attributes of said First Mover - immateriality, goodness, that He has will, eternity, etc.

Then study miracles of the Catholic Church (and other Apostolic churches - not as frequent, but still very much extant). Perhaps if you walk into this area with atheistic mindset you will instantly disregard them as currently unknown, but in principle scientifically explainable, phenomena (which, considering their occurence isn't randomly distributed throughout the world's faiths, would be interesting, but if you presuppose God's nonexistence or at best very low probability of His existence this becomes less unusual), but if you know that the Being that could cause them is very much real and accurately portrayed by the religion where the miracles are happening, could bring you to Christianity.

Once again, God usually works faster than in such a long search for proof and you will probably be a believer even before you end it, but even if He doesn't quickly give you the gift of faith, you can still reach Catholic religion intellectually, starting as an atheist.

The new mass destroyed his faith. The new mass may as well be a protestant invention, as the founder, Bugnini, said he intended to strip from the Mass those Catholic prayers which serve as a stumbling block to the protestants.

The Novus Ordo Missa was created in 1969 and has become the normative mass throughout the world, unfortunately.

His wife left him, and the parish priest "Okayed" it, even saying it was Ok for her to start using contraception. He allows her at Holy Communion. This infuriated my friend, who then called out the priest during Holy Communion. He was yelled at and told to leave, called a crazy zealot.

It's a sad situation.

Except he didn't say 'you are all rocks. I'll build my Church on you all'. The fact is, the Orthodox Churches are split from THE rock. And, as I said, this is not a new teaching. St. Cyprian makes it clear:
>If someone does not hold fast to this unity of Peter, can he imagine that he still holds the faith?

No there isn't, Orthodox patriarchs are "first among equals" and their synods always fall apart because they can't agree on anything.

>His wife left him, and the parish priest "Okayed" it, even saying it was Ok for her to start using contraception. He allows her at Holy Communion. This infuriated my friend, who then called out the priest during Holy Communion. He was yelled at and told to leave, called a crazy zealot.
What the hell? The priest is quite clearly wrong, why did your friend not go to his superiors?

What are you talking about? There are plenty of orthodox churches in the southern region of the country.

The Vatican is shaped like a big snake.

He did. The Bishop is either a limp-wristed weak willed man or is a collaborator with modernists. One of the people close to this Bishop is a Franciscan brother who once said "if you take all the hokus pokus out of the Scriptures and Jesus' life, you get the real story."

>He did. The Bishop is either a limp-wristed weak willed man or is a collaborator with modernists. One of the people close to this Bishop is a Franciscan brother who once said "if you take all the hokus pokus out of the Scriptures and Jesus' life, you get the real story."
Jesus, that sounds like a job for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. A bunch of heretics by the sound of it.

>It is quite inspiring. Granted, I went to a Jesuit High School so I'm a bit biased, but it really is an amazing story.
where can I read it? did he write his story himself or is there an approved biography out there?

>3rd point: Confession would be great, but many don't feel up to it straight away. If you can, do it, if not, yes, say prayers (there's a list on the laudate app if you download it) & attend mass.
it is a bit daunting tbqh, I've never done it and I wouldn't know what to tell the priest, I'll attend mass this sunday user, and I'll try to go to that church in barcelona, I'm only a half hour walk away, which could be worse

No harm in trying, I will read up on it polebro

Rome accepted the position of first among equals. Then, the photian schism happened.

Read the book I recommended you. I can't explain an entire book on 4chin.

And you think the roman catholic church is united? Give me a break. There are traditionalists claiming that N.O is pure heresy while celebrating the mass in parishes that are in communion with Rome. Then we have a fuck ton of sedevacantists that hold different positions regarding the church teachings. The N.O people claim that the latin mass is fucking outdated and say that the church was terrible in the past.

The roman catholic church is more divided than protestantism itself.

There are lots of places to hear the latin mass in Brazil too

lol at the Church in Teixeirópolis. Is that the fking rainforest?

btw the mass you recommend is in latin, do you guys actually go to latin masses? I can't understand shit

Read "Studies on the early papacy" and "The Eastern Churches and the papacy" for defense of papal supremacy in the early Church, if that's the matter of your "recent researches".

As for sedevacantism, why do you think recent popes weren't true popes? And if you think there is heresy in recent Magisterium, provide the quote and explain which Catholic doctrine it contradicts.

You'd be surprised how many there are in that area. Northern Louisiana.
Southern Louisiana is a whole different story.

By that I mean, much more orthodox orders. North LA Catholics are basically liturgical left-wing protestants.

>where can I read it? did he write his story himself or is there an approved biography out there?
I believe he wrote an autobiography, I'll try and find it.
His most famous work is the "spiritual exercises" which is quite helpful for deepening ones faith IMO.

>changed them from a barbarous to a civilised condition
yes we brought them machine guns, plastic explosive, opium, strong drink, fast food and chemical spills

truly a bounty of civilisation

then having corrupted them with our appalling morals, gluttony and general complete lack of christian virtues we

1) take credit for "civilising them"
2) berate them for not being grateful to us

astoundingly good work my fellow "christians"

>where can I read it?
I got you, user

>bit daunting
Thought you might say that, so, although it is ulimtately the goal, I won't press you in to going yet

Well, on the latin mass issue. I go to one & I recommended it because you're guaranteed to get a good, solid, no liberal priest. If you'd rather, go to a church closer to you that says the mass in Spanish. But promise me you won't go, hate it & never return. If you go & dislike it, at least try the latin mass the week after before you completely give up

Catholic anons, you are going to confession this week in preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday, right?

>yes we brought them machine guns, plastic explosive, opium, strong drink, fast food and chemical spills
Please point to when the church has ever given any of those to peoples in large numbers.
As far as I'm aware, the Church isn't in the business of running Fast food chains, and certainly doesn't approve of giving out guns and bombs

>implying natives didn't have their own drugs and alcohols

I already went to the latin mass at a SSPX parish.

The problem is more than that. Reading about the history of the church, I have come to the conclusion that Rome has been doing something very fishy since 1054.

Because they are propagating a new religion that is contrary to the catholic teachings and to the previous ecumenical councils.

Go to the website wwwdotnovusordowatchdotorg and you will see.

>If you go & dislike it, at least try the latin mass the week after before you completely give up

thanks user, I might as well try the latin mass this sunday. I was not always daydreaming when I accompanied my ex to church, and a couple of times I did listen to the priest saying pro refugee shit, or others who sounded bland an uninspired. I suspect having a good priest can be a key part of this.

Yeah, althought it's no impossible, you're much less likely to get that stuff at a parish where they say Latin mass. Also, at a latin mass, I'm 99% sure there'll be sheets or something at the back with the spanish/latin translation side by side.
Be sure to come on here on Sunday and tell us on the Catholic general how it went

pic semi related Sevilla Cathedral side chapel